Hey all, TD here coming at you with yet another developer diary in the Ch4Up2 cycle.
All told, progress for this update sits at 1376(up +172 from last time) statics, 38(+4) animations, and 38,705 words (+9,992, boy I sure I don't ever embarrassingly screw up the math on these).
We just had a developer diary a couple weeks ago, but I wanted to touch base since we have FINALLY dug ourselves out of the dark, tiresome prison that was the punishment game and are now basking beautifully in the warm sunlight of Mina.
We are making really nice headway with her portion of the update and we should be done with her branching introductory parts in a couple of days. Depending on if you crossed the line with her or not, if you GF'd up Hana, or if friendzoned our bubbly blonde... you will experience some unique consequences/decisions. GIL and I are both extremely pleased with how this portion is shaping up, and I hope it will resonant with you as strongly as it has with us. Anyway, enough tooting our own horns.
Thank you all for your support and patience. I hope this update will be worthy of them.