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H5E 3rd period


Bacon’s Rebellion (1676)
The tortured course of Bacon’s Rebellion revealed a society under deep internal stress . . . . . Bacon’s rebellion was an outburst of long pent up frustrations by marginal taxpayers and ex-servants, driven to desperation by the tobacco depression, as well as by wealthier planters excluded from Berkeley’s circle of favorites.
The emergence of slavery relaxed the economic strains within white society that had helped precipitate Bacon’s Rebellion.
--Kenneth Lindloff, Historian
Indentured servitude required plantation owners to not only release their servants after completion of their contract, but to also provide them with land.   Since plantation owners did not want to forfeit their own lands, they purchased lands along the frontier for the recently released indentured servants to settle.   Thus, two issues came to a head.   First, freedmen planted tobacco and this increased, the supply thus lowering the prices.   This new competition depressed prices and precipitated the need to grow even more tobacco in order to maintain profits.
The second issue was the encroachment of settlers on what was to remain Indian tribal lands along the western frontier.   Former indentured servants demanded protection, and took matters into their own hands.   When the colonial government tried to stop the settlers attacks against Indians, the settlers turned their frustrations on the Royal Governor in what is know as Bacon’s Rebellion.  
Indentured servitude threatened war with Indians and a further price depression for tobacco.   Permanent slavery of Africans became economically attractive, as it did not posses the long-term threats to economic and political stability, as evidenced by Bacon’s Rebellion, of the colony.  
1.     How exactly did former indentured servants threaten the long-term economic and political stability of the Virginian colony?
         Because indentured servitude threatened war with Indians and a further price depression for tobacco. Permanent slavery of Africans became economically attractive, as it did not posses the long-term threats to economic and political stability, as evidenced by Bacon‚Äôs Rebellion, of the colony.  
2.     What were the economic benefits of importing African slaves to replace indentured servitude?
           The emergence of slavery relaxed the economic strains within white society that had helped precipitate Bacon’s Rebellion.

1楼2010-09-15 07:39回复
    1. How exactly did former indentured servants threaten the long-term economic and political stability of the Virginian colony?
    Because indentured servitude threatened war with Indians and a further price depression for tobacco.and the owners need to give up their langs,to give to the servants.
    2. What were the economic benefits of importing African slaves to replace indentured servitude?
    Because permanent slavery of Africans became economically attractive, as it did not posses the long-term threats to economic and political stability

    4楼2010-09-17 09:01
      House of Burgesses
      For Sep 24, 2010
      House of Burgesses
      House of Burgesses was the first representative legislative body in colonial America.
      The House of Burgesses first met at Jamestown, then the capital of Virginia, on July 30, 1619. Governor Sir George Yeardley called the meeting. The session included two citizens, or burgesses, from each of the 11 boroughs (subdivisions) of Virginia.
      The first act of the body was to approve an official great seal for the colony. The House also claimed the right to act on all tax laws. In 1621, the House received the authority to make all legislation, but the governor and his council had the right of veto. The House conformed to English law and used the same procedure as the English Parliament.
      After the death of King James I in 1625, the English government became occupied with its internal affairs. From then on, the House of Burgesses managed the affairs of the colony. The failure of Governor Sir William Berkeley to call a new election to the House was one of the many grievances that led to Bacon's Rebellion in 1676.
      The House of Burgesses was not completely democratic. But it contributed to the development of representative government in colonial America. When it was temporarily dissolved in 1774, its members met in the first revolutionary convention of Virginia. There they elected delegates to the First Continental Congress. Some members of the House of Burgesses became leaders of the Revolutionary War in America (1775-1783).
      1. What contribution did the House of Burgesses make to America?
      2. In the Colonial Era, developments such as the New England town meetings and the establishment of the Virginia House of Burgesses represented
      1. colonial attempts to build a strong national government
      2. efforts by the British to strengthen their control over the colonies
      3. steps in the growth of representative democracy
      4. early social reform movements

      5楼2010-09-17 09:02
        我们也是啊 现在熟悉美国地形啊

        8楼2010-09-22 05:44

          14楼2010-10-16 04:24

            16楼2010-10-22 06:09
              Theme: Change--Industrialization
                      During the 19th century,the United States experienced tremendous industrial growth. This industrial growth resulted in many changes in American life.
              Task:   Identify TWO changes in American life that resulted from industrial growth in the United States and for EACH change:
                      *Explain how industrialization contributed to this change
                      *Discuss one positive OR one negative effect of this change on American life
              You may use any appropriate change in American life that resulted from industrial growth. Some suggestions you might wish to consider include increased immigration, new inventions or technologies, growth of labor unions, growth of monopolies, growth of reform movement, and increased urbanization.

              17楼2010-12-01 08:55
                   The 19th century was a time of tremendous change. Industrialization was growing rapidly therefore effecting Amerocan life drasticaly. Not only did this growing industrialization change the individual lives of Americans but it effected the economy as a whole as the geographic distribution of the population. Two major changes were the growth of cities as well as increased immigration. These changes have shaped American life and formed the basis of America today.
                   A major change caused by 19th century industrialization was the growth of cities. Industrialization led to the building of large factories where people could earn little money but be considered independent. These factory products may have boosted the economy but they also caused a massive population shift and migration. Young farm girls who chose not to get married and have a hard life worning on the farm moved to the cities whore they could earn their own living by worning in a large factory. Anyone who worked in a factory was required to work extremley long hours and because of that they chose ti kive in the city. Small rooms were set up as apartments in buildings known as tenements. With work and life being transfered to the city new industries were formed. Clothing factories and other popular cansumer good factories grew because the population and demand in cities also grew. When tenements were full to the brim of poor factory waokers and the living conditions of the now crowded cities were goterrible, some people chose to help. Places such as hull house, founded by Jane Adams, were stt up to help the factory workers who had no home and no life outside of the factory. Although industrialization proved to be beneficial in many ways for America, the negative effects can be clearly seen in the overcrowded streets, steady growth of already crowded cities, and diminishing to nonexistant conditions at factories.
                   While cities grew so did the need for more cheap and unskilled labor. Conditions in Europe were not pleasant and the need for laborers in America was so great a massive immigration took place. This drasticcly changed Ameria in many ways. Throught the 19th century an enormoows amount of immigrants brought with them their own culture and ethnicity. America became known as the "melting pot" of all cultures. There was an onslaught of prejutice at the begining but without this 19th century bust of immigration America would not be what it is today. The creation of Little Italy and Chinatown in New York City come to represent the blend and diffusion of so many diverse cultures and people. A positive effect of industrialization is the blending of many cultures and the formation of an accepting cantry as well as a more stable economy due to an increase in laborers and therefore consuers.
                   Great change can occur for many reasors but the industrialization of America in the 19th century is a premier led to an increased marked. The need for labor led America to become one of the most cultualy diverse countrys in the world. The industrial growth of the 19th century become the basis of the nation that has grown to be the most economically and politically powerful nation in the world.

                18楼2010-12-02 08:05