英语新闻转自 allkpop
We bring you a very tragic news today; The Wonder Girls’ leader Sunye lost her father today to a long term illness.
It is reported that Sunye was promoting in South East Asia and was supposed to be at Hawaii to start their 2nd North American tour. However, she immediately came back to Korea on the 23rd when hearing the news about her father’s condition. She had recently revealed that her father has been suffering from an illness for a long time.
Sunye grew up with her grandparents as she lost her mother when she was very young; it is hard to imagine what it would be like to be without both parents.
Our condolences goes out to Sunye and her family.
Wonder Girls队长闵先艺的父亲在长期于病魔抗争后于24日凌晨逝世。
We bring you a very tragic news today; The Wonder Girls’ leader Sunye lost her father today to a long term illness.
It is reported that Sunye was promoting in South East Asia and was supposed to be at Hawaii to start their 2nd North American tour. However, she immediately came back to Korea on the 23rd when hearing the news about her father’s condition. She had recently revealed that her father has been suffering from an illness for a long time.
Sunye grew up with her grandparents as she lost her mother when she was very young; it is hard to imagine what it would be like to be without both parents.
Our condolences goes out to Sunye and her family.
Wonder Girls队长闵先艺的父亲在长期于病魔抗争后于24日凌晨逝世。