实与虚吧 关注:1,281贴子:8,473
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第一张 原文
Salt It is a prewousr rare thing, you see, A compownd of the chemicals Sodium and Chloride, wsed most often in fodd as seasoning or a preservative, Slaves die for it, deep in the mines, Slaues die without it, sweating as they labored in vain for a life they wowld never have... The peasante were finally even being conscripted to their doom, wining the coveted minerral salt, beneath the club of Ramun,our slavedriver. They are there now, far below - men; women;children;even strong horses where they are needed. Their sacrifice allows the upper-class of the town to live like kings just a little bit longer. their sacrifice is destroying the town to live like kings just a little bit longer. Their sacrifice is destroying the town itself And I, as a secretary to the once howorable Constable Hareck-I, a man of common birth in an uncommon position - see both sides of the coin. Salt holds the heart of the town...and the salt and the heart and the town are all dying, to line the pockets.
第一张 译文
盐这是一种罕见的东西,你看,一种由化学物质钠和氯化物组成的混合物,最常被用作调味品或防腐剂,奴隶为之而死,在矿井深处,奴隶在没有它的情况下死去,汗流浃背,为他们从未有过的生活而徒劳地劳动。。。 农民们最终甚至被征召到了提厄厄姆,在我们的奴隶主拉蒙的俱乐部下面赢得了令人垂涎的矿盐。他们现在在那里,远远低于男人;妇女;儿童即使是强壮的马。他们的牺牲让小镇上的上层阶层可以像国王一样活得更长一点。他们的牺牲正在摧毁这座城市,让它像国王一样活得更长一点。他们的牺牲正在摧毁这座城市本身,而我,作为曾经的警察局长哈克的秘书,一个出身普通、地位不高的人,看到了硬币的两面。盐占据了小镇的中心。。。盐、心脏和城镇都在死亡,以填补肆无忌惮的人的口袋。。。 总有一天,盐会抓住世界的心......

IP属地:河南来自Android客户端1楼2023-05-28 23:57回复
    原文 第二张
    I must admit that what I pen here is likely the porduct of a compromosed mind...for, as I have watched my fellow townsfolk, friends and all I loved,fall upon the great altar of this God Hareck calls Salt...I have chosen the coward's way, damn me, I knew they would throw me down below just as sonn as the others, had I rebelled against their tyranny, And in return I am quite certain certain my conscience has driven me mad for it, for I am being visited by a most disturbing apparition... Corvus Corax; the common rave, It watches me-even now-form ifs perch, on the bust of Pallas Athena, on the cornice above the door. It seldom moves, except to stretch its wings, and cock its head to look at me with its black eyes, An old specimen of its kind, the feathers about its head are thinning-and someone seeme to have thowght fit, at some point during it's many years, to teach the forlorn creature the mimicry of seemingly one word only... "Nevermore." It says the word, the same as it has unco.
    译文 第二张
    我必须承认,我在这里写的很可能是一个复杂思想的产物。。。因为,当我看着我的同胞、朋友和我所爱的一切,倒在这个被哈瑞克称为盐的上帝的伟大祭坛上。。。我选择了懦夫的方式,该死的我,我知道如果我反抗他们的暴政,他们会把我和其他人一样扔到下面。作为回报,我确信我的良心已经为此而发疯了,因为我正被一个最令人不安的幻影造访。。。 乌鸦;普通的狂欢,它看着我即使现在也会在门上方的飞檐上,帕拉斯·雅典娜的半身像上栖息。它很少动,除了伸展翅膀,低着头用黑色的眼睛看着我。这是一个古老的同类标本,它头上的羽毛越来越薄,有人认为我在它多年的某个时候,很适合教这个孤独的生物模仿似乎只有一个词。。。 “永不复。”它说的是这个词,就像它有无数的时间一样。

    IP属地:河南来自Android客户端2楼2023-05-28 23:59
      原文 第三张
      I do not sleep anymore. I do not remember when I last ate. I aftend to the legal documents of the town and the mines. I read. I try to avoid the gleaming eyes of that damned bird, yet I find myself contemplating it, in spite of myself... And I dream, Awake, I dream madness, Of a great and ancient stove gateway to a deeper funnel beneath the town, leading straight down into the earth like a vast well. Faces are carved into that black stove...of grimaces of pain and screams of anguish... I dream...
      第三张 译文
      我再也睡不着了。我不记得上次吃饭是什么时候了。我查阅了镇上和矿场的法律文件。我读书了。我试着避开那只该死的鸟闪闪发光的眼睛,但我发现自己在沉思,尽管我自己。。。 我梦想着,觉醒,我梦想着疯狂,一个巨大而古老的火炉之门,通向城镇下方更深的漏斗,像一口巨大的井一样直通地下。脸被雕刻在那个黑色的炉子上。。。痛苦的表情和痛苦的尖叫。。。我梦见。。。

      IP属地:河南来自Android客户端3楼2023-05-29 00:00
        第四张 原文
        The mines shake! the tremors become a deep, hollow laughter...oh horror of horrors...something is coming through! Something hideous thrusts itself up through that hole, like some unspeakable act of defilement! The living try to flee!! But the dead find them in the blood!! Oh unspeakable horrors!! The hardness of the top of my desk, digging into my elbows...the softness of my armchair cushioning my thighs...blank parchment...
        第四张 译文

        IP属地:河南来自Android客户端4楼2023-05-29 00:01
          第五张 原文
          The mines shake! the tremors become a deep, hollow laughter...oh horror of horrors...something is coming through! Something hideous thrusts itself up through that hole, like some unspeakable act of defilement! The living try to flee!! But the dead find them in the blood!! Oh unspeakable horrors!! The hardness of the top of my desk, digging into my elbows...the softness of my armchair cushioning my thighs...blank parchment...
          第五张 译文

          IP属地:河南来自Android客户端5楼2023-05-29 00:02
            第六张 原文
            The shadow of the raven, It's eyes sparkle, as my eyes sparkle, I meet its gaze, It knows what I saw, Malevolence has a name. "Nevermore" Weeping. This will never end. This thought comes unbidden. It is not my own. Oh, Annabel. They took you too, And I did nothing, I sold my very soul that day. Gods and my heart be damned, I sold yours too... The vacancy of the pages before me match my gaze as I stare at them, The abyssal regard of a man who is less than a man, this will never end...
            第六张 译文

            IP属地:河南来自Android客户端6楼2023-05-29 00:03
              第七张 原文
              The great quill lies before me, next to a generous inkwell. I must write it all down... "Nevermore." But I must! "Nevermore." I am the King of Shadows!!
              第七张 译文

              IP属地:河南来自Android客户端7楼2023-05-29 00:04

                IP属地:河南来自Android客户端8楼2023-05-29 00:05

                  来自Android客户端9楼2023-05-29 00:51

                    IP属地:山东来自Android客户端10楼2023-05-29 07:07

                      IP属地:浙江来自Android客户端11楼2023-09-21 07:49