来谈谈NMN:NMN,全称β-烟酰胺单核苷酸,由烟酰胺基、核糖和磷酸基组成,具有C11H15N2O8P的化学式,NMN有两种形式存在:α-NMN和β-NMN,这两种形式的分子量和结构完全相同,但是它们的排列方式相反,其中,只有β-NMN(日本W+NMN端立塔含有99.9的β-NMN)对人体具有抗老的作用,nmn是通过转化为NAD+在细胞内扮演着关键的角色,不仅参与能 量代谢,还涉及到DNA修 复过程,影响着Sirtuins的活 性,这些是与衰老过程密切相关的细胞活动。因此,NMN被认为是一种有用的细胞抗老衰剂,它通过维护NAD+的水平来保障细胞的正常运作,进而达到细胞抗老的目的。
nmn plays a key role in the cell through its conversion to NAD+, not only participating in energy metabolism, but also involved in DNA repair process, affecting the activity of Sirtuins, which are cell activities closely related to the aging process. Therefore, NMN is considered to be a useful cellular anti-aging agent, which ensures the normal operation of cells by maintaining the level of NAD+, and thus achieves the purpose of cellular anti-aging.
而当我们的视线转向PQQ时,我们会发现它是一种强效的抗 氧化剂,与线粒体的功能紧密相关。PQQ不仅能够清 除自 由基,防止氧化损伤导致的细胞老化,还能改 善衰老细胞中的线粒体数量和质量,从而减缓细胞衰老的过程。线粒体被称为细胞的能 量工厂,PQQ通过维护线粒体的健康状态,确保了细胞内能 量的产生。这种作用使得PQQ在保持身体活动力方面表现出 色。
PQQ can not only remove free radicals and prevent cellular aging caused by oxidative damage, but also improve the number and quality of mitochondria in aging cells, thereby slowing down the process of cellular aging. Mitochondria are known as the energy factories of the cell, and PQQ ensures the efficient production of energy within the cell by maintaining the healthy state of the mitochondria.

来谈谈NMN:NMN,全称β-烟酰胺单核苷酸,由烟酰胺基、核糖和磷酸基组成,具有C11H15N2O8P的化学式,NMN有两种形式存在:α-NMN和β-NMN,这两种形式的分子量和结构完全相同,但是它们的排列方式相反,其中,只有β-NMN(日本W+NMN端立塔含有99.9的β-NMN)对人体具有抗老的作用,nmn是通过转化为NAD+在细胞内扮演着关键的角色,不仅参与能 量代谢,还涉及到DNA修 复过程,影响着Sirtuins的活 性,这些是与衰老过程密切相关的细胞活动。因此,NMN被认为是一种有用的细胞抗老衰剂,它通过维护NAD+的水平来保障细胞的正常运作,进而达到细胞抗老的目的。
nmn plays a key role in the cell through its conversion to NAD+, not only participating in energy metabolism, but also involved in DNA repair process, affecting the activity of Sirtuins, which are cell activities closely related to the aging process. Therefore, NMN is considered to be a useful cellular anti-aging agent, which ensures the normal operation of cells by maintaining the level of NAD+, and thus achieves the purpose of cellular anti-aging.
而当我们的视线转向PQQ时,我们会发现它是一种强效的抗 氧化剂,与线粒体的功能紧密相关。PQQ不仅能够清 除自 由基,防止氧化损伤导致的细胞老化,还能改 善衰老细胞中的线粒体数量和质量,从而减缓细胞衰老的过程。线粒体被称为细胞的能 量工厂,PQQ通过维护线粒体的健康状态,确保了细胞内能 量的产生。这种作用使得PQQ在保持身体活动力方面表现出 色。
PQQ can not only remove free radicals and prevent cellular aging caused by oxidative damage, but also improve the number and quality of mitochondria in aging cells, thereby slowing down the process of cellular aging. Mitochondria are known as the energy factories of the cell, and PQQ ensures the efficient production of energy within the cell by maintaining the healthy state of the mitochondria.