霓裳皇宫吧 关注:4贴子:69
  • 5回复贴,共1
while your lips are still red---nightwish
sweet little words made for silence
not talk
young heart for love
not heartache
dark hair for catching the wind
not to veil the sight of a cold world
kiss while your lips are still red
while he`s still silent
rest while bosom is still untouched, unveiled
hold another hand while the hand`s still without a tool
drown into eyes while they`re still blind
love while the night still hides the withering dawn
first day of love never comes back
a passionate hour`s never a wasted one
the violin, the poet`s hand,
every thawing heart plays your theme with care
kiss while your lips are still red
while he`s still silent
rest while bosom is still untouched, unveiled
hold another hand while the hand`s still without a tool
drown into eyes while they`re still blind
love while the night still hides the withering dawn
kiss while your lips are still red
while he`s still silent
rest while bosom is still untouched, unveiled
hold another hand while the hand`s still without a tool
drown into eyes while they`re still blind
love while the night still hides the withering dawn

1楼2010-08-22 19:10回复
    Sweet little words made for silence 甜蜜话儿因静默美妙 Not talk 不为交谈 Young heart for love 年轻的心为爱情滋生 Not heartache 不染悲伤 Dark hair for catching the wind 乌黑秀发为在风中飘逸 Not to veil the sight of a cold world 不蒙被世间的炎凉 Kiss while your lips are still red 轻吻你还未黯淡的红唇 While he’s still in silent rest 当他还在偏僻的角落 While bosom is still untouched, unveiled 当你仍浪漫无邪,情窦初开 Hold another hand while the hand’s still without a tool 牵过你的手,当它还不会躲闪 Drown into eyes while they’re still blind 坠入你的双眸,当一切都视而不见 Love while the night still hides the withering dawn 与你缠绵在夜色浸没的瑟缩天光 First day of love never comes back 初恋的日子已一去不再 A passionate hour's never a wasted one 激情的时光永不会枉然 The violin, the poet's hand 提琴的弦上,诗人的笔端 Every thawing heart plays your theme with care 哪颗溶化的心,不向你诉说衷肠 Kiss while your lips are still red 轻吻你还未黯淡的红唇 While he’s still in silent rest 当他还在偏僻的角落 While bosom is still untouched, unveiled 当你仍浪漫无邪,情窦初开 Hold another hand while the hand’s still without a tool 牵过你的手,当它还不会躲闪 Drown into eyes while they’re still blind 坠入你的双眸,当一切都视而不见 Love while the night still hides the withering dawn 与你缠绵在夜色浸没的瑟缩天光 Kiss, 亲吻吧, While your lips are still red 轻吻你还未黯淡的红唇 While he’s still in silent rest 当他还在偏僻的角落 While bosom is still untouched, unveiled 当你仍浪漫无邪,情窦初开 Hold another hand while the hand’s still without a tool 牵过你的手,当它还不会躲闪 Drown into eyes while they’re still blind 坠入你的双眸,当一切都视而不见 Love while the night still hides the withering dawn 与你缠绵在夜色浸没的瑟缩天光

    2楼2010-08-22 19:10
      • 211.140.18.*
      就疏了收拾 让毛先生见笑了 她一抿嘴 不碍事的 眼见祝太太收拾出了一隅沙发出来 她便熟门熟路地坐下 问道 昨夜见完客先生仍旧写了会子东西没 何止是写了一会子 祝太太笑道 写了大半夜呢 张妈起来了他才睡的 那先生依旧只是咳? 只是咳 密斯特金又开了些药 也不知好些没 祝太太似是歉疚地一笑 昨晚上睡得太熟 子诺咳成什么样都不晓得 她一恍神 又立马会心一笑道 睡得熟好 想来先生病后太太也没睡过几个安稳觉 想睡得熟些也是难得 怎么不见哲哲 她又问 这孩子临天亮的时候被雨声吵醒了 哭闹了许久 张妈领着他睡回笼觉去了

      4楼2010-08-23 02:26
        • 211.140.18.*
        又道 外头雨很大 毛先生淋到没 听闻这话 她一面掸掉身上的水珠一面灿然一笑 可不是 出来的时候雨还是小的 走到半道就下大了 只好快快地跑过来 幸而有讲义遮雨 不然从头到脚都得湿个遍

        5楼2010-08-23 02:34
          • 211.140.18.*
          算起来我也有近一个星期没见到他了 前两次不是去学堂就是去他姨母家 她又是一笑 还真有些想他 祝太太没接口 只上下打量了她两眼道 毛先生这条裙子是新做的?好看得紧 是成衣铺的货 我也看着是好的 小欣她们却说太艳  她声音爽朗 还是祝太太有眼光 英雄所见略同

          6楼2010-08-23 02:46
            • 211.140.18.*
            话音未落 只听见楼上的门吱呀响了一下 她抬头 只见她的老师出现在楼梯口 他的半个身子隐在阴影里 只露出一张棱角分明的脸孔 小红 你可以上来了

            7楼2010-08-23 02:51