坎巴拉太空计划2吧 关注:2,733贴子:8,093
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首发日记录 (发布自steam页面


Known Issues with Recommended Workarounds:
Graphics settings default to “high quality” on first playthrough. If you are having framerate issues on initial load, access Settings via the ESC menu and select alternate quality settings.
Fuel flow and Delta-V calculations are currently undergoing optimization, but on day 1 of Early Access, high numbers of engines pulling from a common fuel source may impact framerate. If you’re having trouble achieving a desired framerate on your machine, consider using a smaller number of higher-performance engines on your vehicle. This issue is very high priority for us and will be addressed in an upcoming update.
The center of lift indicator does not yet update dynamically when you adjust a wing in the editor - to see the effects of a wing modification, you must first exit the editor to update the center of lift.
In KSP2, the arrow keys now pan the camera, rather than rotating it (right mouse button still rotates the camera). If you get the camera in an undesirable state, press the Home key on your keyboard to reset it to its default position.
Known Issues Being Actively Worked On:
Some parts from the original KSP aren't available-a few parts won't carry over — for example, the increased flexibility of the new engine plate system has reduced the need for bespoke compound parts like the Twin Boar and Mammoth engines. Also, the old patchwork wing parts have been supplanted by procedural wings. Other parts (for example A.I.R.B.R.A.K.E.s) are still in development and will be added in future updates. And of course Science collection, future propulsion, and colony parts will be added alongside their respective feature updates.
There are still a few issues with our serialization code, and very rarely (especially when building high-complexity vehicles) your vehicle may collapse into an unrecoverable pile of parts on the floor of the VAB. The undo key may also break your in-progress build. For now, it’s a good idea to save frequently.
Trip planner – the trip planner occasionally displays inaccurate delta-v numbers for some destinations. All delta-v numbers in the VAB use vacuum specific impulse numbers, which affects their accuracy. This will be addressed in a future update. Delta-v numbers shown in the staging stack during flight dynamically reflect the current flight state.
Re-entry heating and thermal systems are offline - you'll have a brief window here at the beginning of Early Access during which you can re-enter any atmosphere without a heat shield. We’re still buttoning down our heat transfer, ablation, and occlusion systems. Vapor cone visual effects are also still in-progress.
No collision on trees or rocks - we're optimizing collision for these objects right now, and in the interest of maintaining good framerates we're going to complete that optimization work before letting you crash into these objects. For now, they're holograms. While KSC buildings ARE collideable, they are not yet destructible.
Framerate stutters/lag - we're continuing to work down the list of performance optimizations, from highest to lowest impact. As we push processes out of the main thread and continue to improve the efficiency of our physics, resource flow, VFX, and graphics systems, framerates should improve for all players.
Some UI elements can be challenging to interact with - we're still cleaning up the systems that give priority to different classes of information in the map view, and there are times when you need to click a few extra times to get a hold of the maneuver planner. Similarly, you may have some challenges associating selected parts with their data in the Part Manager. We’re making several changes to the current UI so you can expect this experience to improve over time.
This list is not exhaustive-we are tracking and working on a number of additional issues. If you have non-bug feedback during Early Access, please submit that feedback through the form in the launcher. If you've run into a bug (or think you have) please go to Private Division Support.
我们当前的指令序列还是有问题,并且,在很罕见的情况(尤其是结构复杂的载具中)你的载具会在VAB中碎裂成一堆零件。而 撤回键会打断你正在进行的工作。目前,只能建议多存档。
机动节点规划 - 机动节点规划的dv计算偶尔会出问题。VAB中计算的dv是真空中的dv,所以会和实际发射中的dv不一样。未来会解决这个问题。飞行过程中的dv则是根据当前状态实时计算的。
再入加热和热能系统目前下线。当前,你可以直接再入任何大气,并且不用考虑过热和隔热的问题。我们仍在 (buttoning down ???) 热传递,烧蚀,隔离系统。气锥效果还在做。
树和石头没有碰撞 - 我们还在调整这些物体的碰撞,这些交互直接关系到游戏帧率,我们需要做好优化,不然你直接游戏没了。目前,他们只能作为全息影像。当前,KSC的设施虽然可以碰撞,但是无法被损坏。
帧率不稳 - 我们有一系列的优化列表,按影响从高到底,这部分我们会作为单独的工作,从物理效果,资源加载,特效,图形效果,帧率,等各方面都会做优化。
UI元素交互问题 - 我们仍在做一些调整,让不同重要程度的信息在一个树状展开表里分级显示,有些时候,也需要额外的多点几步鼠标去获得轨道规划器。而且,在组件列表里去关联组件和列表也有问题。但是这些UI问题会随着更新逐渐改善的。
这只是我们正在着手的工作的不完整列表。我们事实上在解决很多问题。如果你有任何非BUG的想法,可以在游戏登录器提交回复。如果是bug(或者你认为遇到了bug),可以直接联系Private Division客服。

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    IP属地:上海来自Android客户端2楼2023-02-25 16:59

      IP属地:广东来自Android客户端3楼2023-02-25 18:41