Hi Taylor!
I am fine, it's very busy at school because thursday I'm going to Spain with my class so we had alot of repetitions last week. That's why I haven't sent any e-mail back, sorry!
I'm glad to hear you found your trip to Holland and all the other countries (alot of countries!) you have been wonderful. I hope you had lots of fun during the week when you were with me and during the other weeks in the other countries. What have you been doing there? Were you also in a families or in hotels?
I will never forget the time I had with you, your family and all the other people in Shanghai but also here in Holland. Kim and I are thinking about going to Shanghai agian and maybe also other cities in China when we finish school. When you come to Holland please tell me so we can meet again, that would be so lovely!
I am so jealous at the students from my school who are in Shanghai right now. Sometimes at school I think about what we did together, Yu Garden, The universitie, going to Wendy and watch Twilight. I sometimes even read the diary I wrote during the two weeks in Shanghai and I can't stop laughing (:
My family is doing quite well, as you've already read through the e-mails with my dad. You didn't distureb them at all! Please don't say that because we love to hear something from you and I'm so sorry I couldn't anwser straight away. But how about you? What are you doing these days? How are your parents doing? And your little cousin? How are you doing at school?
In March Taylor Swift is also coming to Holland! Alot of my friends are going to see her but I'm not sure yet! First I have to convince my parents, haha (:
When you change your home adress or your phone numbers can you please tell me? Cause if I'm going to Shanghai I would really love to see you and your parents again.
I find it a nice idea to send e-mails more often and fridays are fine with me, so lets call friday our mailing day (:
Taylor, you're also one of my best friends and you will always be on my memories.
Lots of kisses, and please say hi to your family from me!
xxxxx Fede
I found some pictures of you and of us together I will send them to you!