The Realm of Chaos reaches through all of space and time, existing in an infinite number of ealities. As such, Nurgle's servants are as likely t appear in the 41st Millennium as they are in the Mortal Realms. Yet while Nurgle's servantsPlaguebearers, Nurglings and Great Unclean Ones among them-exist in both realities, the Plague God also has daemonic entities that exist sclely in the 41st Millennium-Daemon Engines.
Atop a palanquin loaded with the paraphernalia of a mobile laboratory, Ku'gath is carried across the universes by a mound of straining Nurglings as he searches for the elusive combination of blights and woes that will recreate the perfect disease.
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The Realm of Chaos reaches through all of space and time, existing in an infinite number of ealities. As such, Nurgle's servants are as likely t appear in the 41st Millennium as they are in the Mortal Realms. Yet while Nurgle's servantsPlaguebearers, Nurglings and Great Unclean Ones among them-exist in both realities, the Plague God also has daemonic entities that exist sclely in the 41st Millennium-Daemon Engines.
Atop a palanquin loaded with the paraphernalia of a mobile laboratory, Ku'gath is carried across the universes by a mound of straining Nurglings as he searches for the elusive combination of blights and woes that will recreate the perfect disease.
不懂就问,克系有什么能比得过战锤的 更多设定参考链接