Changes of a Koshirae 建军以来、陆・海军士官用军刀(及び下士官・兵用军刀)はサーベル拵えであった
昭和9年(皇纪2594年)、陆军は日本式太刀型新军刀を制定した (皇纪歴末尾2桁=通称九四式)
昭和12年(皇纪2597年)、海军も同様に日本式太刀型新军刀を制定した (通称太刀型)
昭和13年(皇纪2598年)、陆军は九四式を一环吊に変更した外装を制式化した (通称九八式)
昭和18年(皇纪2603年)、陆军は柄の强化と外装简略化、刀身の制式化改订を行った (通称三式)
Japanese national military's Guntōes were a long period since foundation of a military, and a saber Koshirae.
It went into the time of Shōwa, the Guntō's Koshirae was changed into the Japanese Tachi Koshirae from ancient times.
The Guntō of such a Koshirae is called Shin(new) Guntō. These Guntōes took double figures under the enacted emperor calendar, and were called alias. An emperor calendar is the total year which measures considering the day of accession to the throne of Emperor Jimmu as the first year.
The army enacted the new Guntō in emperor calendar 2594 (A.D. 1934). Common name: Type 94
The navy enacted the new Guntō in emperor calendar 2597 (A.D. 1937). Common name: Type Tachi
The army revised the new Guntō in emperor calendar 2598 (A.D. 1938). Common name: Type 98
The army revised the new Gunto in emperor calendar 2603 (A.D. 1943). Common name: Type 3