1.It's likely that ...这可能是因为...
2. what's far more important is that更重要的是...
3. It's hardly that...很难、不大可能...
4. It has to be noticed that...它必须要注意的是..
5. It's generally recognized that...人们普遍认为...
6. Asfaras ...is co ncerned就....而言
7. As the ... says 正如...所说的,“引用优美词句”
8. There's no denying the fact that无可否认,毫无疑问
9.Nothingismoreimportantthan....没有什么 比.....更重要
10. It can be saidwith certaintythath.可以肯定地说
1. I will conclude by saying最后我要说.....
2. I hope... have a bright future希望有一个美好的未来
3. Therefore, we have the reason to believe that因此,我们有理由相信....
4. Allthings considered/In a word=In conclusion总而言之
5. It may be safely said that...可以有把握地说
6. Therefore, in my opinion因此,在我看来
7. Only in this way, can we...只有这样做,我们才能...
8. I will do my best我会全力以赴
9. Thank you for listening感谢你聆听
10. From the above. we can draw a conclusion.通过以上内容,可以得出结论
1. Some people think that...有些人认为....
2. As ... said如他所说
3.1 do not think so 我不这样认为
4. My reason is as follows我的理由如下...
5.| think this view is correct, because我认为这个 观点是正确的,因为
6. I don' t completely agree, | have a better idea我不完全同意,我有一个更好的主意
7. Along with the develo pment of...,more and more..随着....的发展,越来越多...
8. It can be said like this 可以这样说
9. Based on the above content, I come to a condusion 根据以上内容、我得出一个结论
1.It's likely that ...这可能是因为...
2. what's far more important is that更重要的是...
3. It's hardly that...很难、不大可能...
4. It has to be noticed that...它必须要注意的是..
5. It's generally recognized that...人们普遍认为...
6. Asfaras ...is co ncerned就....而言
7. As the ... says 正如...所说的,“引用优美词句”
8. There's no denying the fact that无可否认,毫无疑问
9.Nothingismoreimportantthan....没有什么 比.....更重要
10. It can be saidwith certaintythath.可以肯定地说
1. I will conclude by saying最后我要说.....
2. I hope... have a bright future希望有一个美好的未来
3. Therefore, we have the reason to believe that因此,我们有理由相信....
4. Allthings considered/In a word=In conclusion总而言之
5. It may be safely said that...可以有把握地说
6. Therefore, in my opinion因此,在我看来
7. Only in this way, can we...只有这样做,我们才能...
8. I will do my best我会全力以赴
9. Thank you for listening感谢你聆听
10. From the above. we can draw a conclusion.通过以上内容,可以得出结论
1. Some people think that...有些人认为....
2. As ... said如他所说
3.1 do not think so 我不这样认为
4. My reason is as follows我的理由如下...
5.| think this view is correct, because我认为这个 观点是正确的,因为
6. I don' t completely agree, | have a better idea我不完全同意,我有一个更好的主意
7. Along with the develo pment of...,more and more..随着....的发展,越来越多...
8. It can be said like this 可以这样说
9. Based on the above content, I come to a condusion 根据以上内容、我得出一个结论