种植: 丝叶茅膏菜需要冬季休眠才能正常养殖······ tracyi茅膏菜比丝叶茅膏菜更不耐寒,丝叶茅膏菜与 tracyi茅膏菜的交种比 tracyi茅膏菜更容易越冬······· 省略说的是这些茅膏菜在美国是否可以户外过冬以及休眠时间的差异,因为没啥用就不翻译了,大家自己看看吧( ) The Atlantic coast Drosera filiformis requires a definite winter season to survive long term. You should grow them outside year round if you live within their natural range of USDA zones 6 and 7. If you live in a colder region, move the plants into a protected area after they have gone dormant. It is especially important they have protection from late spring frosts. If you live in zones 8 and 9 the plants should do well but may go dormant prematurely. If you live in zones 9 or warmer grow the Drosera filiformis var. floridana form outside. There are selected clones of Drosera filiformis var. floridana that will survive outside in zone 7, however most will not survive over winter in zone 8. Drosera tracyi is found in USDA zone 9. It requires winter protection if grown in a colder climate and is especially sensitive to early and late freezes. We had trouble growing it outside in zone 9 in northern California which may have been a result of no real winter and long wet springs. Consider growing Drosera x californica 'California Sunset' or other hybrids between Drosera filiformis and Drosera tracyi instead. The hybrids can handle winter better than Drosera tracyi. Or grow Drosera tracyi in a cold greenhouse. 丝叶植株进入休眠的时间会不同,甚至有的不会休眠,形成松散的休眠期,持续1个月左右,你喂食的动物越多越有可能晚休眠,夏天可以放于室外,休眠时最好放于不会结冰的地方,隔着玻璃,红丝叶可能不会那么红 丝叶茅膏菜的休眠芽需要过冬才能发芽,如果环境稳定不能使丝叶茅休眠,那么可以套上密封袋放冰箱进行冷处理,环境温度低也可以把茅放在养殖环境中,这样度过冬天后可以自然发芽。 休眠芽不能被掩埋,丝叶与tracyi 茅膏菜喜欢深的花盆,泥炭与石英砂1:1混合作为介质不错,如果土壤表面过于湿润,他们可能在冬季腐烂,可以在表面的介质多放点沙子,tracyi 茅膏菜耐冷性很差,请注意 建议放置于室外让他们抓虫子,也可以喷施叶面肥