Quantum Mechanics 15 - The Mathematics of Electron Spin
Speaker(s): rīchard Epp
Abstract: Development of a successful mathematical model of spin.
Learning Outcomes:
• A review of the mathematics of vectors.
• Applying the experīmental results of QM-14 to construct a mathematical model of an electron spinning in any direction as a certain superposition of the spin up and spin down states.
• Discoverīng that this mathematical model predicts that an electron does not return to its orīginal state when rotated once (through 360 degrees) – it must be rotated twice (through 720 degrees). A discussion of experīmental tests of this remarkable prediction.
Speaker(s): rīchard Epp
Abstract: Development of a successful mathematical model of spin.
Learning Outcomes:
• A review of the mathematics of vectors.
• Applying the experīmental results of QM-14 to construct a mathematical model of an electron spinning in any direction as a certain superposition of the spin up and spin down states.
• Discoverīng that this mathematical model predicts that an electron does not return to its orīginal state when rotated once (through 360 degrees) – it must be rotated twice (through 720 degrees). A discussion of experīmental tests of this remarkable prediction.