Behavior = CountermeasuresBehavior ModuleTag_26
TriggeredBy = Upgrade_AmericaCountermeasures
FlareTemplateName = CountermeasureFlare
FlareBoneBaseName = Flare ; Name of the base flare bone (Flare01, Flare02, Flare03)
VolleySize = 8;4 ; 每次发射干扰弹数量;Number of flares launched per volley (requires bones)
VolleyArcAngle = 90.0 ; Max angle of flare relative to forward direction (with VolleySize of 1, flare will always goes straight back).
VolleyVelocityFactor = 2.0 ; Shoots out flares at a stronger velocity with a higher value.
DelayBetweenVolleys = 1000 ; 射击间隔;Time between flare volleys
NumberOfVolleys = 40;5 ; 装弹数;Number of times the volleys will fire before reloading
ReloadTime = 1000 ; (重新装填时间,如果为0则必须会机场装填)After all volleys launched, then reloading must occur. If 0, then reloading occurs at airstrip only
EvasionRate = 70% ;30% ;规避率; With active flares, the specified percentage will be diverted.
ReactionLaunchLatency = 100 ; 遇袭与发射干扰弹的反应时间;Reaction between getting shot at and the firing of the first volley of countermeasures.
MissileDecoyDelay = 200 ; A reported missile that has been determined to hit a decoy will wait this long before acquiring countermeasures.