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1楼2010-06-16 13:35回复

    2楼2010-06-16 14:46
      This review is from: Fullmetal Alchemist: Premium OVA Collection (DVD)
      As the latest "Fullmetal Alchemist" series (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood) is currently airing in Japan and is being streamed online courtesy of FUNimation Entertainment, the company has finally released the long awaited "FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST: PREMIUM OVA COLLECTION" on DVD. The DVD would include the Interactive Experience plus one live and two animated shorts.
      At Universal Studios Japan, back in 2005, those who took part in the "Fullmetal Alchemist Premiere Tour" ride were treated with an animation (specifically made for the ride) that puts a person on the ride to take on a role as the new member of the State Alchemists. As a rookie, you are introduced to certain key characters from the anime series but then immediately taking part in a battle between the State Alchemists versus the Homunculus. These shorts include a Preshow, Zone 1-4 and a Postshow and the duration is about 18 minutes long.
      For the short collection (Duration: 16:48), the viewer is treated with the following shorts (spoiler-less summary):
      * Live Action Featurette - This takes place after the television series with Alphonse Eric in his armor form in live/real Japan searching for Ed.
      * Chibi Party - This is a humorous animated short in which the characters are in super deformed mode (chibi-small character mode) and celebrating after the filming of "Fullmetal Alchemist the Movie: Conqueror of Shamballa".
      * Kids - We watch three children who look so similar to the Elric brothers and Winry Rockbell. But who are they?
      VIDEO & AUDIO:
      For the most part, there is of course animation differences with one being used for a Universal Studios Japan ride in Japan, one that is super deformed format and another that actually looks quite cool with its beautiful backgrounds and vibrant colors. The video is featured in 4:3 standard definition.
      The audio is featured in English 5.1 Surround Sound and Japanese Stereo. The majority of the action sequences can be heard in the interactive story but dialogue and music comes quite clear through your front channel speakers and center channel.
      Subtitles are in English.
      The special features featured on the "FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST: PREMIUM OVA COLLECTION" DVD include the following:
      * Original Japanese TV commercial (with English subtitles) - (:41) The Japanese TV commercial for "Fullmetal Alchemist the Movie: Conqueror of Shamballa".
      * Textless ending theme - (4:03) The ending theme for the anime shorts and video clips of Universal Studios Japan. Also, optional romanized and translated subtitles for the ending theme song.
      * Trailers - Trailers for upcoming FUNimation Entertainment releases
      When it comes to a popular series such as "Fullmetal Alchemist" and other popular long-running series, these OVA's are typically for the fans of the animated series and/or the voice talent. You either get a solid half hour of a storyline (that may or may not relate to the anime series) or an OVA that puts your favorite characters in a unique situation that may be full of humor and all-out fun! The latter is indeed the case for the "FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST: PREMIUM OVA COLLECTION".
      For the interactive segment, it may be hard to imagine a ride with video (for those who never experienced it) but with my experience of riding a few in Japan, I can say it's comparable for those who have attended such ride at Disneyland or Disney World, where you are shifted around through a ride (that is not like a rollercoaster but its constantly moving) while watching a storyline progress.
      I could imagine after watching the Interactive Experience of how cool this ride may have been. For the most part, the interactive experience was quite fun to watch and see everyone together in battle. Not being part of the ride and watching it on DVD is still fun and enjoyable but I could only imagine how the interactive ride could have been during the action sequences.
      For the animated shorts, fans of the anime series and film will definitely find these three shorts quite enjoyable and amusing. They are short in duration but for the most part, my favorite would have to be "Kids" which has an ending that may surprise fans.
      Overall, "FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST: PREMIUM OVA COLLECTION" is a fun, enjoyable and satisfying collection of shorts. It's also much more enjoyable knowing that retail stores are selling this for $10-$14, so it is quite affordable. If you are a big fan of the anime series, this DVD deserves to be part of your "Fullmetal Alchemist" collection! 

      3楼2010-06-16 14:51
        = = 不好意思复制错了!...这个是介绍DVD的!

        4楼2010-06-16 14:52

          Edward and Alphonse Elric are two alchemist brothers searching for the legendary stone called the Philosopher's Stone, a powerful object which would allow them to recover their bodies (which were lost in an attempt to bring their mother back to life through alchemy). Born in the village of Resembool from the country of Amestris (アメストリス, Amesutorisu?), the two brothers lived there with their mother. Their father, Van Hohenheim, left home for unknown reasons and years later, their mother, Trisha Elric, died of a terminal illness leaving the Elric brothers alone. After their mother's death, Edward became determined to bring her back through the use of alchemy, an advanced science in which objects can be created from raw materials. They researched Human Transmutation, a forbidden art in which one attempts to create or modify a human being. However, this attempt failed, ultimately resulting in the loss of Edward's left leg and Alphonse's entire body. In a desperate effort to save his brother, Edward sacrificed his right arm to affix Alphonse's soul to a suit of armor. Some days later, an alchemist named Roy Mustang visited the Elric brothers, and he told Edward to become a member of the State Military of the country to find a way to recover their bodies. After that, Edward's left leg and right arm were replaced with automail, a type of advanced prosthetic limb, created for him by his close family friends Winry Rockbell and her grandmother Pinako.
          Edward then became a State Alchemist (国家錬金术师, Kokka Renkinjutsushi?), an alchemist employed by the State Military of Amestris, which infamously annihilated most of the Ishbalan race (Ishbal) in the past decade. Becoming a State Alchemist enables Edward to use the extensive resources available to State Alchemists, but it also turns him into what they call a "dog of the military". His more friendly relationship with Mustang however, whom he reports to and who recruited him, allows the brothers freedom to search for the Philosopher's Stone as part of Edward's research, as each State Alchemist is expected to independently research new things which may be of a use to the State Military of Amestris. The brothers set off in search of the Philosopher's Stone as a means to restore their bodies. Throughout their journey, they meet many antagonists, including those who are willing to do anything to obtain the Philosopher's Stone; Scar, one of the few surviving Ishbalans, who seeks vengeance on the State Alchemists for the destruction of his race; and the homunculi, a group of human-like creatures who carry pieces of the Philosopher's Stone inside themselves, and from it derive the ability to survive almost any harm.
          As the story progresses, Edward and Alphonse discover the vast expansion of Amestris was the result of the homunculi, who created and secretly control the State Military. The homunculi and much of the high-ranking military officers are commanded from behind the curtains by the creator of the homunculi, a man simply known as "Father" who gained immortality by creating the Philosopher's Stone by tricking Hohenheim centuries before the series' timeline. He plans to use Amestris as a gigantic transmutation circle in order to transmute the entire country for reasons unknown to the Elrics. When Edward and Alphonse discover Father's plans, they, along with other members of the State Military, set out to defeat him.
          As the forces collide, one by one, the remaining homonculi are defeated and Central city's troops are enlightened about the truth of the situation. However, Father temporarily harvests all the souls in Amestris, numbering several million, and using that power, traps "God", gaining immense power. However, due to Hohenheim's earlier actions, the souls are brought back to their bodies by their spirits, and Father becomes unstable. Everyone joins in to fight Father, forcing him to use more and more of his stone, finally being defeated by Edward with his original arm, Al having sacrificed himself to bring it back. After Father is trapped within the Truth, revealed to be God, Ed sacrifices his ability to use alchemy to bring Al back in his original body. The Elrics return to Resembool, but two years later, they separate in order to repay the people who helped in their journey.

          6楼2010-06-16 14:54

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                  IP属地:江苏10楼2010-06-16 15:16

                    14楼2010-06-16 20:24