她现在所担任的职位伴随着丰厚的福利。她的哥哥立即任命她的丈夫负责诺曼底和布列塔尼的防务,并任命他为 "法国第二号人物",同时赋予他一切特权。(in charge of the defense of Normandy and Brittany,and named him“second person of France,” with all theprerogatives that implied.)
除此以外,他还额外向这对夫妇每年发放 2 万里弗尔的年金。
(He also gave his sister andherhusbandtherighttonametheheadofeachandeverytradeguildin France, a privilege thatbrought with it huge sums of money from the sale ofoffices.Andalongwithallthis,heawardedthecoupleanannualpension of 20,000 livres.)
除此以外,他还额外向这对夫妇每年发放 2 万里弗尔的年金。
(He also gave his sister andherhusbandtherighttonametheheadofeachandeverytradeguildin France, a privilege thatbrought with it huge sums of money from the sale ofoffices.Andalongwithallthis,heawardedthecoupleanannualpension of 20,000 livres.)