3D glasses =cube + glasses
3D printer =cube + printer
AcidRain = Rain + Smoke
Afterglow =cloud + red color = sunset + cloud = sunset + sky
Agent 007 =sky + united kingdom
Agent Smith =The Matrix + gun = The Matrix + spy
AirConditioning = Air +Electricity
Airplane = Bird + Metal
Aladdin =Genie Lamp + hero = Genie + hero
Airport =airplane + house = airplane + surface
Alarm Clock = Clock + Sound
Alcohol = Fruit + Time
Algae = Plant + Sea
Alfa Romeo =Italy + car
Alien = Life + Space
Alligator = Lizard +Swamp
Alpaca = Mountain + Sheep
Alphabet = Text + Text
Alps = Austria+ mountain range
Amazon = book+ website = book + Internet
Ambulance = Hospital +Car
Americanfootball player = football + male = football + female
Analog TV = TV+ time
Analysis = Brain +Problem
Anchor = Boat + Sea
Android = Alien +Computer
AndroidPhone = Android +CellPhone
Angel = Human + Bird
Angle = Line + Line
Animal shelter= dog + city = cat + city
Anonymous =computer + mask
Ant = Grass + WildAnimal
Antenna =metal + radio wave
App = Cpu + SourceCode
Apple = Analysis + Fruit
AppleInc = Fruit +Company
AppleSafari = AppleInc +Internet
Aquaman =water + hero = ocean + hero = sea + hero
Aquarium = Water + Glass
Archipelago = Isle + Isle
Armor = Tool + Metal
Ash = Volcano + Energy
Astronaut = Human + Moon
AstronautHelmet = Head +Astronaut
Atmosphere = Sky +Pressure
AtomicBomb = Bomb +Energy
Australia =kangaroo + country = kangaroo + continent
Austria =country + mountain
Autumn = leaf+ time
Avalanche = Energy + Snow
Avengers = CaptainAmerica+ IronMan
Avocado =Fruit + Analysis
Axe = Blade + Wood
Baby = Love + Time
BabyBottle = Baby + Milk
BabyChick = Baby +Chicken
Bacon = Pig + Fire
Bacteria = Swamp + Life
Baguette =France + bread
Baker = Human + Bread
Ball = Circle + Circle
Bamboo = grass+ wood
Banana = Fruit + Monkey
Bandage = Blood + Fabric
Bank = House + Money
Bar = House +Cocktail
Barbed wire =wire + fence
Barn = Livestock + House
Bartender =Human + Bar
Basement =room + ground
Bat = Mouse + Bird
Batman = Bat + Human
Batter = Flour + Milk
Battleship = Ship + Gun
Bbq = Campfire + Meat
Beach = Sea + Sand
Beachball = Ball + Beach
BeachUmbrella = Umbrella+ Beach
Bear = WildAnimal + Honey
Beaver = WildAnimal +Wood
Bed = Sleep + Human
Bed sheets =bed + decomposition
Bee = Flower + WildAnimal
Beehive = Bee + House
Beer = Alcohol + Wheat
Bell sprout =flower + Pokémon
Bender = Robot + Crayon
Bent spoon =spoon + brain
Bento box =sushi + box
Berlin TVtower = Germany + skyscraper = Germany + TV
Bicycle = Wheel + Wheel
Big Ben =United Kingdom + clock
BillBoard =Road + Image
Bing = Website +Microsoft
Binoculars = Telescope +Telescope
Birch = tree +Russia
Bird = Life + Sky
Birdhouse = Bird + House
Bitcoin =Internet + coins
Black Color =paint + space/hole/ash/pencil/night
BlackHole = Star +Pressure
Blade = Metal + Rock
Blanket = bed+ decomposition
Blender = Glass + Blade
Blizzard = Snow + Wind
Blood = Human + Blade
BlueColor =Water + Paint
Blu-Ray = DVD+ time
BMW = Germany+ car
Boat = Water + Wood
Boiler = Steam + Metal
Bomb = Energy + Explosion
Bone = Corpse + Time
BonsaiTree = Tree +Pottery
Book = Paper + Wood
Bookmark =book + time
Bookshelf = Book + Book
Bookshop =shop + book
Bouquet = Flower + Flower
Bow = string +wood
Box = Cube + Paper
Boy = Baby + Car
Brain = Idea + Male
BrandenburgGate = gate + Germany
Bread = Dough + Fire
Brick = Mud + Fire
Bride = Female + Love
Bridge = River + Wood
British Pound= Money + United Kingdom
Broom = Wood + Hay
Brown color =wood + paint
Bumblebee =Bee + Bee
Bull = Cow + Male
Bulbasaur =Pokémon + leaf
Bullet = Gunpowder +Metal
BulletproofVest = Bullet+ Armor
Bumblebee =bee + bee
Bus = minibus + minibus
BusStop = Bus + Time
Businessman = Money +Human
Businesswoman = Female +Businessman
Butcher = Human + Meat
Butter = Milk + Pressure
Butterfly = Caterpillar +Time
C3-PO = StarWar + Robot
CableCar = Car + Mountain
Cacao = Mexico+ plant
Cactus = Sand + Plant
Cake = Dough + Candle
Calendar = day+ note
Camel = Desert + Horse
Camera = photo+ tool
Campfire = Fire + Wood
Candle = Wax + Thread
Candy = sugar+ baby/girl/boy
CandyCane = Sugar +ChristmasTree
Cannon = Gunpowder +PirateShip
CaptainAmerica = Shield +Hero
Car = Wheel + Metal
Car wash = car+ soap
Car wipers =car + rain
Caramel = Sugar + Fire
CarbonDioxide = Human +Oxygen
Carpool = Taxi+ Taxi
Carrot = Snowman +Vegetable
Cart = Wheel + Wood
Casa Batllo =Spain + house
Castle = House + Knight
Cat = WildAnimal + Milk
Cater pie =Pokémon + caterpillar
Cater pillar =Wild Animal + Field
Cauldron = Metal + Witch
CD = floppydisk + time
CellPhone = Satellite +Sound
Centaur = Horse + Human
Chain = Metal + Rope
Chainsaw = Saw+Electricity
Chameleon = Lizard +Rainbow
Charcoal = Tree + Fire
Charmander =Pokémon + fire
Cheburashka =monkey + Russia
Cheese = Time + Milk
Cheeseburger = Cheese +Hamburger
Cherries = Analysis +Fruit
Chess bishop =bow + wood
Chess clock =clock + chess bishop/chess king/chess knight/chess pawn/chess queen/chessrock/wood
Chess king =king + wood
Chess knight =knight + wood
Chess pawn =solider + wood
Chess queen =queen + wood
Chess rook =castle + wood
Chewbacca =bear + star war
Chichen Itza =Mexico + castle
Chicken = Livestock +Bird
ChickenWing = Chicken +Bone
Chilli pepper= pepper + fire
Chimney = House +Fireplace
Chocolate =cacao + sugar
ChristmasCandle = ChristmasTree + candle
ChristmasStocking = Wool+ Fireplace
ChristmasTree = LightBulb+ Tree
Cigarette = Tobacco +Paper
Cinema = movie+ house
Circle = Octagon + Line
Circular saw =saw blade + tool
Circus = tent+ elephant
City = Village + Village
City hall =city + house
Classroom =school + room
Clay = Sand + Mud
Climber = Mountain +Human
Clock = Time +Electricity
Closet =clothing + house
Clothing =Fabric + Human
Cloud = Air + Steam
Cloud Storage= cloud + HDD
Clown = circus+ human
Clownfish =clown + fish
Coal = Pressure + Plant
Cobra = Snake + Flute
Cocktail glass= alcohol + glass
Coconut = Palm + Fruit
CoconutMilk = Coconut +Tool
Coffin = Wood + Corpse
Coins = money+ analysis
Cold = Human + Rain
Comb = hair +tool
Comet = Ice + Space
Comic book =book + hero
Company = Businessman +Businesswoman
Compass =magnet + earth/tool
Computer = Tool + Nerd
ComputerKeyboard = computer + text
ComputerMouse = Mouse +Computer
Conductor = Human + Music
Confetti = Paper + Blade
Constellation = Star +Star
Constructionruler = ruler + wall
Continent =country + country
Cookie = Dough + Sugar
Cookie jar =cookie + pottery
Corpse = Human + Gun
Cortana = Windows +Female
Cotton = Plant + Cloud
Cotton candy =cotton + sugar
Country = city+ city
Cow = Grass + Livestock
Cowboy = lasso+ human
Cpu = Computer + Brain
Crayon =Rainbow + Pencil/wax
Crib = Baby + Bed
Croissant =dough + sugar
Crow = Bird + Scarecrow
Crown = Head + Gold
CrystalBall = Witch +Glass
Cube = Square + Square
Cursor = ComputerMouse +Computer
Curtains =window + sun
Cyborg = Human + Robot
Cyclist = Bicycle + Human
3D printer =cube + printer
AcidRain = Rain + Smoke
Afterglow =cloud + red color = sunset + cloud = sunset + sky
Agent 007 =sky + united kingdom
Agent Smith =The Matrix + gun = The Matrix + spy
AirConditioning = Air +Electricity
Airplane = Bird + Metal
Aladdin =Genie Lamp + hero = Genie + hero
Airport =airplane + house = airplane + surface
Alarm Clock = Clock + Sound
Alcohol = Fruit + Time
Algae = Plant + Sea
Alfa Romeo =Italy + car
Alien = Life + Space
Alligator = Lizard +Swamp
Alpaca = Mountain + Sheep
Alphabet = Text + Text
Alps = Austria+ mountain range
Amazon = book+ website = book + Internet
Ambulance = Hospital +Car
Americanfootball player = football + male = football + female
Analog TV = TV+ time
Analysis = Brain +Problem
Anchor = Boat + Sea
Android = Alien +Computer
AndroidPhone = Android +CellPhone
Angel = Human + Bird
Angle = Line + Line
Animal shelter= dog + city = cat + city
Anonymous =computer + mask
Ant = Grass + WildAnimal
Antenna =metal + radio wave
App = Cpu + SourceCode
Apple = Analysis + Fruit
AppleInc = Fruit +Company
AppleSafari = AppleInc +Internet
Aquaman =water + hero = ocean + hero = sea + hero
Aquarium = Water + Glass
Archipelago = Isle + Isle
Armor = Tool + Metal
Ash = Volcano + Energy
Astronaut = Human + Moon
AstronautHelmet = Head +Astronaut
Atmosphere = Sky +Pressure
AtomicBomb = Bomb +Energy
Australia =kangaroo + country = kangaroo + continent
Austria =country + mountain
Autumn = leaf+ time
Avalanche = Energy + Snow
Avengers = CaptainAmerica+ IronMan
Avocado =Fruit + Analysis
Axe = Blade + Wood
Baby = Love + Time
BabyBottle = Baby + Milk
BabyChick = Baby +Chicken
Bacon = Pig + Fire
Bacteria = Swamp + Life
Baguette =France + bread
Baker = Human + Bread
Ball = Circle + Circle
Bamboo = grass+ wood
Banana = Fruit + Monkey
Bandage = Blood + Fabric
Bank = House + Money
Bar = House +Cocktail
Barbed wire =wire + fence
Barn = Livestock + House
Bartender =Human + Bar
Basement =room + ground
Bat = Mouse + Bird
Batman = Bat + Human
Batter = Flour + Milk
Battleship = Ship + Gun
Bbq = Campfire + Meat
Beach = Sea + Sand
Beachball = Ball + Beach
BeachUmbrella = Umbrella+ Beach
Bear = WildAnimal + Honey
Beaver = WildAnimal +Wood
Bed = Sleep + Human
Bed sheets =bed + decomposition
Bee = Flower + WildAnimal
Beehive = Bee + House
Beer = Alcohol + Wheat
Bell sprout =flower + Pokémon
Bender = Robot + Crayon
Bent spoon =spoon + brain
Bento box =sushi + box
Berlin TVtower = Germany + skyscraper = Germany + TV
Bicycle = Wheel + Wheel
Big Ben =United Kingdom + clock
BillBoard =Road + Image
Bing = Website +Microsoft
Binoculars = Telescope +Telescope
Birch = tree +Russia
Bird = Life + Sky
Birdhouse = Bird + House
Bitcoin =Internet + coins
Black Color =paint + space/hole/ash/pencil/night
BlackHole = Star +Pressure
Blade = Metal + Rock
Blanket = bed+ decomposition
Blender = Glass + Blade
Blizzard = Snow + Wind
Blood = Human + Blade
BlueColor =Water + Paint
Blu-Ray = DVD+ time
BMW = Germany+ car
Boat = Water + Wood
Boiler = Steam + Metal
Bomb = Energy + Explosion
Bone = Corpse + Time
BonsaiTree = Tree +Pottery
Book = Paper + Wood
Bookmark =book + time
Bookshelf = Book + Book
Bookshop =shop + book
Bouquet = Flower + Flower
Bow = string +wood
Box = Cube + Paper
Boy = Baby + Car
Brain = Idea + Male
BrandenburgGate = gate + Germany
Bread = Dough + Fire
Brick = Mud + Fire
Bride = Female + Love
Bridge = River + Wood
British Pound= Money + United Kingdom
Broom = Wood + Hay
Brown color =wood + paint
Bumblebee =Bee + Bee
Bull = Cow + Male
Bulbasaur =Pokémon + leaf
Bullet = Gunpowder +Metal
BulletproofVest = Bullet+ Armor
Bumblebee =bee + bee
Bus = minibus + minibus
BusStop = Bus + Time
Businessman = Money +Human
Businesswoman = Female +Businessman
Butcher = Human + Meat
Butter = Milk + Pressure
Butterfly = Caterpillar +Time
C3-PO = StarWar + Robot
CableCar = Car + Mountain
Cacao = Mexico+ plant
Cactus = Sand + Plant
Cake = Dough + Candle
Calendar = day+ note
Camel = Desert + Horse
Camera = photo+ tool
Campfire = Fire + Wood
Candle = Wax + Thread
Candy = sugar+ baby/girl/boy
CandyCane = Sugar +ChristmasTree
Cannon = Gunpowder +PirateShip
CaptainAmerica = Shield +Hero
Car = Wheel + Metal
Car wash = car+ soap
Car wipers =car + rain
Caramel = Sugar + Fire
CarbonDioxide = Human +Oxygen
Carpool = Taxi+ Taxi
Carrot = Snowman +Vegetable
Cart = Wheel + Wood
Casa Batllo =Spain + house
Castle = House + Knight
Cat = WildAnimal + Milk
Cater pie =Pokémon + caterpillar
Cater pillar =Wild Animal + Field
Cauldron = Metal + Witch
CD = floppydisk + time
CellPhone = Satellite +Sound
Centaur = Horse + Human
Chain = Metal + Rope
Chainsaw = Saw+Electricity
Chameleon = Lizard +Rainbow
Charcoal = Tree + Fire
Charmander =Pokémon + fire
Cheburashka =monkey + Russia
Cheese = Time + Milk
Cheeseburger = Cheese +Hamburger
Cherries = Analysis +Fruit
Chess bishop =bow + wood
Chess clock =clock + chess bishop/chess king/chess knight/chess pawn/chess queen/chessrock/wood
Chess king =king + wood
Chess knight =knight + wood
Chess pawn =solider + wood
Chess queen =queen + wood
Chess rook =castle + wood
Chewbacca =bear + star war
Chichen Itza =Mexico + castle
Chicken = Livestock +Bird
ChickenWing = Chicken +Bone
Chilli pepper= pepper + fire
Chimney = House +Fireplace
Chocolate =cacao + sugar
ChristmasCandle = ChristmasTree + candle
ChristmasStocking = Wool+ Fireplace
ChristmasTree = LightBulb+ Tree
Cigarette = Tobacco +Paper
Cinema = movie+ house
Circle = Octagon + Line
Circular saw =saw blade + tool
Circus = tent+ elephant
City = Village + Village
City hall =city + house
Classroom =school + room
Clay = Sand + Mud
Climber = Mountain +Human
Clock = Time +Electricity
Closet =clothing + house
Clothing =Fabric + Human
Cloud = Air + Steam
Cloud Storage= cloud + HDD
Clown = circus+ human
Clownfish =clown + fish
Coal = Pressure + Plant
Cobra = Snake + Flute
Cocktail glass= alcohol + glass
Coconut = Palm + Fruit
CoconutMilk = Coconut +Tool
Coffin = Wood + Corpse
Coins = money+ analysis
Cold = Human + Rain
Comb = hair +tool
Comet = Ice + Space
Comic book =book + hero
Company = Businessman +Businesswoman
Compass =magnet + earth/tool
Computer = Tool + Nerd
ComputerKeyboard = computer + text
ComputerMouse = Mouse +Computer
Conductor = Human + Music
Confetti = Paper + Blade
Constellation = Star +Star
Constructionruler = ruler + wall
Continent =country + country
Cookie = Dough + Sugar
Cookie jar =cookie + pottery
Corpse = Human + Gun
Cortana = Windows +Female
Cotton = Plant + Cloud
Cotton candy =cotton + sugar
Country = city+ city
Cow = Grass + Livestock
Cowboy = lasso+ human
Cpu = Computer + Brain
Crayon =Rainbow + Pencil/wax
Crib = Baby + Bed
Croissant =dough + sugar
Crow = Bird + Scarecrow
Crown = Head + Gold
CrystalBall = Witch +Glass
Cube = Square + Square
Cursor = ComputerMouse +Computer
Curtains =window + sun
Cyborg = Human + Robot
Cyclist = Bicycle + Human