The Traube’s rule (1884) states that for a homologous series of various
surface active substances, the concentration in the dilute aqueous solution at
which a given lowering of surface tension is observed decreases 3.2 times for each additional methyl group in the series. For equal lowering of the surface tension in a homologous series, e.g. by ∆γ , it is sufficient to use a successive member of the series with a concentration 3.2 times lower.
surface active substances, the concentration in the dilute aqueous solution at
which a given lowering of surface tension is observed decreases 3.2 times for each additional methyl group in the series. For equal lowering of the surface tension in a homologous series, e.g. by ∆γ , it is sufficient to use a successive member of the series with a concentration 3.2 times lower.