* Is it possible to be angry like Stephen? *
While fans continue to poke fun at Stephen for his epic moment in his bedroom, people often wonder, "Will I ever be as angry like that one day?" Chances are, YOU were just as mad; perhaps, even worse on a certain day. You personally may believe that your worst outburst can never compare to Stephen's "Greatest Freakout Ever," but in many ways, it can. The only difference between your outburst and Stephen's is that yours was not seen by millions of people.
It's a known fact that humans have the ability to get angry, enraged, furious, and well...pissed off. YOU have experienced this emotion on several occasions before. Yeah, you probably never shoved a remote up your gluteus maximus (your butt) when you were deeply infuriated with someone or something, but you may have lashed out in an even more distasteful manner.
It all comes down to what makes you angry. Toast crumbs in the butter might aggravate a person the same way as losing $5000 might aggravate someone else. You personally have to think of the trivial and meaningless things you have gotten mad about before in your life. You also have to remember what you did when you were angry. When a person is angry, he or she will frequently do more than just yell. The person may cry like a whiny baby, and/or throw random items across the room all while person is showing strange facial expressions.
Now just imagine if a friend or relative recorded one of your angry moments on video. If you are a teen, you probably had an angry moment very recently. Now imagine the video playing on the school news, or on a person's You特贝特 profile. You would feel pretty embarrassed, right? You would want that video down for sure because your angry moment on video would cause people to think differently of you.
In many ways, YOU do get angry like Stephen. Yes, some people do not stick items where the sun does not shine in tense situations, but many people (especially teens) will often take their anger out in ways that can be far more disgraceful. For example, on other people. It is far worse to take anger out on other people through physical and mental violence than being loudly angry at yourself. Remember this the next time you have an outburst, and imagine it on video. It's not fair to say that Stephen is different from normal people because you and Stephen share the same emotion - anger. Stephen is only human.
While you're here, post your loudest outburst in the forums. A whole thread is dedicated to your angry moments. We all have one - share it!
While fans continue to poke fun at Stephen for his epic moment in his bedroom, people often wonder, "Will I ever be as angry like that one day?" Chances are, YOU were just as mad; perhaps, even worse on a certain day. You personally may believe that your worst outburst can never compare to Stephen's "Greatest Freakout Ever," but in many ways, it can. The only difference between your outburst and Stephen's is that yours was not seen by millions of people.
It's a known fact that humans have the ability to get angry, enraged, furious, and well...pissed off. YOU have experienced this emotion on several occasions before. Yeah, you probably never shoved a remote up your gluteus maximus (your butt) when you were deeply infuriated with someone or something, but you may have lashed out in an even more distasteful manner.
It all comes down to what makes you angry. Toast crumbs in the butter might aggravate a person the same way as losing $5000 might aggravate someone else. You personally have to think of the trivial and meaningless things you have gotten mad about before in your life. You also have to remember what you did when you were angry. When a person is angry, he or she will frequently do more than just yell. The person may cry like a whiny baby, and/or throw random items across the room all while person is showing strange facial expressions.
Now just imagine if a friend or relative recorded one of your angry moments on video. If you are a teen, you probably had an angry moment very recently. Now imagine the video playing on the school news, or on a person's You特贝特 profile. You would feel pretty embarrassed, right? You would want that video down for sure because your angry moment on video would cause people to think differently of you.
In many ways, YOU do get angry like Stephen. Yes, some people do not stick items where the sun does not shine in tense situations, but many people (especially teens) will often take their anger out in ways that can be far more disgraceful. For example, on other people. It is far worse to take anger out on other people through physical and mental violence than being loudly angry at yourself. Remember this the next time you have an outburst, and imagine it on video. It's not fair to say that Stephen is different from normal people because you and Stephen share the same emotion - anger. Stephen is only human.
While you're here, post your loudest outburst in the forums. A whole thread is dedicated to your angry moments. We all have one - share it!