很多朋友在申请联盟时需要回答联盟经理一些问题才能通过审核,下面给大家进行了一些整理汇总:对话模板1. Q:How did you hear about our network?/ How did you find out about XX?A:I heared your network from affiliatepaying.com.你是怎么知道我们联盟的?意思就是我从affiliatepaying.com这个网站知道你们联盟的2.Q:How long have you been running affiliate campaigns?/ How long have you been an affiliate for?A:I have done cpa for about two years.你做联盟多长时间了?我已经做两年了。当然了这里大家可以随意改动。3.Q:What type of offers are you looking to run?/What type of offers work well for you, and how do you generate traffic for them?/What vertical do you perform best(这几句话是同一个意思)A:I'd like torun loan and edu offers,because my most successful type of offers are these ones.你打算操作什么类型的任务我打算操作下载类型,保险类型,教育类型等等
5.Q:What other networks are you currently in, and who are your Account Managers there?A:I'm currently in 网页链接he Account Managers are …你还和哪些联盟合作?你的经理是谁?我现在和network1,2,3联盟合作,经理是。。。6. Q:What do you expect to make our network your primary network?A:To make your network as my primary network,i'd like your admin manager to send top offers to me .你想通过什么方式让我们的联盟成为您最好的合作伙伴?把您的联盟当成我最重要的合作者,让联盟经理批准我推广优秀的任务。[图片]
5.Q:What other networks are you currently in, and who are your Account Managers there?A:I'm currently in 网页链接he Account Managers are …你还和哪些联盟合作?你的经理是谁?我现在和network1,2,3联盟合作,经理是。。。6. Q:What do you expect to make our network your primary network?A:To make your network as my primary network,i'd like your admin manager to send top offers to me .你想通过什么方式让我们的联盟成为您最好的合作伙伴?把您的联盟当成我最重要的合作者,让联盟经理批准我推广优秀的任务。[图片]