u'll never go there to have a see right ?
I really miss u but I know that we can't go back to past
I'll put the time we got together in my heart
I won't give u any call or message
because u've told me u're so happy without me
so bye bye.so bye bye.
If u see this someday,just let it known by yourself
I didn't mean to that when u see these words u will come back
Just say sth I wanted,I can't find anyone to say
I don't hope other people share my pain.
but I need vent,or I'll be crazy.
u have the better life than me when we aparted.
soah..best wishes 4 u .Go straight,don't move back your head.
It's really a pity that I never love u as a boyfriend and I brought so much pain to u .sorry.
Wishing for your happiness .