We ask not the same day of birth, but we seek to die together. May Heaven, the all-ruling, and Earth, the all-producing, read our hearts. If we turn aside from righteousness or forget kindliness, may Heaven and Human smite us!
Green-Dragon Saber
Serpent Halberd
In peace you are an able subject; in chaos you are a crafty hero.
The one who throws the world into chaos is He Jin!
Now to stop the ebullition of a pot the best way is to withdraw the fire; to cut out an abscess, though painful, is better than to nourish the evil.
Though the emperor doesn't rule, though the prince no office fills,Yet a brilliant cavalcade comes along from Beimang Hills.
a particularly dangerous looking henchman of his, who was now handling his halberd threateningly, and whose eyes were blazing with anger
There is life for those who are with me, death for those against!
blarneying tongue
a five-hundred-mile-a-day horse, one that crosses rivers and goes up mountains as if they were the level plain. Its name is Red Hare.
The clever bird chooses the branch whereon to perch; the wise servant selects the master to serve.
Your coming is welcome as the gentle dew to the parched grass
How can swallows and sparrows understand the flight of the crane and the wild goose? (这句外国人会不会看不懂?有点太直译了吧)
20.吾祖宗世食汉禄,若不思报国,与禽兽何异?。。。 。。。今事不成,乃天意也!
My ancestors enjoyed the bounty of Han, and should I differ from a bird or a beast if I did not desire to repay them with gratitude?... ... ... I have failed for this time. Such is the will of Heaven.
We ask not the same day of birth, but we seek to die together. May Heaven, the all-ruling, and Earth, the all-producing, read our hearts. If we turn aside from righteousness or forget kindliness, may Heaven and Human smite us!
Green-Dragon Saber
Serpent Halberd
In peace you are an able subject; in chaos you are a crafty hero.
The one who throws the world into chaos is He Jin!
Now to stop the ebullition of a pot the best way is to withdraw the fire; to cut out an abscess, though painful, is better than to nourish the evil.
Though the emperor doesn't rule, though the prince no office fills,Yet a brilliant cavalcade comes along from Beimang Hills.
a particularly dangerous looking henchman of his, who was now handling his halberd threateningly, and whose eyes were blazing with anger
There is life for those who are with me, death for those against!
blarneying tongue
a five-hundred-mile-a-day horse, one that crosses rivers and goes up mountains as if they were the level plain. Its name is Red Hare.
The clever bird chooses the branch whereon to perch; the wise servant selects the master to serve.
Your coming is welcome as the gentle dew to the parched grass
How can swallows and sparrows understand the flight of the crane and the wild goose? (这句外国人会不会看不懂?有点太直译了吧)
20.吾祖宗世食汉禄,若不思报国,与禽兽何异?。。。 。。。今事不成,乃天意也!
My ancestors enjoyed the bounty of Han, and should I differ from a bird or a beast if I did not desire to repay them with gratitude?... ... ... I have failed for this time. Such is the will of Heaven.