For the blood which pooled scarlet at the soles of her feet, for the weight of the woman she had carried across the world, for all which she carried with her, all souls lost and lives decayed, Finlay took the final steps upright, back straight, eyes fixed ahead.
In her arms she carried her, that which gave her all she was, and against her breast, she cradled her.
As a thousand times she had pictured it, clear and glinting gold in her mind, she carried her
not towards a shared bed, not crossing the threshold of a church newly wed, but towards what she knew would be her final resting place. If all was true of the Haligtree, it would not beMalenia’s. Her place, her purpose, her joy was in Malenia, and if it were to be that she never left, she would die knowing all she had was given to her love, as all she was had been given to her by Malenia.
In her arms she carried her, that which gave her all she was, and against her breast, she cradled her.
As a thousand times she had pictured it, clear and glinting gold in her mind, she carried her
not towards a shared bed, not crossing the threshold of a church newly wed, but towards what she knew would be her final resting place. If all was true of the Haligtree, it would not beMalenia’s. Her place, her purpose, her joy was in Malenia, and if it were to be that she never left, she would die knowing all she had was given to her love, as all she was had been given to her by Malenia.