surgery was a success. for the first time since this incident happened, I feel like Matthew is out of the woods. To be clear… i mean that we’re not going to lose him and that he is on the road to full recovery (from my non-medical perspective of course lol). I haven’t shared many of the finite details of his experience and/or medical situation in the interest of maintaining optimism and good vibes to and from all of you concerned. Perhaps some day we will but let’s just say as far as miracles are concerned, matthew was just gifted a significant one (and so was I). In my humbled opinion , all of your guys’ love and support is fully responsible for it and I’ll never be able to make it up to you.. just trust that i’ll spend the rest of my life trying.
since this happened, it’s hard for me to remember that this is my personal blog because i’ve seen or heard that information from it has been quoted by wonderful media outlets that helped spread awarenes to Matthew’s cause/actions AND to domestic violence. I’ve mostly been under a rock for a month and learning of the extraordinary things being done on Matthews (our whole family really) behalf has been inspiring and appreciated to say the very least. Ryan Manno and his crew have put together a massive event to help generate contributions to Matthew’s medical bills. They’ve not only united an incredible (and hugely talented) Chicago music community but have also managed to connect ours to the international music community. We’re stunned. A few days ago it came to our attention that Joe Shanahan (close friend/owner of Metro), Ajay Gosain (close friend/phenominal entertainment attorney) and Billy Corgan/ Smashing Pumpkins have put together a benefit show in Matthew’s honor. Anyone who knows us knows that the Smashing Pumpkins are the reason we found music and eventually garnered a career in it. They have been, are currently and always will be our favorite band in the world. So you can probably imagine how difficult it is to put our feelings about this into words. Thank you all, love you all and please have the best day of your life.. today, tomorrow.. and every single day you have after that.
ps. $10. tickets can be purchased at to enter the raffle for the Pumpkins show. You can buy as many as you’d like to increase chances of winning.. and/or to donate to the cause. You’ve made us the luckiest people in the world, thanks again
since this happened, it’s hard for me to remember that this is my personal blog because i’ve seen or heard that information from it has been quoted by wonderful media outlets that helped spread awarenes to Matthew’s cause/actions AND to domestic violence. I’ve mostly been under a rock for a month and learning of the extraordinary things being done on Matthews (our whole family really) behalf has been inspiring and appreciated to say the very least. Ryan Manno and his crew have put together a massive event to help generate contributions to Matthew’s medical bills. They’ve not only united an incredible (and hugely talented) Chicago music community but have also managed to connect ours to the international music community. We’re stunned. A few days ago it came to our attention that Joe Shanahan (close friend/owner of Metro), Ajay Gosain (close friend/phenominal entertainment attorney) and Billy Corgan/ Smashing Pumpkins have put together a benefit show in Matthew’s honor. Anyone who knows us knows that the Smashing Pumpkins are the reason we found music and eventually garnered a career in it. They have been, are currently and always will be our favorite band in the world. So you can probably imagine how difficult it is to put our feelings about this into words. Thank you all, love you all and please have the best day of your life.. today, tomorrow.. and every single day you have after that.
ps. $10. tickets can be purchased at to enter the raffle for the Pumpkins show. You can buy as many as you’d like to increase chances of winning.. and/or to donate to the cause. You’ve made us the luckiest people in the world, thanks again