(以上省略13467个字,见 姜伟 译《埃居尔·珀蒂格里的牙齿》,收录于群众出版社《亚森·罗平探案全集9:红圈》1998年版) “先生!”鲁克斯瓦尔怒喊。 “Well, what, Mr. Minister?” 【“嗯,怎么啦,部长先生。”】 Petitgris suddenly drew himself up and seemed to change personalities under the very eyes of the minister. He was no longer the poor devil begging alms, but a lively, self-possessed young man entirely at his ease. With thumb and forefinger he delicately removed the enormous tooth; the lines in his face changed; the horrible grin disappeared. He looked cheerful and gay, but still arrogant. 【珀蒂格里说着突然直起身子,就在部长的眼皮底下,活脱脱地变了一个人。他不再是那个乞求小钱的“可怜虫”,而是完全蜕变成一位充满活力、冷静沉稳的青年。他用拇指和食指轻轻地取下那颗硕大的牙齿;脸上的皱纹变了样;令人生厌的笑容消失了。他的模样俊朗讨喜,但态度仍然狂妄自大。】 Rouxval asked: 【鲁克斯瓦尔问道:】 “What does this mean? Permit me to ask who are you?” 【“这是怎么回事?你是谁?”】 “Who I am is of no importance whatever,” he answered. “Let us say that I am Arsène Lupin. The memory of your recent mistake will perhaps be less bitter if you connect it with the name of Arsène Lupin, rather than with that of Hercules Petitgris.” 【“我是谁一点也不重要,”他答道,“不过还是叫我亚森·罗平吧。只要把之前的错误和亚森·罗平这个名字而不是埃居尔·珀蒂格里联系在一起,或许能够减轻你所感到的愤懑”。】 Rouxval showed him the door. The detective passed gracefully in front of the minister to the anteroom. In that doorway, he said: 【鲁克斯瓦尔示意要他离开。侦探走在部长前面,大方地通过候见室。到了门口,他说道:】 “Good-bye, Mr. Minister-- and a word of advice: Don’t go out of your little world again. A case of shoemaker, stick to your last. Straighten out government squabbles, help them make the laws, but – when it comes to police work leave that to the specialist.” 【“再见,部长先生——有一句忠告:别到外面去冒险。各尽其职,循规蹈矩吧!你管好份内的事得了!至于侦探工作吗,就让专业人士干好了。】 他走开几步。结束了吗?没有。他放肆地又走了回来,站在鲁克斯瓦尔面前,向他说了几句非常严肃认真的话:
“总之,你可能有些道理……这可能是我没说清楚。说到底,如果我们冷静地推断:有什么能证明伯爵途中改变了主意,并没去干那见不得人的勾当?没有证据。所以一切都是可能的。我被弄糊涂了。再见,部长先生。” 这一次,他似乎再无话可说了。他整理了一下头上的帽子,对护送他出去的看守表示了谢意,冷笑着走出了候见厅。 鲁克斯瓦尔回到了他的办公室,步履沉重,若有所思。珀蒂格里刚说过的那些话特别令他震动。这如同被那家伙魔鬼般的尖牙分泌出的毒液咬过的新伤痕。他隐约觉得这案子在他脑海里永远会是神秘的,他骨子里面的怀疑态度将会根深蒂固。他并非不知道这是荒谬的。但仍然……仍然……仍有那么多证据!……那具挖出来的尸体……那辆军用货车…… “滚就滚吧!”他暴跳如雷地大叫,“该死的东西!这家伙,有朝一日我要掐死他!” But Rouxval knew that Petitgris was none other than Arsène Lupin, and Arsène Lupin was not one to be caught a second time. 【但是鲁克斯瓦尔知道珀蒂格里不是别人,正是亚森·罗平,而亚森·罗平不是那种能轻易被掐死的人。】