我们 将和那个人一起的 某一段画面 和时光 在脑子里 不断温习 用回忆纪念
后来 后来 就像 很多人说的 时间 让我们淡忘了 那个人 可是 总会有 那么一刹那 所谓的“纪念” 好像灭了火星 的哑炮 一下子爆炸 然后 那个人 就被我们 这样 清清楚楚地 想起来了
嗯 忽然 想起你的 感觉 也许并不好受 可是 我仍珍惜 和你一起的时候 每一次 能制造“纪念”的 机会
We take pictures,remembering with pictures.
We write journals,remembering with words.
We hug,remembering with warmth and strenth.
We put our heads on each others' shoulders or chest,remembering with smell and sound.
We replay the time or scene we've spent with that person over and over and again in our minds,remembering with memory.
And then,just like everyone says,time will make us forget that person.
And then,there will always be an instant where all those ''remembering' light up and explode. And that person,wil be in our mind,clear as ever.
Suddenly remembering you is not a good feeling.
But I still treasure every chance that I have to creat a ''memory'' with you.
我一直相信 等你出现的时候 我就知道是你
I've always believed that when you show up, I will know that it's you.
应该 趁着年轻 和喜欢的人一起 制造些 比夏天还要温暖的事
While we are young,we should create thing with loved ones that are warmer taan summer.
我喜欢你时,嘴上会说:我是你的 心里会说:你是我的
When a man likes a woman,he'll say: ''You are mine.''
When a woman likes a man,she'll say: ''I'm yours.''
When I like you, I'll say: ''I'm yours.'' But in my heart,I'm saying: ''You are mine.''
那些 陪我一起傻过的人 你们在我身上 留下了什么
我要不要死心塌地地找回你 还是微笑后坚定地转身 从此变得聪明
Those of you who have been silly with me, have left make on me.
Should I press forward until I find you again? Or turn around with a smile, becausewiser from now on ?
之前那个我 和现在的我之间的距离 被许多细小琐碎的事情填充着 这些都是 你给我的爱吧
The distance between the me from before and the me right now, is filled with all sorts of little things. All of them, are the love you've given me.
- ——end