source #Special #TeamMew
500 年前, 坎瑞亚王国发生了一场巨大的叛乱, 近乎疯狂的老国王计划打破世界树迷宫的封印(the seal over the Irminsul Maze). 这场叛乱不仅推翻了帝国宫廷, 还给大陆本身带来了巨大的灾难. 英雄们挺身而出, 阻止了疯狂的老伊尔明王, 但他们无法阻止灾难的发生. 曾经繁荣昌盛的坎瑞亚在一夜之间覆灭. 当时的五位英雄反而促成了坎瑞亚的毁灭. 五位英雄因此成为了「罪人」, 为众生所畏惧.
About The Five Culprits
500 years ago, a huge revolt occurred in the kingdom of Khaenri'ah, in which the nigh-deranged old king planned to break the seal over the Irminsul Maze. This revolt caused not only an overthrow of the Imperial court, but also brought a huge cataclysm upon the continent itself. Heroes came forward to stop the mad old King Irmin, but they could not prevent the disaster from occurring. Khaenri'ah, once prosperous, was washed away in a single night. The five heroes there turned and caused the destruction of Khaenri'ah. The Five Heroes thus became the five culprits known as Sinners, feared by all the living.
500 年前, 坎瑞亚王国发生了一场巨大的叛乱, 近乎疯狂的老国王计划打破世界树迷宫的封印(the seal over the Irminsul Maze). 这场叛乱不仅推翻了帝国宫廷, 还给大陆本身带来了巨大的灾难. 英雄们挺身而出, 阻止了疯狂的老伊尔明王, 但他们无法阻止灾难的发生. 曾经繁荣昌盛的坎瑞亚在一夜之间覆灭. 当时的五位英雄反而促成了坎瑞亚的毁灭. 五位英雄因此成为了「罪人」, 为众生所畏惧.
About The Five Culprits
500 years ago, a huge revolt occurred in the kingdom of Khaenri'ah, in which the nigh-deranged old king planned to break the seal over the Irminsul Maze. This revolt caused not only an overthrow of the Imperial court, but also brought a huge cataclysm upon the continent itself. Heroes came forward to stop the mad old King Irmin, but they could not prevent the disaster from occurring. Khaenri'ah, once prosperous, was washed away in a single night. The five heroes there turned and caused the destruction of Khaenri'ah. The Five Heroes thus became the five culprits known as Sinners, feared by all the living.