deep honey
.:LonelyLovefool:. If I had to imagine a story to this song I'd say that it's about a woman who is with a guy and he's cheatin on her. And he tells her all the lies about where he spent the previous night and whom with and doesn't even guess that she might already know that he's a lyer. She's a bit shoked because he doesn't feel guilty or something. However, they stay together because she is still attracted to him. When he's away she cries but can't let him go. 我的翻译:硬要说什么的话,我觉得这是一首关于男人骗女人的歌。 男人大肆说谎, 比如 昨晚和谁在哪, 但他不知道女人已经知道他是个骗子了。她很震惊,因为男人竟然毫无罪恶感。然而,她因为爱他仍是与 他在一起。最终, 男人走了, 女人哭泣,无法忘记他。
AncientNova: It does seem to be very much about betrayal or even a sad sort of contemplation on a relationship. 这是一首关于背叛 或是关于一分关系的沉痛思索
Hairy trees
endofthelinejoel :
This song is tranquility and happy serenity. Great song. 描述了宁静而快乐的画面4楼还是Hairy treesfuzzyweapon
Ha. Maybe.
But I also this one is about making love. "Touch my garden?" Garden is often a metaphor for...well.
Then the phrase "Give me this love" sung over and over again?
"Ride myPonyRide himSlowlySmilingAll day long I think the lyrics scream blissful sex. "我的翻译:我觉得这是关于ML的 。Touch my garden 。garden通常是隐喻XX然后短语Give me this love重复出现 我认为歌词是关于愉悦的SEX
关于 Lovely head
最多的观点是:This song seems to me like it's a very mechanical, scientific way of feeling and expressing love. Obviously, the character of the song is fond of someone, but it doesn't exactly seem like the feeling is mutual. It's a very creepy song, for sure. A great song. S imply a song of being in love with someone and them not feeling the same and what a fantastic way to put it at the end - "Frankenstein would want your mind, your lovely head".不逐字翻译了 简而言之 :单相思 最终 歌词说恶魔会知道你的思想的
.:LonelyLovefool:. If I had to imagine a story to this song I'd say that it's about a woman who is with a guy and he's cheatin on her. And he tells her all the lies about where he spent the previous night and whom with and doesn't even guess that she might already know that he's a lyer. She's a bit shoked because he doesn't feel guilty or something. However, they stay together because she is still attracted to him. When he's away she cries but can't let him go. 我的翻译:硬要说什么的话,我觉得这是一首关于男人骗女人的歌。 男人大肆说谎, 比如 昨晚和谁在哪, 但他不知道女人已经知道他是个骗子了。她很震惊,因为男人竟然毫无罪恶感。然而,她因为爱他仍是与 他在一起。最终, 男人走了, 女人哭泣,无法忘记他。
AncientNova: It does seem to be very much about betrayal or even a sad sort of contemplation on a relationship. 这是一首关于背叛 或是关于一分关系的沉痛思索
Hairy trees
endofthelinejoel :
This song is tranquility and happy serenity. Great song. 描述了宁静而快乐的画面4楼还是Hairy treesfuzzyweapon
Ha. Maybe.
But I also this one is about making love. "Touch my garden?" Garden is often a metaphor for...well.
Then the phrase "Give me this love" sung over and over again?
"Ride myPonyRide himSlowlySmilingAll day long I think the lyrics scream blissful sex. "我的翻译:我觉得这是关于ML的 。Touch my garden 。garden通常是隐喻XX然后短语Give me this love重复出现 我认为歌词是关于愉悦的SEX
关于 Lovely head
最多的观点是:This song seems to me like it's a very mechanical, scientific way of feeling and expressing love. Obviously, the character of the song is fond of someone, but it doesn't exactly seem like the feeling is mutual. It's a very creepy song, for sure. A great song. S imply a song of being in love with someone and them not feeling the same and what a fantastic way to put it at the end - "Frankenstein would want your mind, your lovely head".不逐字翻译了 简而言之 :单相思 最终 歌词说恶魔会知道你的思想的