alchemy吧 关注:456贴子:11,823
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IP属地:浙江1楼2024-06-12 00:22回复
    3D glasses =cube + glasses
    3D printer =cube + printer
    AcidRain = Rain + Smoke
    Afterglow =cloud + red color = sunset + cloud = sunset + sky
    Agent 007 =sky + united kingdom
    Agent Smith =The Matrix + gun = The Matrix + spy
    AirConditioning = Air +Electricity
    Airplane = Bird + Metal
    Aladdin =Genie Lamp + hero = Genie + hero
    Airport =airplane + house = airplane + surface
    Alarm Clock = Clock + Sound
    Alcohol = Fruit + Time
    Algae = Plant + Sea
    Alfa Romeo =Italy + car
    Alien = Life + Space
    Alligator = Lizard +Swamp
    Alpaca = Mountain + Sheep
    Alphabet = Text + Text
    Alps = Austria+ mountain range
    Amazon = book+ website = book + Internet
    Ambulance = Hospital +Car
    Americanfootball player = football + male = football + female
    Analog TV = TV+ time
    Analysis = Brain +Problem
    Anchor = Boat + Sea
    Android = Alien +Computer
    AndroidPhone = Android +CellPhone
    Angel = Human + Bird
    Angle = Line + Line
    Animal shelter= dog + city = cat + city
    Anonymous =computer + mask
    Ant = Grass + WildAnimal
    Antenna =metal + radio wave
    App = Cpu + SourceCode
    Apple = Analysis + Fruit
    AppleInc = Fruit +Company
    AppleSafari = AppleInc +Internet
    Aquaman =water + hero = ocean + hero = sea + hero
    Aquarium = Water + Glass
    Archipelago = Isle + Isle
    Armor = Tool + Metal
    Ash = Volcano + Energy
    Astronaut = Human + Moon
    AstronautHelmet = Head +Astronaut
    Atmosphere = Sky +Pressure
    AtomicBomb = Bomb +Energy
    Australia =kangaroo + country = kangaroo + continent
    Austria =country + mountain
    Autumn = leaf+ time
    Avalanche = Energy + Snow
    Avengers = CaptainAmerica+ IronMan
    Avocado =Fruit + Analysis
    Axe = Blade + Wood
    Baby = Love + Time
    BabyBottle = Baby + Milk
    BabyChick = Baby +Chicken
    Bacon = Pig + Fire
    Bacteria = Swamp + Life
    Baguette =France + bread
    Baker = Human + Bread
    Ball = Circle + Circle
    Bamboo = grass+ wood
    Banana = Fruit + Monkey
    Bandage = Blood + Fabric
    Bank = House + Money
    Bar = House +Cocktail
    Barbed wire =wire + fence
    Barn = Livestock + House
    Bartender =Human + Bar
    Basement =room + ground
    Bat = Mouse + Bird
    Batman = Bat + Human
    Batter = Flour + Milk
    Battleship = Ship + Gun
    Bbq = Campfire + Meat
    Beach = Sea + Sand
    Beachball = Ball + Beach
    BeachUmbrella = Umbrella+ Beach
    Bear = WildAnimal + Honey
    Beaver = WildAnimal +Wood
    Bed = Sleep + Human
    Bed sheets =bed + decomposition
    Bee = Flower + WildAnimal
    Beehive = Bee + House
    Beer = Alcohol + Wheat
    Bell sprout =flower + Pokémon
    Bender = Robot + Crayon
    Bent spoon =spoon + brain
    Bento box =sushi + box
    Berlin TVtower = Germany + skyscraper = Germany + TV
    Bicycle = Wheel + Wheel
    Big Ben =United Kingdom + clock
    BillBoard =Road + Image
    Bing = Website +Microsoft
    Binoculars = Telescope +Telescope
    Birch = tree +Russia
    Bird = Life + Sky
    Birdhouse = Bird + House
    Bitcoin =Internet + coins
    Black Color =paint + space/hole/ash/pencil/night
    BlackHole = Star +Pressure
    Blade = Metal + Rock
    Blanket = bed+ decomposition
    Blender = Glass + Blade
    Blizzard = Snow + Wind
    Blood = Human + Blade
    BlueColor =Water + Paint
    Blu-Ray = DVD+ time
    BMW = Germany+ car
    Boat = Water + Wood
    Boiler = Steam + Metal
    Bomb = Energy + Explosion
    Bone = Corpse + Time
    BonsaiTree = Tree +Pottery
    Book = Paper + Wood
    Bookmark =book + time
    Bookshelf = Book + Book
    Bookshop =shop + book
    Bouquet = Flower + Flower
    Bow = string +wood
    Box = Cube + Paper
    Boy = Baby + Car
    Brain = Idea + Male
    BrandenburgGate = gate + Germany
    Bread = Dough + Fire
    Brick = Mud + Fire
    Bride = Female + Love
    Bridge = River + Wood
    British Pound= Money + United Kingdom
    Broom = Wood + Hay
    Brown color =wood + paint
    Bumblebee =Bee + Bee
    Bull = Cow + Male
    Bulbasaur =Pokémon + leaf
    Bullet = Gunpowder +Metal
    BulletproofVest = Bullet+ Armor
    Bumblebee =bee + bee
    Bus = minibus + minibus
    BusStop = Bus + Time
    Businessman = Money +Human
    Businesswoman = Female +Businessman
    Butcher = Human + Meat
    Butter = Milk + Pressure
    Butterfly = Caterpillar +Time
    C3-PO = StarWar + Robot
    CableCar = Car + Mountain
    Cacao = Mexico+ plant
    Cactus = Sand + Plant
    Cake = Dough + Candle
    Calendar = day+ note
    Camel = Desert + Horse
    Camera = photo+ tool
    Campfire = Fire + Wood
    Candle = Wax + Thread
    Candy = sugar+ baby/girl/boy
    CandyCane = Sugar +ChristmasTree
    Cannon = Gunpowder +PirateShip
    CaptainAmerica = Shield +Hero
    Car = Wheel + Metal
    Car wash = car+ soap
    Car wipers =car + rain
    Caramel = Sugar + Fire
    CarbonDioxide = Human +Oxygen
    Carpool = Taxi+ Taxi
    Carrot = Snowman +Vegetable
    Cart = Wheel + Wood
    Casa Batllo =Spain + house
    Castle = House + Knight
    Cat = WildAnimal + Milk
    Cater pie =Pokémon + caterpillar
    Cater pillar =Wild Animal + Field
    Cauldron = Metal + Witch
    CD = floppydisk + time
    CellPhone = Satellite +Sound
    Centaur = Horse + Human
    Chain = Metal + Rope
    Chainsaw = Saw+Electricity
    Chameleon = Lizard +Rainbow
    Charcoal = Tree + Fire
    Charmander =Pokémon + fire
    Cheburashka =monkey + Russia
    Cheese = Time + Milk
    Cheeseburger = Cheese +Hamburger
    Cherries = Analysis +Fruit
    Chess bishop =bow + wood
    Chess clock =clock + chess bishop/chess king/chess knight/chess pawn/chess queen/chessrock/wood
    Chess king =king + wood
    Chess knight =knight + wood
    Chess pawn =solider + wood
    Chess queen =queen + wood
    Chess rook =castle + wood
    Chewbacca =bear + star war
    Chichen Itza =Mexico + castle
    Chicken = Livestock +Bird
    ChickenWing = Chicken +Bone
    Chilli pepper= pepper + fire
    Chimney = House +Fireplace
    Chocolate =cacao + sugar
    ChristmasCandle = ChristmasTree + candle
    ChristmasStocking = Wool+ Fireplace
    ChristmasTree = LightBulb+ Tree
    Cigarette = Tobacco +Paper
    Cinema = movie+ house
    Circle = Octagon + Line
    Circular saw =saw blade + tool
    Circus = tent+ elephant
    City = Village + Village
    City hall =city + house
    Classroom =school + room
    Clay = Sand + Mud
    Climber = Mountain +Human
    Clock = Time +Electricity
    Closet =clothing + house
    Clothing =Fabric + Human
    Cloud = Air + Steam
    Cloud Storage= cloud + HDD
    Clown = circus+ human
    Clownfish =clown + fish
    Coal = Pressure + Plant
    Cobra = Snake + Flute
    Cocktail glass= alcohol + glass
    Coconut = Palm + Fruit
    CoconutMilk = Coconut +Tool
    Coffin = Wood + Corpse
    Coins = money+ analysis
    Cold = Human + Rain
    Comb = hair +tool
    Comet = Ice + Space
    Comic book =book + hero
    Company = Businessman +Businesswoman
    Compass =magnet + earth/tool
    Computer = Tool + Nerd
    ComputerKeyboard = computer + text
    ComputerMouse = Mouse +Computer
    Conductor = Human + Music
    Confetti = Paper + Blade
    Constellation = Star +Star
    Constructionruler = ruler + wall
    Continent =country + country
    Cookie = Dough + Sugar
    Cookie jar =cookie + pottery
    Corpse = Human + Gun
    Cortana = Windows +Female
    Cotton = Plant + Cloud
    Cotton candy =cotton + sugar
    Country = city+ city
    Cow = Grass + Livestock
    Cowboy = lasso+ human
    Cpu = Computer + Brain
    Crayon =Rainbow + Pencil/wax
    Crib = Baby + Bed
    Croissant =dough + sugar
    Crow = Bird + Scarecrow
    Crown = Head + Gold
    CrystalBall = Witch +Glass
    Cube = Square + Square
    Cursor = ComputerMouse +Computer
    Curtains =window + sun
    Cyborg = Human + Robot
    Cyclist = Bicycle + Human

    IP属地:浙江2楼2024-06-23 15:57
      Dam = Beaver + River
      Daredevil = Devil + Hero
      DarthVader = Jedi + Fire
      Day = Sun + Time
      Deadpool =hero + blood
      Death star =star + skull/Darth Vader
      Decomposition = Brain +Problem
      Deer = forest+ wild animal
      DeliveryTruck = Car + Box
      Deltahedron =octahedron + octahedron
      Dental braces= tooth + metal
      Desert = Sand + Sand
      Detective =magnifying glass + thief
      Detective hat= detective + hat
      Devil = Pitchfork + Angel
      Dew = Fog + Grass
      Diamond = Pressure + Coal
      Dice = Dot + Cube
      Dinosaur = Lizard + Time
      Dj = Blender + Music
      Docker = app +whale
      Doctor = Human + Hospital
      Doctor Who =Tardis + doctor
      Dodecahedron =deltahedron + deltahedron
      Dog = WildAnimal + Human
      Doghouse = Dog + House
      Doll = Human +Tool
      Dolphin = Brain + Fish
      Don Quixote =Spain + love=Spain + windmill
      DonaSarkar = NinjaCat +Female
      Donut = Dough + Oil
      Door = Wall +Wood
      Door alarm =door + alarm clock
      Door hanger =door + paper
      DOS = windowsXP + time
      Dot = Point + Pencil
      DoubleBed = Bed + Bed
      Dough = Water + Flour
      Dragon = Lizard + Fire
      Dratini =dragon + Pokémon
      Dress = female+ clothing
      Drone = Airplane + Robot
      Drum = Wood + Leather
      Drunk = Human + Alcohol
      Duck = Water + Bird
      Duckling = Egg + Duck
      Dust = Earth + Air
      DVD = time +VHS/CD
      Dwarf = human+ ant
      Dynamite = Gunpowder +Wire
      EReader = Electricity +Book
      Eagle = Mountain + Bird
      Ear = Head +Decomposition
      Earrings = ear+ ring
      EarthWorm =Field + WildAnimal
      Earthquake = Earth +Energy
      Ebook = Book +Computer
      Eclipse = Sun + Moon
      Egg = Life + Rock
      Egg incubator= Pokémon egg + house=Pokémon egg + glasses=Pokémon egg + box
      EggTimer = Egg + Clock
      Egypt=Country + Pyramid
      Eiffel tower =France + metal/steel
      ElectricBumperCar = Car +Electricity
      Electrictoothbrush = toothbrush + electricity
      Electrician = Human +Electricity
      Electricity = Metal +Energy
      Elephant = Tank +WildAnimal
      Email = Letter + Computer
      Empire =stormtrooper + house/castle
      Energy = Air + Fire
      Engagementring = ring + love
      Engineer = Human + Tool
      E-reader =book + electricity/tablet
      Ethereum =Internet + coins
      Euro = Spain +money=Italy + money=Germany + money
      Excalibur = Sword + Rock
      Explosion = Gunpowder +Fire
      Eye = Head +Decomposition
      Fabric = Thread + Tool
      Facebook = Human +Internet
      Factory = Company + House
      FairyTale = Story +Castle
      Family = Human + House
      FamilyTree = Tree +Family
      Fantastic Four= The thing + human torch
      Farm = Farmer + House
      Farmer = Field + Human
      Faun = Goat + Human
      Female = Human + Human
      FemaleDoctor = Female +Doctor
      FemaleGardener = Female +Gardener
      Femalegraduate = female Student + time
      Female Student= university + girl
      FemaleWorker = Female +Factory
      Fence = Wall + Wood
      Ferrari = car+ horse/Italy
      Flat = car +Italy
      Field = Earth + Tool
      Finland =metal music + country
      FireAlarm = Fire + House
      FireExtinguisher = Fire +CarbonDioxide
      Fire hose =fireman/firewoman + fire/water
      Fire hydrant =water + fireman/firewoman
      Fire sprinkler= fire + house
      Fire truck =fireman + car
      Firefox = Fire + Fox
      Fireman = Human + Fire
      Fireplace = House +Campfire
      Firewoman = Female +Fireman
      Fireworks = Explosion +Sky
      Fish = HardRoe + Time
      Fisherman =fishing rod + human
      FishingRod = Tool + Fish
      Flashlight = Tool + Light
      Flood = Rain + Rain
      Floppy disk =computer + memory
      Flour = Wheat + Rock
      Flower = Plant + Garden
      Flute = Wood + Wind
      Fog = Earth + Cloud
      Football = Ball + Grass
      Ford = UnitedStates of America + car
      Forest = Tree + Tree
      Fork = Needle+ Needle
      FortuneCookie = Paper +Cookie
      Fossil = Dinosaur + Time
      Fountain = Statue + Water
      Fox = Chicken +WildAnimal
      France =country + croissant = country + cheese
      Frankenstein = Zombie +Electricity
      FrenchFries = Oil +Vegetable
      Fridge = Metal + Cold
      Frog = WildAnimal + Pond
      Fruit = Tree + Farmer
      FruitPunch =Alcohol + Fruit
      FruitTree = Fruit + Tree
      Fry =professor + boy
      GabeAul= Ninja Cat + Human
      Galaxy = Constellation +Star
      Garage = Car + House
      Garden = Plant + Plant
      GardenGnome = Garden +Statue
      Gardener = Human + Garden
      Garfield = Cat + Crayon
      Gas mask =dust + mask
      Gate = Door +Fence
      Geisha =female + Japan
      Genie = genielamp + ghost
      Genie lamp =wand + vase/lamp
      Geocaching = Treasure +TheEarth
      German house =Germany + house
      Ghost = Graveyard + Night
      Ghostbusters =movie + ghost
      Gift = Santa +ChristmasTree
      GingerbreadHouse = House+ Dough
      GingerbreadMan = Life +Dough
      Giraffe = WildAnimal +Skyscraper
      Girl = baby +doll
      Github =SourceCode + House
      Glacier = Ice + Mountain
      Glass = Fire + Sand
      Glasses = Glass + Glass
      Globe = TheEarth + ball=continent + sea
      Goat = Livestock +Mountain
      Godzilla = Dinosaur +City
      Gold = Metal + Sun
      Gold pot =Leprechaun + gold
      GolfBall = Ball + Field
      Golfer = GolfBall + Human
      Gondola =Italy + boat
      Google = Alphabet +Company
      GoogleChrome = Google +Internet
      GoogleDocs =Google + text
      GoogleDrive =Google + cloud storage
      GoogleMaps =Google + map
      GoogleSheets =Google + numbers
      GoogleSlides =Google + presentation
      Gorrila = monkey + bear
      GPS Antenna =antenna + earth/the earth
      Graduate hat =hat + male student/female student
      Gramophone =needle + music/sound
      Granite = Lava + Pressure
      Grapes = wine+ decomposition
      Grass = Plant + Earth
      Grave = Coffin + Earth
      Graveyard = Grave + Grave
      Great ball =pokeball + pokeball
      Great wall =China + wall
      Green color =grass + paint = blue color + yellow color
      Green Lantern= hero + ring
      Greenhouse = Plant +Glass
      Grenade = Explosion +Metal
      GrimReaper = Human +Scythe
      Groom = Male + Love
      Groot = wood +hero
      Ground = Earth + Surface
      Guiness beer =Ireland + beer
      Gun = Metal + Bullet
      Gunpowder = Fire + Dust

      IP属地:浙江3楼2024-06-23 21:05
        HackerCat = NinjaCat +Computer
        Hail = Rain + Ice
        Hair = Head +Decomposition
        Ham = Meat + Smoke
        Hamburger = Meat + Bread
        Hammer = Metal + Wood
        Hamster = Wheel + Mouse
        Handcuffs =policeman + metal=policewoman + metal
        HardRoe = Egg + Water
        Harley Quinn =Joker + bride
        Harp = Angel + Music
        Harry potter =wizard + book
        HarryPotter= harry potter + lightning/boy = lightning + boy
        Harvester = Tractor +Field
        Hat = head +roof
        HauntedHouse = Ghost +House
        Hawkeye = bow+ Avengers
        Hay =Grass + Scythe/sun/farmer
        HayBale = Hay + Hay
        HDD = computer+ memory
        Head = House + Brain
        Headphones = Head + Sound
        Headset =sound + microphone
        Hedge = Plant + Fence
        Helicopter = Blade +Airplane
        Heptagon = Hexagon + Line
        Hero = Knight + Dragon
        Hexagon = Pentagon + Line
        Hippo = Horse + River
        Hole = spade +earth
        Hollywood =movie + star
        HoloLens = Glasses +Microsoft
        Honda = Japan+ car
        Honey = Bee + Flower
        Horizon = Sky + Earth
        Hornet = wasp+ wasp
        Horse = Hay + Livestock
        Horseshoe = Metal + Horse
        Hospital = House +Sickness
        Hot cocoa =cacao + milk
        Hot dog =sausage + bread
        HotSpring = Steam + Earth
        Hourglass = Sand + Glass
        House = Wood + Human
        HouseBaratheon = deer + house
        House floor =room + room = house + decomposition
        HouseLannister = lion + house
        House stark =wolf + house
        HouseTargaryen = dragon + house
        Hulk = hero +radiation
        Human = Earth + Life
        Human torch =hero + fire
        Hummingbird = Bird +Flower
        Hurricane = Wind + Energy
        Hydroelectricity =Electricity + Water
        Hyper Potion =super potion+ super potion
        Ice = Water + Cold
        IceCream = Milk + Cold
        IceCream scoop= ladle + ice cream
        IceCreamTruck = Car +IceCream
        Iceberg = Sea + Ice
        IcedTea = Ice + Tea
        Icosahedron =dodecahedron + dodecahedron
        Idea = Human + LightBulb
        Igloo = House + Ice
        Image = Paper + Crayon
        IMDb = Movie +Internet
        Inbox = Email + House
        India =elephant + country
        Instagram = Facebook +Image
        IntegratedCircuit =Computer + Brain
        Internet = NetWork+NetWork
        InternetExplorer =Microsoft + Internet
        Ipad = ipadmini + ipad mini = Apple Inc. + tablet
        Ipad mini =iphone + iphone = Apple Inc. + tablet
        IPhone = CellPhone +Fruit
        Ireland =country + harp
        IronMan = Metal + Hero
        Isis = Egypt +hero/princess
        Isle = Ocean + Volcano
        Ivy = Plant + Wall
        JackOLantern = Pumpkin +Fire
        Jam = Juice + Sugar
        Japanese dolls= doll + japan
        Japaneseumbrella = Japan + umbrella
        Japanese Yen =Japan + money
        Jedi = Lightsaber + Human
        Jerky = Meat + Sun
        Jessica Jones= Netflix + hero/detective = alcohol + hero
        Juice = Pressure + Fruit
        Jupiter =solar system + decomposition
        Kangaroo =wild animal + pouch = frog + pouch
        Katana = Japan+ sword = Ninja + sword
        Kenya =giraffe + country
        Kettle = tea +vase/pottery
        Khokhloma =wood + Russia
        Klit = dress +male
        Kimono = Japan+ clothing
        King = Crown + Male
        Kiss = Lips + Love
        Kite = Wind + Paper
        KiwiFruit = Analysis +Fruit
        Knife = Blade+ Blade
        Knight = Human + Armor
        Knot = Rope +Rope
        Koala = bear +pouch
        Koi = fish +Japan
        Kremlin =castle + Russia
        Labyrinth = Faun + Wall
        Ladle = spoon+ spoon
        Lake = Water + Pond
        Lamborghini =Italy + car
        Lamp = Metal + LightBulb
        Laptop = Computer + Book
        Laser = Light+ Light
        LaserGun = Gun+ Laser
        Lasso = Cow + Rope
        Lava = Earth + Fire
        LavaLamp = Lava + Lamp
        LawnMower = Grass + Tool
        Leaf = Tree + Wind
        Leather = Cow + Blade
        Leela =professor + girl
        Lego =LegoBrick + Company
        LegoBrick = Boy + Brick
        Lego head =Lego brick + head
        Lemon = Analysis + Fruit
        Lemonade = Fruit + Water
        Lemur = monkey+ cat
        Leprechaun =Ireland + Old Man
        Leprechaun hat= Leprechaun + hat
        Letter = Paper + Pencil
        Library = Bookshelf +Bookshelf
        Life = Swamp + Energy
        Light = LightBulb +Electricity
        LightBulb = Electricity +Glass
        Lighthouse = Light +House
        Lightning =storm + decomposition
        Lightsaber = Light +Sword
        Limousine =car + businessman/businesswoman
        Line = Pencil + Ruler
        LinkedIn =website+ businessman = website + businesswoman = website + company
        Linux = Penguin +Computer
        Lion = WildAnimal + Cat
        Lips = Head +Decomposition
        Lipstick =lips + paint/paintbrush
        Livestock = Farmer + Life
        Lizard = Egg + Swamp
        Lizard hand =lizard + lizard
        Locomotive = Train + Time
        LogCabin = Wood + House
        Lolipop = Sugar + Baby
        Lotus = water+ flower
        Love = Human + Human
        Loveletter = Love +Letter
        Luck = Spider + Horseshoe
        LuckyEgg =pokemon+luck
        LuckyLeaf = Shamrock +Leaf
        Luke Cage =Netflix + hero
        Luke Skywalker= star wars + hero
        Lumberjack = Axe + Human
        Mac = Fruit + Computer
        Madagascar =lemur + isle
        Magnet = Metal+ Electricity
        MagnifiyingGlasses= Glasses + Glasses
        Mailbox = Letter + House
        Mailman = Human + Letter
        Maize = Popcorn +Analysis
        Male = Human + Human
        Male graduate= Male Student + time
        Male Student =university + boy
        MaleWorker = Male +Factory
        Mamooth =elephant + time/snow
        Manatee = Cow + Sea
        Maneki = Japan+ cat
        Mankey =monkey + pokemon
        Map = Paper + Earth
        Marble =ball+glass
        Mars = Rust + Planet
        Marshmallow = Sugar +Campfire
        Maserati =Italy + car
        Mask = fabric+ head
        Master ball =ultra ball + ultra ball
        Matches = Fire + Wood
        Matrypshka =doll + wood
        Mayonnaise = Egg + Oil
        Mazda = Japan+ car
        McDonalds =hamburger + gold
        Meat = Cow + Tool
        Meeting = Businessman +Businesswoman
        Megaphone =sound + sound/microphone = microphone + microphone
        Melon = Analysis + Fruit
        Memory = idea+ time
        Meowth = cat +pokemon
        Mercedes Benz= car + Germany/star
        Mercury =solar system + decomposition
        Mermaid = Human + Fish
        Messenger =Facebook + text
        Metal = Fire + Rock
        Metal detector= metal + airport
        MetalMusic = Metal +Music
        Meteoroid = Rock + Space
        Mexico =Tequila + country
        MickeyMouse = Mouse +Crayon
        Microphone =sound + memory
        Microscope = Glass +Bacteria
        Microsoft = Windows +Windows
        MicrosoftAzure= Microsoft + cloud
        MicrosoftBand = Watch +Microsoft
        MicrosoftEdge =InternetExplorer + Time
        MicrosoftExcel= Microsoft + numbers
        MicrosoftOneNote = Note +Microsoft
        MicrosoftOutlook = Email+ Microsoft
        MicrosoftPowerPoint =Presentation + Microsoft
        MicrosoftWord = Text +Microsoft
        Milk = Farmer + Cow
        MilkShake = Milk +IceCream
        Milky Way = Milk + Galaxy
        Millennium =Time + Time
        Mime = clown +silence
        Minecraft = Cube +TheEarth
        MinecraftAxe = Minecraft+ Axe
        MinecraftCharacter =Minecraft + Human
        MinecraftDiamond =Minecraft + Diamond
        MinecraftPig =Minecraft + pig
        MinecraftShovel= spade + Minecraft
        MinecraftSkeleton =Minecraft + Skeleton
        MinecraftSword =Minecraft + Sword
        MinecraftZombie = Zombie+ Minecraft
        Minibus = Car + Car
        MinnieMouse = MickeyMouse+ Love
        Minotaur = Human + Cow
        Mirror = Glass + Metal
        Missile = bomb+ rocket
        Mold = Time + Bread
        Money = Paper + Gold
        Monkey = Tree +WildAnimal
        Monorail = Train + Sky
        Moon = Sky + Cheese
        Morpheus = TheMatrix + hero
        Morty = RickSanchez + boy
        Moss = Plant + Rock
        Moth = Moon + Butterfly
        Motorcycle = Bicycle +Energy
        Mountain = Earthquake +Earth
        Mountain bike= bicycle + mountain
        MountainGoat = Mountain +Goat
        MountainRange = Mountain+ Mountain
        Mouse = Cheese +WildAnimal
        Mousetrap = Wood + Cheese
        Mouth = Head +Decomposition
        Movie = Time + Video
        Moviesoundtrack = movie + music
        Mrs.Claus =Female + Santa
        Mt.Fuji =volcano + japan
        Mud = Water + Earth
        Mummy = Corpse + Pyramid
        Mushroom = Rain + Moss
        Music = Human + Flute
        Musical =movie + music
        Naan = India +bread
        Nail = wood +hammer
        Narwhal = Unicorn + Ocean
        Nasa = space +company
        Needle = Metal + Thread
        Neo = TheMatrix + hero
        Neptune =solar system + decomposition
        Nerd = Human + Glasses
        Nest = Bird + Tree
        Netflix = Internet +Movie
        Netherlands = country+windmill=country+tulip
        Network =Computer + Computer
        Network cable= wire + network
        New Zealand =The One Ring+country
        Newspaper = Paper + Paper
        Night = Moon + Time
        Ninja = Shuriken + Human
        NinjaCat = Cat + Ninja
        NinjaCatNarwhal =NinjaCat + Narwhal
        NinjaCatTRex = NinjaCat +TyrannosaurusRex
        NinjaCatUnicorn =NinjaCat + Unicorn
        NinjaTurtle = Ninja +Turtle
        Nissan = Japan+ car
        Nose = Head +Decomposition
        Note = Idea + Paper
        Notebook =note + book
        NuclearExplosion =Explosion + Explosion
        Numbers =alphabet + Greece

        IP属地:浙江4楼2024-06-23 21:07
          Obsidian = Lava + Water
          Ocean = Water + Sea
          Octagon =heptagon + line
          Octahedron =dice + octagon/dice
          Oil = Sunflower +Pressure
          OldMan = Time + Male
          OldWoman = Time + Female
          Olive Oyl =popeye + bride/female
          Olympic rings= Olympic torch + circle
          Olympic torch= fire + Greece
          Omelette = Egg + Fire
          OneDrive =cloud storage + Microsoft
          OpticalFiber = Wire +Light
          Oracle = TheMatrix + crystal ball
          Orange = Analysis + Fruit
          Orange color =yellow color + red color = orange + paint
          Orchard = FruitTree +FruitTree
          Origami = Bird + Paper
          Ostrich = Bird + Earth
          Octagon = Heptagon + Line
          Owl = Night + Bird
          Oxygen = Plant + Sun
          Ozone = Oxygen + Oxygen
          Pacifier = Silence + Baby
          Paella = rice+ Spain
          Paint = Water + Rainbow
          Paintbrush =watercolors + broom
          Palace = King + House
          Palm = Isle + Tree
          Panda = bamboo+ bear/wild animal
          Paper = Wood + Pressure
          PaperAirplane = Airplane+ Paper
          PaperMoney =money + analysis
          Parachute = Pilot +Fabric
          Parking = car+ time
          Parking meter= parking + money/time
          Parking ticket= paper + parking/parking meter
          Parrot = Bird + Pirate
          Pasta = Flour + Egg
          Paw prints =dog+ground
          Peach = Analysis + Fruit
          Peafowl = Bird + Rainbow
          Pear = Analysis + Fruit
          Pegasus = Bird + Horse
          Pencil = Wood + Coal
          PencilSharpener = Blade +Pencil
          Penguin = Ice +WildAnimal
          Penicillin = Doctor +Mold
          Pennywise =clown + swamp
          Pentagon = Square + Line
          Pepper =vegetable + analysis
          Perfume = Water + Rose
          Petroleum = Fossil + Time
          Pharaoh = king+ Egypt
          Pharmacy =penicillin + shop
          Philosophy = Love + Brain
          Phoenix = Fire + Bird
          Photo = image+ light
          Photoshop = Image + Tool
          Picnic = Grass + Sandwich
          Pidgey = bird+ pokemon
          Pie = Dough + Fruit
          Pig = Livestock + Mud
          Pigeon = Bird + City
          PiggyBank = Pig + Money
          Pikachu = Pokemon +Electricity
          Pillow = bed +decomposition
          Pilot = Airplane + Human
          Pin = needle +paper
          Pinocchio = Wood + Life
          Pipe = Tobacco + Wood
          Piranha = Fish + Blood
          Pirate = Sword + Sailor
          PirateShip = Sailboat +Pirate
          Pitchfork = Tool + Hay
          PixarLamp = Lamp + Life
          Pizza = Cheese + Dough
          Planet = Earth + Space
          Planetarium =planet + eye
          Plankton = Water + Life
          Plant = Seedling + Time
          Platypus = Beaver + Duck
          Pluto = planet+ dwarf
          Point = Line +Decomposition
          Pokeball = Pokemon +House
          Pokemon = WildAnimal +Crayon
          Pokemon Egg =pokemon + egg
          Pokemon Go =Map + pokemon
          Polar bear =bear + winter/snow/ice
          PoliceCar =policeman + car=policewoman + car
          Police siren =police car + alarm clock/sound/light
          Police station= house + policeman/policewoman
          Policeman = City + Hero
          Policewoman = Female +Policeman
          Pond = Water + Garden
          Poodle = Dog + Wool
          Popcorn = Movie + Salt
          Popeye = Spinach + Hero
          Popsicle = Juice + Ice
          Porsche =Germany + car
          Portal = time+ door
          PostOffice =Letter + House
          Potion =pokemon + penicilin
          Pottery = Fire + Clay
          Pouch = marble+ fabric
          Power plug =wall socket + wire
          Predator =alien + meat
          Presentation = Meeting +Image
          Pressure = Earth + Earth
          Pretzel =Germany + salt
          Prince = Palace + Family
          Princess = Palace +Family
          Printer = Paper +Computer
          Prism = Glass + Rainbow
          Prison = thief+ handcuffs
          Prison cell =prison + room
          Problem = Idea + Idea
          Professor =nerd + Old man
          Professor X =X-men + brain
          Protractor =ruler + angle
          Psyduck =duck+pokemon
          Pterodactyl = Air +Dinosaur
          Puddle = Sun + Ice
          Pumpkin = Vegetable +Fire
          Pusheen = cat + internet
          Pyramid = Desert + Grave
          Quadcopter =drone + drone/camera
          Queen = Crown + Female
          R2-D2 = StarWar + Robot
          Radiation =radio wave + radio wave
          Radio wave =electricity + wave
          RailroadTrack = Train +Ground
          RailroadTrackSwitch =RailroadTrack + RailroadTrack
          RailwayStation = House +Train
          Rain = Water + Air
          Rainbow = Rain + Sun
          Ram = Sheep + Male
          RAM memory =computer+memory
          Raspberry =Fruit + Analysis
          RaspberryPi = Computer +Ant
          Rat = WildAnimal +PirateShip
          Rattata =pokemon+mouse=pokemon+rat
          Rebel = empire+ lightsaber
          Recipe = Flour + Paper
          Rectangle = Triangle +Line
          Red color =blood + paint
          Reindeer = Santa +WildAnimal
          Renault =France + car
          Rhinoceros =wild animal + nose
          Rhombus = Square + Angle
          Rice = Field +Farmer
          Rick Sanchez =nerd + Old man
          Ring = Diamond + Metal
          River = Mountain + Water
          Road = Ground + Car
          Robin = batman+ boy
          Robocop =robot + policeman/policewoman
          Robot = Metal + Life
          Rock = Air + Lava
          Rocket = Airplane + Space
          RollerCoaster = Train +Mountain
          Roof = house +decomposition
          Room = housefloor + decomposition
          Rooster = Male + Chicken
          Rope = String+ String
          Rose = Plant + Love
          Rugby football = Warrior+ Football
          Ruins = Time + Castle
          Ruler = Wood + Pencil
          Russia =Matryoshka + Country
          Russian Ruble= Russia + money
          Rust = Air + Metal
          Rv = House + Car

          IP属地:浙江5楼2024-06-23 21:09
            Saddle = Horse + Leather
            Safe = Metal + Money
            SafetyGlasses = Tool +Glasses
            Sailboat =boat + wind/fabric
            Sailor = human+ boat/sailboat
            Sake = Sushi +Alcohol
            Sakura = Japan+ tree = Japan + cherries
            Salami =sausage + Italy
            Salt = Sea + Sun
            Samovar = tea+ Russia
            Samurai =Japan + soldier
            Sancho Panza =Don Quixote + armor
            Sand = Air + Rock
            SandCastle = Sand +Castle
            Sandbox = sand+ baby/boy/girl
            Sandstorm = Sand + Storm
            Sandwich = Bread + Ham
            Santa = Human +ChristmasTree
            Santa's hat =Santa + hat
            Sashimi = fish+ sushi
            Satellite = Rocket +SolarCell
            Saturn =planet + ring = solar system + decomposition
            Sausage = Meat+ Meat
            Saw = Blade +Wood
            Saw blade =saw + circle
            Scalpel = Blade + Doctor
            Scanner =Paper + Computer
            Scarecrow = Human + Hay
            School = Boy + Book
            School bus =school + bus
            Scissors = Blade + Blade
            Scorpion = WildAnimal +Sand
            Scotland =Klit + country
            Scythe = Blade + Grass
            Sea = Water + Water
            Seagull = Bird + Sea
            Seahorse = Horse + Sea
            Seal = Dog + Sea
            Seaplane = Airplane +Water
            Searchlight =light + sky
            Seedling = Earth + Rain
            Selfie = CellPhone +Image
            Sentinel = TheMatrix + robot
            SewingMachine =Electricity + Needle
            Shampoo = soap+ hair
            Shamrock = Leaf + Leaf
            Shark = Blood + Ocean
            Sheep = Cloud + Livestock
            SherlockHolmes = detective + United Kingdom
            Shield = Tool + Metal
            Shinkansen =japan + train
            Ship = Boat + Sea
            ShootingStar = Star + Sky
            Shop = house +money
            Shuriken = Star + Blade
            Sickness = Human +Sickness
            Silence = Sound + Space
            Simon'sCat = Cat +Youtube
            Skateboard = Snowboard +Wheel
            Skeleton = Bone + Bone
            SkiGoggles = Glasses +Snow
            Skull = Head + Skeleton
            Sky = Air + Cloud
            Skype = Internet +CellPhone
            Skyscraper = House + Sky
            Sledgenammer=Hammer + Hammer
            Sleep = Night + Human
            Sleigh = Snow + Cart
            Smartphone =cell phone + time
            Smog = Smoke + Fog
            Smoke = Fire + Time
            Smoothie = Fruit +Blender
            SMS = text +cell phone/smartphone
            Snake = WildAnimal + Wire
            Snitch = HarryPotter + ball/gold
            Snow = Rain + Cold
            SnowGlobe = Snow +CrystalBall
            Snow plow =snow + tractor/truck
            Snowball = Snow + Snow
            Snowboard = Wood + Snow
            Snowboarder = Snowboard +Human
            Snowman = Snow + Human
            Snowmobile = Snow +Motorcycle
            Soap = Oil + Ash
            Soccer = Ball + Grass
            Soccer player= soccer + female/male
            Soda = Water +CarbonDioxide
            SolarCell = Sun + Tool
            SolarSystem = Sun +Planet
            Sound = Air + Wave
            SourceCode = Text + Nerd
            Space = Sky + Star
            SpaceStation = Space +House
            Spaceship = Airplane +Astronaut
            Spade = earth+ spoon
            Sphinx = Human + Lion
            Spider = WildAnimal +Thread
            Spiderman = Human +Spider
            SpiderPig = Spider + Pig
            Spinach = Leaf +Vegetable
            Spock = Lizardhand + scissors = lizard hand + paper = lizard hand + rock
            Spoon = water+ fork
            Spotify = Computer +Music
            Spring =flower + time
            Sprinkles = Sugar +Confetti
            Spy = human +sunglasses
            Square = Rectangle +Ruler
            Squirrel = Mouse + Tree
            Squirtle =pokemon+water
            Stadium = Football +House
            Star = Sky + Night
            Star Trek =spock+spock
            Star TrekCommunicator = Star Trek + smartphone/telephone
            StarWars = Space + Spaceship
            Starfish = Fish + Star
            Statue = Rock + Tool
            Statue ofLiberty = United Stated of America + statue
            Steak = Meat + Bbq
            Steam = Water + Fire
            SteamEngine = Boiler +Tool
            Steamboat = SteamEngine +Water
            Steel = Metal + Coal
            SteelWool = Steel + Wool
            Stethoscope = Tool +Doctor
            SteveJobs = AppleInc +Human
            Stork = bird +baby
            Storm = Energy + Cloud
            Stormtrooper =Star Wars + warrior/knight
            Story = Human + Campfire
            Strawberry = Analysis +Fruit
            Street light =city + light
            Street sweeper= broom + city/car
            String = Tread+ Tread
            Stroller = Car + Baby
            Submarine =whale + metal
            Subtitles =text + movie
            Subway = Tunnel + Train
            Sugar = Fruit + Energy
            Summer = Sun +Time
            Sumo = Japan +warrior
            Sun = Fire + Sky
            Sundial = Clock + Sun
            Sunflower = Flower + Sun
            Sunglasses = Sun +Glasses
            Sunrise = Sun+ Time
            Sunset = Sun +Time
            Superman = Bird +Airplane
            Super Potion =potion+potion
            Surface = Ruler + Ruler
            SurfaceBook = Laptop +Microsoft
            Surfer = Human + Wave
            Sushi = Fish + Algae
            Suspensionrailway = cable car + city
            Swamp = Mud + Plant
            Sweater = Wool + Tool
            SwimGoggles = Glasses +Water
            Swimmer = Human +SwimGoggles
            Swimming pool= swimmer + house = pond + city
            Swiss ArmyKnife = knife + Switzerland
            Swiss Franc =Switzerland + money
            Sword = Blade + Metal
            Swordfish = Fish + Sword
            Syringe =needle + doctor
            Tablet =smartphone + smartphone
            Taj Mahal =India + castle
            Tango = Spain+ music
            Tank = Car + Armor
            Tardis = space+ time
            Taser = Gun + Electricity
            Taxi = Car + CellPhone
            Tea = Water + Leaf
            Tears = Eye + Water
            Telephone =cell phone + time = cell phone + house
            Telescope = Glass + Sky
            Temple = Japan+ castle/house
            Tent = Wood + Fabric
            Tequila =Cactus + Alcohol
            Tesla = car +computer/United States of America
            Text = Pencil + Paper
            The Architect= The Matrix + Old man
            The Earth = Earth + Planet
            The Flash =lightning + hero=lightning + human
            The Matrix =The Earth + virtual reality/source code
            TheOneRing = Ring + Fire
            The Sims =family + computer
            The Thing =hero + rock
            Thief = mask +gun
            Thor = Hero + Hammer
            ThorsHammer = Electricity+ Hammer
            Thread = Cotton + Tool
            Thriller = Music + Zombie
            Thunder =storm + decomposition
            Tide = Sea + Moon
            Time = Hourglass + Energy
            Titanic = Steamboat +Iceberg
            Toast = Sandwich + Fire
            Tobacco = Plant + Fire
            Togepi = Egg + Pokemon
            Tollbooth =road + money
            Tomato =vegetable + analysis
            Tool = Metal + Human
            Tooth = mouth+ decomposition
            Toothbrush =broom + tooth
            Toothpaste =tooth + toothbrush
            Toreador =bull + human
            Torii = Japan+ gate
            TorrentialRain = Rain+Rain
            Tower of Pisa= Italy + skyscraper
            Toyota = Japan+ car
            Tractor = Farmer + Car
            Traffic jam =car + city
            Train = SteamEngine +Steel
            Tram = City + Train
            Transformers =car + robot/life
            Treasure = Pirate +TreasureMap
            TreasureMap = Pirate +Map
            Tree = Plant + Time
            Treehouse = Tree + House
            Triangle = Angle + Line
            TriangularRuler = triangle + ruler
            Tricycle =Bicycle + Wheel
            Trinity = TheMatrix + hero
            TrojanHorse = Horse +Wood
            TrolleyBus = Bus +Electricity
            TropicalFish = Sun + Fish
            Truck = Car +Car
            Tsunami = Ocean +Earthquake
            Tudor Rose =rose + United Kingdom
            Tulip = Flower+ Love
            Tunnel = Engineer +Mountain
            Turtle = Egg + Sand
            Turkey = Farmer + Bird
            Tv = Satellite + Movie
            TV Antenna =TV + antenna
            Twilight = Day + Night
            阿推你懂的 = Bird + Internet
            Two-hump camel= camel + camel
            TyrannosaurusRex = Meat +Dinosaur
            Ufo = Rocket + Alien
            Ultra ball =great ball+great ball
            Umbrella = Tool + Rain
            Unicorn = Rainbow + Horse
            Unicycle =bicycle + clown/circus
            United Kingdom= Country + Queen
            United Statedof America = country + hamburger/iphone
            University =school + school
            Uranus =planet + sky = solar system + decomposition
            US Dollar =Money + USA
            USS Enterprise= Star Trek + spaceship
            VacuumCleaner =Electricity + Broom
            Vampire = Human + Blood
            Vase = Plant + Pottery
            Vegetable = Field + Fruit
            Venetian mask= Italy + mask
            Venom = alien+ spiderman
            Venus = planet+ female = solar system + decomposition
            VHS = movie +magnet
            Video = Image + Life
            Village = House + House
            Vimeo = Internet + Video
            Violet color =red color + blue color
            Virtualreality = glasses + computer
            VisualStudio = SourceCode+ Microsoft
            VLC = video +computer
            Vodka = Russia+ alcohol
            Volcano = Lava + Earth
            Volkswagen =Germany + car
            Vulture = Bird + Corpse

            IP属地:浙江6楼2024-06-23 21:30
              Wagon = Cart + Horse
              Waiting Room = room + time
              Wall = Brick + Brick
              Wall socket = wall + electricity
              Wallet = Leather + Money
              Wand = Wizard + Wood
              Warehouse = box + house
              Warrior = Sword + Human
              Washing machine = clothing + soap
              Wasp = Bee + Bee
              Watch = Human + Clock
              WaterGun = Water + Gun
              WaterLily = Flower + Pond
              Watermelon = Water + Melon
              WaterPipe = Water + Pipe
              WaterTower = Water + Skyscraper
              Watercolors = Water + Paint
              Waterfall = Mountain + River
              Watermelon = melon + water
              Wave = Sea + Wind
              Wax = Bee + Beehive
              Web = Spider + Thread
              Website = Internet + Text
              Wedding rings = engagement + time
              Well = hole + water
              Werewolf = Wolf + Human
              Western = movie + cactus
              Whale = fish + elephant
              WhatsApp = smartphone + text
              Wheat = Field + Farmer
              Wheel = Tool + Wood
              Whiskey = Ireland + alcohol
              White color = paint + milk/cloud
              Wi-Fi = Internet + air
              WildAnimal = Forest + Life
              WildBoar = WildAnimal + Pig
              Wind = Pressure + Air
              WindTurbine = Windmill + Electricity
              Windmill = House + Wind
              Window = Glass + Wall
              Windows = Window + Window
              Windows10Mobile = Time + WindowsPhone
              WindowsInsider = Windows + Love
              WindowsMobile = CellPhone + Windows
              WindowsPhone = Time + WindowsMobile
              Windows tablet = tablet + Microsoft/windows
              WindowsXp = Windows + Time
              Wine = Fruit + Alcohol
              Wire = Electricity + Metal
              Witch = Wizard + Broom
              Wizard = Human + Energy
              Wolf = WildAnimal + Dog
              Wolverine = hero + blade
              Wonder woman = warrior + female
              Wood = Tool + Tree
              Woodpecker = Bird + Wood
              Wool = Sheep + Tool
              WrappingPaper = Gift + Paper
              Xcode = Apple Inc. + source code
              X-men = storm + wolverine
              X-ray = bone + light
              Yellow color = sun + paint
              Yoda = Jedi + Swamp
              Yogurt = Milk + Bacteria
              YouTube = Internet + Video
              Zebra = horse + paintbrush
              Zombie = Corpse + Life
              Zubat = bat+pokemon
              Zucchini = analysis + vegetable

              IP属地:浙江7楼2024-06-23 21:30