周大庆敲掉大门牙吧 关注:9贴子:422
  • 6回复贴,共1



*Homework for Oct. 19
1. 订正:1)订正今日默写(中文1遍,英语2遍)并准备重默
2. 誊写:誊写YLE翻译21~25 并背诵
3. 口头:背诵蓝皮书P6~P10, 准备抽背
4. 翻译:
1)     每当我听这首歌,它都会让我想起在法国的所见所闻。(every time)
2)     我第一次写英文作文时,犯了许多拼写错误.(the first time)
3)     请把火柴放在孩子碰不到的地方。(where)
4)     他取得了如此大的进步以至于很快就超过了其他同事。(倒装)
5)     老师一进来,大家就安静了。(the moment)
6)     我们应该充分利用大自然给予我们的一切。(advantage)
7)     一旦他做了决定,就会固执己见。(once)

IP属地:上海1楼2010-10-19 15:30回复
    1.     习惯于积极参加各类学术活动
    be accustomed to taking an active part in various academic activities
    2.     大家公认他的一生取得了很多成就。
    It is universally acknowledged that he made many achievements in his life.
    3.     被当场抓住偷窃
    be caught in the act of stealing= be caught stealing
    4.     他的死是其他青年人的警示。
    His death serves/acts as a warning to other young people.
    5.     采取果断行动
    take firm action
    6.     行动胜于空谈。
    Actions speak louder than words.
    7.     适应新环境
    adapt / adjust to the new surroundings
    8.     由一本英语原著改编而成
    be adapted from an English original
    9.     总共达
    add up to= amount to = come to
    10.     增加我们的困难
    add to our difficulties

    IP属地:上海2楼2010-10-19 15:31
      11.     提前预约
      make an appointment in advance
      12.      适应气候
      adjust to the climate
      13.     额外的收费
      additional charge
      14.     把信写给管理部门
      address the letter to administration
      15.      保证足够的供给
      ensure an adequate supply
      16.     充分利用宝贵的自然资源
      take full advantage of valuable natural resources
      17.     除了致开幕辞以外,她还在那出独幕剧中扮演重要的角色。
      In addition to delivering an opening address, she played an important role in the one-act play.
      18.     承认犯了一个严重的错误
      admit(-tt-) making a serious mistake
      19.     因为他在工作经验方面胜过其他的申请人,所以被这家公司录取了。
      It was because he had an advantage over other applicants in working experience that he was admitted into the company.
      20.     采纳积极的人生态度
      adopt an active attitude towards life
      21.     收养一个孤儿
      adopt an orphan
      22.     因为吸烟影响健康,医生劝告(大众)不要吸烟。
      Doctors advise the public not to smoke because smoking affects health.
      23.     听取我的建议吧,不然你会后悔的。
      Take my advice, or you will regret.
      24.     时事是人们茶余饭后饶有兴趣谈论不休的聊资。
      Current affairs are worth talking about by people at the dinner table with enough interest.
      25.     不敢投资房地产市场的人害怕被欺骗。
      Those who are afraid to invest in the property market are afraid of being cheated.

      IP属地:上海3楼2010-10-19 15:31

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