题目:Development and verification of a one-step-model for the design
of flexible roll formed parts
摘要:The flexible roll forming process, developed atthe PtU in Darmstadt, enables the production of profiles
with a variable cross section lengthwise. This new forming
process offers high flexibility because it is numerically
controlled. Proving the feasibility of each new geometry
requires either FE analyses or laboratory tests. To shorten
this time-consuming lay-out method, an analytic one-step-
model was developed. This model uses the results of FE
analyses and basic mechanical approaches as input data for
the lay-out of flanging processes. The input for the one-
step-model consists of relevant geometrical and material
data to specify the flexible roll-formed profile and to
perform therewith a quick feasibility check for new profile
of flexible roll formed parts
摘要:The flexible roll forming process, developed atthe PtU in Darmstadt, enables the production of profiles
with a variable cross section lengthwise. This new forming
process offers high flexibility because it is numerically
controlled. Proving the feasibility of each new geometry
requires either FE analyses or laboratory tests. To shorten
this time-consuming lay-out method, an analytic one-step-
model was developed. This model uses the results of FE
analyses and basic mechanical approaches as input data for
the lay-out of flanging processes. The input for the one-
step-model consists of relevant geometrical and material
data to specify the flexible roll-formed profile and to
perform therewith a quick feasibility check for new profile