1) 艾弗里最喜歡的書籍是魔戒,那他們最喜歡哪個角色?他們覺得他們最像哪個角色、而他們實際上最像哪個角色?
Who is Avery's favorite character from "The Lord of theRings," and who do they feel they are most like?
-They liked Aragorn when they were younger.
2) 艾弗里曾經為了權勢跟高位者約會嗎?如果有,他們的關係進展到哪一步了?如果沒有,他們為什麼不考慮這個可能性?
Has Avery dated high-ranking individualsfor power, and if so, how far did the relationship progress? If not, why didn'tthey consider this possibility?
-They did, and they got out as soon as it no longer benefited them.
3) 艾弗里之所以堅持PC收下金錢,是因為他們覺得這筆錢對PC有幫助、還是他們需要保有金錢交易以確保他們在這段關係裡是具有優勢的?
Why does Avery insist that the PC acceptsmoney? Is it to be helpful or to maintain financial control for an advantage inthe relationship?
-They want the PC to be financially dependent.
4) 若是已經動用了暴力與金錢,仍無法解決艾弗里的煩惱,他們會考慮更加不人道的手段嗎?(例如把騷擾他們的人弄進精神病院去)
Ifviolence and money haven't resolved Avery's troubles, would they consider moreinhumane methods?
-They would consider such methods.
5) 艾弗里對待他們的上司與下屬的態度差別很大嗎?他們的怒火只對著比自己地位更低的人展現嗎?
How does Avery treat superiors andsubordinates? Is their anger directed only towards those of lower status?
-Their anger is kept in check with superiors, for the most part.
6) 在床上的角色扮演之中,是可能讓艾弗里異裝的嗎(尤其是讓男性艾弗里穿上女性服飾),以及他們在角色扮演之中,會堅持要擔任高位角色嗎?(如老師與學生,他們會堅持要扮演老師)
Is Avery open to role-playing in thebedroom? What role do they insist on playing?
-They'd be willing to role-play, but wouldn't want to cross-dress. They insiston a dominant role.
7) 艾弗里對電影沒興趣,那他們在沒有參加社交聚會與不去健身房的時候都在做些什麼?
What does Avery do when not attendingsocial gatherings or going to the gym?
-Working, or pursuing the PC or someone like them.
8) 艾弗里比起量身訂做的服裝,更傾向於購買名牌服飾嗎?還是他們也考慮使用名牌的客製化服務?
Does Avery prefer buying designer clothingor custom-made outfits? Do they use customization services of high-end brands?
-They use the customization services of high-end brands.
9) 他們的音樂品味是什麼?除了古典樂與爵士(假如他們不喜歡這兩個音樂類型,也請告訴我)他們有任何的音樂偏好嗎?
Whatis Avery's music taste? Besides classical and jazz, do they have any otherpreferences?
-They like classical music and jazz, but other preferences are unspecified.
10) 在艾弗里的身上寫字是可能的嗎?假如使用可清洗掉的筆或者口紅書寫,會不會讓他們更容易接受一些?
Is it possible to write on Avery's body,and would using washable pens or lipstick make them more accepting of it?
-They would not find that acceptable.
11) 我沒有在遊戲中看到艾弗里擁有跑車的敘述,請問艾弗里擁有跑車嗎?如果有,有幾台、是哪個牌子的?如果沒有,他們為什麼不考慮買一台甚至很多台跑車?
DoesAvery own a sports car? If so, how many and which brand? If not, why haven'tthey considered buying one or several?
-Avery owns three cars, including a sports car and a classic muscle car.
DoesAvery have any artistic hobbies, like drawing?
-Avery doesn't draw.
13) PC平時都是怎麼稱呼艾弗里的,叫他們Daddy/Mommy或是Sir/Ma’am嗎?還是直接稱呼名字呢?
Howdoes the PC usually address Avery? Do they use titles like Daddy/Mommy orSir/Ma'am, or do they use Avery's name directly?
-That would be up to the PC, and Avery is happy with any of these options.
14) 艾弗里有偏頭痛的問題嗎?
Does Avery have problems with migraines?
-Avery has the occasional headache, but not migraines.
Whatis Avery afraid of, other than their status?
- Avery is afraid of snakes.
1) 艾弗里最喜歡的書籍是魔戒,那他們最喜歡哪個角色?他們覺得他們最像哪個角色、而他們實際上最像哪個角色?
Who is Avery's favorite character from "The Lord of theRings," and who do they feel they are most like?
-They liked Aragorn when they were younger.
2) 艾弗里曾經為了權勢跟高位者約會嗎?如果有,他們的關係進展到哪一步了?如果沒有,他們為什麼不考慮這個可能性?
Has Avery dated high-ranking individualsfor power, and if so, how far did the relationship progress? If not, why didn'tthey consider this possibility?
-They did, and they got out as soon as it no longer benefited them.
3) 艾弗里之所以堅持PC收下金錢,是因為他們覺得這筆錢對PC有幫助、還是他們需要保有金錢交易以確保他們在這段關係裡是具有優勢的?
Why does Avery insist that the PC acceptsmoney? Is it to be helpful or to maintain financial control for an advantage inthe relationship?
-They want the PC to be financially dependent.
4) 若是已經動用了暴力與金錢,仍無法解決艾弗里的煩惱,他們會考慮更加不人道的手段嗎?(例如把騷擾他們的人弄進精神病院去)
Ifviolence and money haven't resolved Avery's troubles, would they consider moreinhumane methods?
-They would consider such methods.
5) 艾弗里對待他們的上司與下屬的態度差別很大嗎?他們的怒火只對著比自己地位更低的人展現嗎?
How does Avery treat superiors andsubordinates? Is their anger directed only towards those of lower status?
-Their anger is kept in check with superiors, for the most part.
6) 在床上的角色扮演之中,是可能讓艾弗里異裝的嗎(尤其是讓男性艾弗里穿上女性服飾),以及他們在角色扮演之中,會堅持要擔任高位角色嗎?(如老師與學生,他們會堅持要扮演老師)
Is Avery open to role-playing in thebedroom? What role do they insist on playing?
-They'd be willing to role-play, but wouldn't want to cross-dress. They insiston a dominant role.
7) 艾弗里對電影沒興趣,那他們在沒有參加社交聚會與不去健身房的時候都在做些什麼?
What does Avery do when not attendingsocial gatherings or going to the gym?
-Working, or pursuing the PC or someone like them.
8) 艾弗里比起量身訂做的服裝,更傾向於購買名牌服飾嗎?還是他們也考慮使用名牌的客製化服務?
Does Avery prefer buying designer clothingor custom-made outfits? Do they use customization services of high-end brands?
-They use the customization services of high-end brands.
9) 他們的音樂品味是什麼?除了古典樂與爵士(假如他們不喜歡這兩個音樂類型,也請告訴我)他們有任何的音樂偏好嗎?
Whatis Avery's music taste? Besides classical and jazz, do they have any otherpreferences?
-They like classical music and jazz, but other preferences are unspecified.
10) 在艾弗里的身上寫字是可能的嗎?假如使用可清洗掉的筆或者口紅書寫,會不會讓他們更容易接受一些?
Is it possible to write on Avery's body,and would using washable pens or lipstick make them more accepting of it?
-They would not find that acceptable.
11) 我沒有在遊戲中看到艾弗里擁有跑車的敘述,請問艾弗里擁有跑車嗎?如果有,有幾台、是哪個牌子的?如果沒有,他們為什麼不考慮買一台甚至很多台跑車?
DoesAvery own a sports car? If so, how many and which brand? If not, why haven'tthey considered buying one or several?
-Avery owns three cars, including a sports car and a classic muscle car.
DoesAvery have any artistic hobbies, like drawing?
-Avery doesn't draw.
13) PC平時都是怎麼稱呼艾弗里的,叫他們Daddy/Mommy或是Sir/Ma’am嗎?還是直接稱呼名字呢?
Howdoes the PC usually address Avery? Do they use titles like Daddy/Mommy orSir/Ma'am, or do they use Avery's name directly?
-That would be up to the PC, and Avery is happy with any of these options.
14) 艾弗里有偏頭痛的問題嗎?
Does Avery have problems with migraines?
-Avery has the occasional headache, but not migraines.
Whatis Avery afraid of, other than their status?
- Avery is afraid of snakes.