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IP属地:江苏1楼2024-04-15 15:43回复
    作为不那么业余的科普贴,我将尽量自己少做解释。这里采用IFAB的《Laws of the Game》作为依据,考虑到这个组织不具体承办和组织足球比赛,如果有相关实用性或者专业性的补充,我也欢迎讨论。当然这个组织也不太出名。

    IP属地:江苏2楼2024-04-15 16:00
      IFAB《Laws of the Game》,中文译名《足球竞赛规则》。在每个赛季(非自然年)都会有更新,这里采用2023/2024版。国内的《足球竞赛规则》以实体书的形式出版。以下科普均简称《规则》。
      Free Kicks,中文译名任意球。
      The Penalty Kick,中文译名罚球点球。以下部分科普会采用简称点球。
      The Goal Kick,中文译名球门球。

      IP属地:江苏3楼2024-04-15 16:08
        Direct and indirect free kicks and penalty kicks can only be awarded for offences committed when ball is in play.只有在比赛进行中犯规或违规,才可以判罚直接或间接任意球,以及罚球点球。
        A direct free kick is awarded if a player commits any of the following offences against an opponent in a manner considered by the referee to be careless, reckless or using excessive force:如果裁判员认为,一名场上球员草率地、鲁莽地或使用过分力量对对方队员实施如下犯规,则判罚直接任意球:
        charges冲撞。jumps at跳向。kicks or attempts to kick踢或企图踢。pushes推搡。strikes or attempts to strike (including head-butt)打或企图打(包括用头顶撞)。tackles or challenges用脚或其他部位抢截。trips or attempts to trip绊或企图绊。
        If an offence involves cantact,it is penalised by a direct free kick.如果是有身体接触的犯规,则判罚直接任意球。
        A direct free kick is awarded if a player commits any of the following offences:如果场上队员实施如下犯规时,判罚直接任意球:
        a handball offence (except for the goalkeeper within their penalty area)手球犯规(守门员在本方罚球区内除外)。
        holds an opponent拉扯对方球员。
        impedes an opponent with contact在身体接触的情况下阻碍对方队员移动。
        bites or spits at someone on the team lists or a match official对在比赛名单上的人员或比赛官员实施咬人或吐口水。
        throws an object at the ball, an opponent or a match official, or makes contact with the ball with a held object向球、对方队员或比赛官员扔掷物品,或用手中的物品触及球。
        See also offences in Law 3.以及规则第三章涉及的其他犯规行为。

        IP属地:江苏4楼2024-04-15 16:30
          补充一点,这里的中文为国内版《足球竞赛规则》原文,不是我个人翻译。原版《Laws of the Game》尽量采用简洁和尽量少词汇的英语来编写,各国会结合自身语言特点在翻译时进行解释补充的情况,而非完全直译。但是要求各国的规则后附原版英文规则。

          IP属地:江苏5楼2024-04-15 21:08
            A penalty kick is awarded if a player commits a direct free kick offence inside their penalty area or off the field as part of play as outlined in Laws 12 and 13.队员在本方罚球区内,或如第十二章、第十三章已明确的正常比赛移动中离开比赛场地后,犯有可判罚直接任意球的犯规,则判罚球点球。
            A goal may be scored directly from a penalty kick.罚球点球可直接射入球门得分。

            IP属地:江苏6楼2024-04-15 21:35
              charges冲撞。jumps at跳向。kicks or attempts to kick踢或企图踢。pushes推搡。strikes or attempts to strike (including head-butt)打或企图打(包括用头顶撞)。tackles or challenges用脚或其他部位抢截。trips or attempts to trip绊或企图绊。holds an opponent拉扯对方球员。
              Careless is when a player shows a lack of attention or consideration when making a challenge or acts without precaution. No disciplinary sanction is needed草率是指队员在争抢时没有预防措施,缺乏注意力或考虑。这种情况不必给予纪律处罚。
              Reckless is when a player acts with disregard to the danger to, or consequences for, an opponent and must be cautioned鲁莽是指队员的行为没有顾及到可能对对方造成的危险或后果。这种情况下必须对队员予以警告。
              Using excessive force is when a player exceeds the necessary use of force and/or endangers the safety of an opponent and must be sent off使用过分力量是指队员使用了超出自身所需要的力量,危及了对方的安全。这种情况必须将队员罚令出场。

              IP属地:江苏8楼2024-04-15 22:03
                In situations where:在如下情况中:
                a player moving from, or standing in, an offside position is in the way of an opponent and interferes with the movement of the opponent towards the ball, this is an offside offence if it impacts on the ability of the opponent to play or challenge for the ball; if the player moves into the way of an opponent and impedes the opponent’s progress (e.g. blocks the opponent), the offence should be penalised under Law 12队员站在越位位置,或自越位位置移动到对方队员的行进路线中,干扰了对方队员向球的方向移动,影响了对方队员处理球或争抢球的能力时,应被判罚越位犯规。如果该队员向对方队员的行进路线中移动,阻碍了对方队员移动时(如阻挡对方队员),应按照第十二章条款判罚犯规。
                a player in an offside position is moving towards the ball with the intention of playing the ball and is fouled before playing or attempting to play the ball, or challenging an opponent for the ball, the foul is penalised as it has occurred before the offside offence处于越位位置的队员以控球为目的朝球的方向移动,在其触球或试图触球前,或与对方队员争抢球前被犯规,则应判罚犯规在先,该犯规发生在越位犯规之前。
                an offence is committed against a player in an offside position who is already playing or attempting to play the ball, or challenging an opponent for the ball, the offside offence is penalised as it has occurred before the foul challenge处于越位位置的队员在已经触球或试图触球后,或已于对方队员争抢球后被犯规,则应判罚越位犯规在先,越位犯规发生在另一犯规之前。

                IP属地:江苏9楼2024-04-15 22:20
                  Handling the ball手球
                  For the purposes of determining handball offences, the upper boundary of the arm is in line with the bottom of the armpit. Not every touch of a player’s hand/arm with the ball is an offence.在判定手球犯规时,臂部的上端边界定义为与腋窝底部齐平。队员的手/臂部触球,并非每次都是犯规。
                  It is an offence if a player:以下行为属于手球犯规
                  deliberately touches the ball with their hand/arm, for example moving the hand/arm towards the ball故意用手/臂部触球,例如手/臂部向球移动。
                  touches the ball with their hand/arm when it has made their body unnaturally bigger. A player is considered to have made their body unnaturally bigger when the position of their hand/arm is not a consequence of, or justifiable by, the player’s body movement for that specific situation. By having their hand/arm in such a position, the player takes a risk of their hand/arm being hit by the ball and being penalised当手/臂部触球时,其位置使身体不自然地扩大。使身体不自然扩大,是指队员的手/臂部的位置并非此情形下其身体的动作形成的正当结果或合理位置。队员将手/臂部置于此为止,是冒了被球击中并被判罚犯规的风险。

                  IP属地:江苏10楼2024-04-15 22:46