Defend the nation is the sacred duty of every citizen to his old car for a new bought a new car before deciding not to give a definite answer, please translate this sa. Thank you 偶摆的youdao 正确否不管
保卫国家是每个公民的神圣职责 Defending the nation is the scared duty of every citizen 他以旧换新购买了一辆新型汽车 He bought a new model car by trading off his old car. 在决定前没有人愿意题出肯定答案 Nobody wants to give a definite answer before the decision is finalised
Guard our nation is the sacred duty of every citizen. He swap his old car for a new one. No one would give an affirmative answer to the question before deciding. ==== 那个贴也发了= = 自己译的,供你参考下。。
It is the sacred duty of every citizen to defend their country. He bought a new car by old for new service. no person would like to give a postive answer before making the decision. 不确保正确与否
It is the the sacred duty of every citizento defend the homeland. He traded an old car in for a new one . No person would like to propose an affirmative answer before makinga decision.