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IP属地:湖南1楼2022-05-27 22:18回复
    Sextus Appuleius II (consul 29 BC)[edit]
    Sextus Appuleius II was son of the aboveand Octavia Major, the elder half-sister of Augustus.[1] The year of his birthis uncertain, but, based the date of his consulship, was probably very close to60 BC. (We hope if he were born during the year Julius was consul thatinformation would survive)
    This Sextus Appuleius achieved a number ofnotable offices during the regime of his half-uncle. He was ordinary consulwith Augustus in 29 BC. He then served as proconsul of Hispania in 28 BC, thenas proconsul of Asia 23-22 BC. As a result of some unspecified event duringthis proconsulship he was granted a Roman Triumph in January 26 BC.[6]
    He seems also to have served as governor ofIllyricum in 8 BC, succeeding Tiberius in that post.[6] He was a member of thecollege of augurs.[7]
    It is likely that this Sextus Appuleius,and not his father, was Flamen Iulialis.[3][5][8] It is also just possible thatthe son succeeded the father to the post (as did the father and son LentulusMaluginensis to the post of Flamen Dialis.
    According to an inscription in the provinceof Asia,[10] he had married a woman named Quinctilia, who was a sister to theRoman politician and general, Publius Quinctilius Varus.[11] By her, he had ason, also named Sextus Appuleius (III).[6]
    The date of his death is unknown.

    IP属地:湖南3楼2022-05-27 22:21
      Cicero Minor
      From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
      Marcus Tullius Cicero Minor (Minor Latinfor ‘the younger’), or Cicero the Younger, was bornin 65 BC.[1] He was the son of Marcus Tullius Cicero, who as a distinguishedorator and consular senator was one of the leading figures of the RomanRepublic during the 1st century BC, and his first wife, Terentia. Cicero minorhad an elder sister, Tullia Ciceronis, who was born in 79 BC and died in 45BC.[2] In the beginning Cicero wished to have a military career. On the outbreakof civil war in 49 BC, he joined the side of Pompey like his father. AfterPompey’s defeat byJulius
      Caesar at Pharsalus in 48 BC, Cicero minorwas pardoned by Caesar.[3]
      Cicero was sent off to Athens by his fatherto learn philosophy. While he was at Athens he wrote a letter to Tiro, a slaveand later freedman of the Cicero family, in which he said that he waspractising declamation in Greek with Gorgias but had to let him go, because hisfather, whom he did not want to offend, had told him to. Cicero minor was thentaught declamation in Greek by Cassius, and Latin with Brutus,[4] the twoleading conspirators in the assassination of Caesar who, their deed complete,were in Greece trying to gain support for the war against the SecondTriumvirate. Brutus praised Cicero and admired him for his noble spirit and hisdetestation of tyranny. During his time in Athens, Brutus gave Cicero commandand used his services in a number of successful undertakings.
      After his father was murdered in 43 BC onthe orders of Mark Antony, Cicero joined up with the army of Liberatores led byCassius and Brutus. Brutus had recruited Cicero to help keep Greece undercontrol. After their defeat at the battle of Philippi in 42 BC, Octavianpardoned Cicero and they worked together in the forthcoming struggle againstAntony.[5] Cicero subsequently became an augur.
      Cicero participated in the battle of Actiumin 31 BC, where Octavian defeated Antony, who later committed suicide.[6]
      Cicero was nominated as a consul for 30 BCand announced Antony's death to the senate. He was appointed the proconsul overSyria and the province of Asia. Cicero was also able to revoke the honours ofAntony and remove all his statues, as well as decreeing that no member of thefamily would ever bear the name Marcus again. [7]

      IP属地:湖南5楼2022-05-27 22:23

        IP属地:湖南6楼2022-05-27 22:27

          IP属地:美国来自Android客户端7楼2022-05-29 10:02