I am waiting for you and looking for truth, but not a sound is heard
Whenever you need any help and my voice, please let me know
Can I sing for you or cry for dream? Let the wind blow, So I can see the sky
I am waiting for you 探(さが)してる月夜(つきよ)の记忆(きおく) 我在等待着你 寻找月夜的记忆
香(かお)る花(はな)は打(う)ち寄(よ)せる波(なみ)のほとり 飘香的花儿盛开在波浪边
And nothing but you 残(のこ)された风(かぜ)をまとい So I can see the sky 除了你没有别的 乘着残存的风 这样我就能看到天空
So I can see the sky
So I can see the sky...