How to Get Rid of a Porn Addiction
Do you feel like porn is taking over your life? While it’s totally normal to watch pornography every now and then, many people find that it can become an addictive behavior that they just can’t stop. Fortunately, there are ways to treat a porn addiction, either by yourself or with a professional. Keep reading to learn if you have a porn addiction and how exactly you can improve your life starting today.
你是否觉得色情片占据了你的生活? 虽然偶尔看一下色情片是完全正常的,但很多人发现这会成为一种无法戒除的上瘾行为。 幸运的是,有一些方法可以治疗色情成瘾,可以自己做,也可以请专业人士帮忙。 请继续阅读,了解自己是否有色情瘾,以及如何从今天开始改善自己的生活。
Things You Should Know
Delete all porn from your devices, and consider installing a parental lock to make it harder to watch porn.
Replace your porn habit with a different one, like exercising or doing a hobby.
Identify your triggers, like loneliness, boredom, or stress, and do your best to avoid them in the future.
Overcoming Your Addiction on Your Own
1Delete porn from your devices. Here comes the hard part: getting rid of porn. Whatever you have on your phone, computer, or tablet, get rid of it (and that includes bookmarks). The tougher it is to access, the easier it will be to avoid pornography
1 删除设备中的色情内容。 最难的部分来了:删除色情内容。 无论你的手机、电脑或平板电脑上有什么,都要删除(包括书签)。 越难访问,就越容易避开色情内容
2Put a parental lock on your phone and computer. If you have someone you trust, let them know about your addiction and ask them to install a parental lock software onto your device. It won’t be foolproof, but a parental lock with a password will make it that much harder for you to access x-rated sites on your phone or computer
2 在手机和电脑上安装家长锁。 如果你有信任的人,让他们知道你沉迷于此,并请他们在你的设备上安装家长锁软件。 虽然不是万无一失,但带有密码的家长锁会让你更难在手机或电脑上访问色情网站
3Plan an activity to do instead of watching porn. Do you usually watch porn when you’re bored or have nothing else to do? Combat boredom with something else. You might exercise, play video games, or pick up a new hobby to distract yourself whenever you feel tempted.[3]
3 计划一项活动来代替看色情片。 你通常会在无聊或无事可做时看色情片吗? 用别的事情来消除无聊。 你可以锻炼身体、玩电子游戏或培养一种新的爱好,以便在你感到诱惑时分散注意力[3]。
4Spend more time with friends and family members. You can only really watch porn when you’re alone, right? So if you’re alone less, you’re not only building healthy relationships, but you’re avoiding porn use, too. Set an intention to hang out with your loved ones at least a few times per week.[4]
5Identify your triggers and avoid them. You might notice that you use porn more when you’re stressed, tired, or lonely.[5] Try to pick out what triggers you and makes you want to watch porn, and do your best to avoid these situations. Sometimes, simply acknowledging a triggering situation is enough to break the cycle of addiction.[6]
5 找出你的诱因并避免它们。 你可能会注意到,当你感到压力、疲惫或孤独时,你会更多地使用色情内容。[5] 试着找出是什么触发了你,让你想看色情内容,并尽力避免这些情况。 有时,只需承认触发情境就足以打破沉迷的恶性循环。
6Reduce your stress levels. Lots of people use masturbation (and therefore pornography) as a stress-reliever. If that’s the case for you, try to reduce your stress levels in other ways. You might meditate, do deep breathing exercises, or even try yoga. The more you can reduce your stress levels overall, the better you’ll feel.[7]
6 减轻压力。 很多人把手淫(因此也包括色情)作为一种缓解压力的方式。 如果你是这种情况,请尝试用其他方式减轻压力。 您可以冥想、做深呼吸练习,甚至尝试瑜伽。 你越能降低整体压力水平,你就会感觉越好[7]。
7Treat any underlying mental health issues. For some people, excessive use of the internet and pornography is a way to self-soothe. Stress, depression, and anxiety may be underlying problems that fuel an internet and pornography addiction. Perhaps you struggled with drugs or alcohol in the past. Excessive internet use and pornography may be a way of numbing similar to how drugs helped you cope.[8]
7 治疗任何潜在的心理健康问题。 对有些人来说,过度使用网络和色情是一种自我安慰的方式。 压力、抑郁和焦虑可能是助长网络和色情上瘾的潜在问题。 也许你过去曾与毒品或酒精作斗争。 过度使用互联网和色情制品可能是一种麻木的方式,就像毒品帮助你应对一样[8]。
Method2Professional Help
方法2 专业帮助
1Talk to a therapist. If trying to break your addiction on your own isn't working out, remember that you can always consult with a professional. Therapists are trained to deal with addiction and can help support you as you break free from pornography.[9]
1 向治疗师咨询。 如果单靠自己的力量无法戒除毒瘾,请记住您可以随时向专业人士咨询。 治疗师接受过处理成瘾问题的培训,可以在您摆脱色情内容的过程中为您提供支持[9]。
2Join a support group. There are tons of support groups out there for people dealing with sex and pornography addictions. You can find support groups online, or you can look for local ones to attend in person. There, you’ll find people who are dealing with similar struggles, and you can share what you’ve done so far and what you’d like to do in the future.[10] National support groups include:
2 加入支持小组。 现在有大量的支持小组,专门帮助人们处理性成瘾和色情成瘾问题。 你可以在网上找到互助小组,也可以寻找当地的互助小组亲自参加。 在那里,您可以找到有类似遭遇的人,还可以分享您目前所做的事情和将来想做的事情:
3Try medication if a professional recommends it. While there is no medication to treat a porn addiction specifically, a therapist or psychiatrist might recommend medication to treat other mental health issues. If your porn addiction stems from depression, anxiety, or OCD, talk to a mental health professional about a treatment plan that’s right for you.[11]
3 如果专业人士推荐,尝试药物治疗。 虽然没有专门治疗色情成瘾的药物,但治疗师或精神科医生可能会建议使用药物来治疗其他心理健康问题。 如果您的色情成瘾源于抑郁、焦虑或强迫症,请与心理健康专家讨论适合您的治疗方案。
Method3Signs of a Porn Addiction
方法 3:色情成瘾的迹象
1You feel intense shame or guilt after watching porn. Many people who are addicted to porn go through the same cycle: they are intensely excited before and while watching porn, but immediately after, become intensely ashamed or guilty about it. This cycle can continue for years, and can even happen multiple times within the same day.[12]
1 看完色情片后,你会感到强烈的羞耻感或负罪感。 许多沉迷于色情的人都会经历同样的循环:他们在看色情片之前和看色情片的过程中都会非常兴奋,但看完之后又会立即为此感到非常羞耻或内疚。 这种循环可能持续数年,甚至在同一天内多次出现[12]。
2You spend a lot of time thinking about porn. When you’re not watching porn, you’re thinking about the next time you get to watch porn. Or, you plan your schedule around watching pornography. This shows that you may have an unhealthy obsession with it.[13]
2 你花了很多时间思考色情问题。 不看色情片的时候,你就在想下一次看色情片的时间。 或者,你会围绕着看色情片来安排自己的日程。 这表明你可能对色情有一种不健康的痴迷[13]。
3Your use of porn feels out of control. Maybe you’ve realized that you have a problem with porn in the past, but you weren’t able to cut back or stop. You feel like porn is taking over your life, and you’re powerless to stop it.[14]
3 您对色情的使用感觉失控。 也许你过去就意识到自己有色情问题,但却无法减少或停止。 你觉得色情片占据了你的生活,而你却无力阻止它[14]。
4You are neglecting responsibilities or relationships to watch porn. When friends ask you to hang out, do you blow them off to watch porn? Or, maybe you show up late to work because you were watching pornography. When porn starts to impact your real life, it shows that you rely on it too much.[15]
4 你为了看色情片而忽略了责任或人际关系。 当朋友约你出去玩时,你是否会为了看色情片而拒绝他们? 又或者,你上班迟到是因为你在看色情片。 当色情片开始影响你的现实生活时,就说明你太依赖它了[15]。
5Your porn use is impacting your life negatively. If you’re still in school, you might see your grades slipping. If you work a job, your boss might talk to you about your performance. The moment that you start to see real-life repercussions from your porn use, that’s when you know it’s become an addiction.[17]
5 您使用色情网站对您的生活造成了负面影响。 如果你还在上学,你可能会看到自己的成绩下滑。 如果你在工作,你的老板可能会和你谈论你的表现。 当你开始看到使用色情内容在现实生活中造成的影响时,你就知道自己已经上瘾了[17]。
Do you feel like porn is taking over your life? While it’s totally normal to watch pornography every now and then, many people find that it can become an addictive behavior that they just can’t stop. Fortunately, there are ways to treat a porn addiction, either by yourself or with a professional. Keep reading to learn if you have a porn addiction and how exactly you can improve your life starting today.
你是否觉得色情片占据了你的生活? 虽然偶尔看一下色情片是完全正常的,但很多人发现这会成为一种无法戒除的上瘾行为。 幸运的是,有一些方法可以治疗色情成瘾,可以自己做,也可以请专业人士帮忙。 请继续阅读,了解自己是否有色情瘾,以及如何从今天开始改善自己的生活。
Things You Should Know
Delete all porn from your devices, and consider installing a parental lock to make it harder to watch porn.
Replace your porn habit with a different one, like exercising or doing a hobby.
Identify your triggers, like loneliness, boredom, or stress, and do your best to avoid them in the future.
Overcoming Your Addiction on Your Own
1Delete porn from your devices. Here comes the hard part: getting rid of porn. Whatever you have on your phone, computer, or tablet, get rid of it (and that includes bookmarks). The tougher it is to access, the easier it will be to avoid pornography
1 删除设备中的色情内容。 最难的部分来了:删除色情内容。 无论你的手机、电脑或平板电脑上有什么,都要删除(包括书签)。 越难访问,就越容易避开色情内容
2Put a parental lock on your phone and computer. If you have someone you trust, let them know about your addiction and ask them to install a parental lock software onto your device. It won’t be foolproof, but a parental lock with a password will make it that much harder for you to access x-rated sites on your phone or computer
2 在手机和电脑上安装家长锁。 如果你有信任的人,让他们知道你沉迷于此,并请他们在你的设备上安装家长锁软件。 虽然不是万无一失,但带有密码的家长锁会让你更难在手机或电脑上访问色情网站
3Plan an activity to do instead of watching porn. Do you usually watch porn when you’re bored or have nothing else to do? Combat boredom with something else. You might exercise, play video games, or pick up a new hobby to distract yourself whenever you feel tempted.[3]
3 计划一项活动来代替看色情片。 你通常会在无聊或无事可做时看色情片吗? 用别的事情来消除无聊。 你可以锻炼身体、玩电子游戏或培养一种新的爱好,以便在你感到诱惑时分散注意力[3]。
4Spend more time with friends and family members. You can only really watch porn when you’re alone, right? So if you’re alone less, you’re not only building healthy relationships, but you’re avoiding porn use, too. Set an intention to hang out with your loved ones at least a few times per week.[4]
5Identify your triggers and avoid them. You might notice that you use porn more when you’re stressed, tired, or lonely.[5] Try to pick out what triggers you and makes you want to watch porn, and do your best to avoid these situations. Sometimes, simply acknowledging a triggering situation is enough to break the cycle of addiction.[6]
5 找出你的诱因并避免它们。 你可能会注意到,当你感到压力、疲惫或孤独时,你会更多地使用色情内容。[5] 试着找出是什么触发了你,让你想看色情内容,并尽力避免这些情况。 有时,只需承认触发情境就足以打破沉迷的恶性循环。
6Reduce your stress levels. Lots of people use masturbation (and therefore pornography) as a stress-reliever. If that’s the case for you, try to reduce your stress levels in other ways. You might meditate, do deep breathing exercises, or even try yoga. The more you can reduce your stress levels overall, the better you’ll feel.[7]
6 减轻压力。 很多人把手淫(因此也包括色情)作为一种缓解压力的方式。 如果你是这种情况,请尝试用其他方式减轻压力。 您可以冥想、做深呼吸练习,甚至尝试瑜伽。 你越能降低整体压力水平,你就会感觉越好[7]。
7Treat any underlying mental health issues. For some people, excessive use of the internet and pornography is a way to self-soothe. Stress, depression, and anxiety may be underlying problems that fuel an internet and pornography addiction. Perhaps you struggled with drugs or alcohol in the past. Excessive internet use and pornography may be a way of numbing similar to how drugs helped you cope.[8]
7 治疗任何潜在的心理健康问题。 对有些人来说,过度使用网络和色情是一种自我安慰的方式。 压力、抑郁和焦虑可能是助长网络和色情上瘾的潜在问题。 也许你过去曾与毒品或酒精作斗争。 过度使用互联网和色情制品可能是一种麻木的方式,就像毒品帮助你应对一样[8]。
Method2Professional Help
方法2 专业帮助
1Talk to a therapist. If trying to break your addiction on your own isn't working out, remember that you can always consult with a professional. Therapists are trained to deal with addiction and can help support you as you break free from pornography.[9]
1 向治疗师咨询。 如果单靠自己的力量无法戒除毒瘾,请记住您可以随时向专业人士咨询。 治疗师接受过处理成瘾问题的培训,可以在您摆脱色情内容的过程中为您提供支持[9]。
2Join a support group. There are tons of support groups out there for people dealing with sex and pornography addictions. You can find support groups online, or you can look for local ones to attend in person. There, you’ll find people who are dealing with similar struggles, and you can share what you’ve done so far and what you’d like to do in the future.[10] National support groups include:
2 加入支持小组。 现在有大量的支持小组,专门帮助人们处理性成瘾和色情成瘾问题。 你可以在网上找到互助小组,也可以寻找当地的互助小组亲自参加。 在那里,您可以找到有类似遭遇的人,还可以分享您目前所做的事情和将来想做的事情:
3Try medication if a professional recommends it. While there is no medication to treat a porn addiction specifically, a therapist or psychiatrist might recommend medication to treat other mental health issues. If your porn addiction stems from depression, anxiety, or OCD, talk to a mental health professional about a treatment plan that’s right for you.[11]
3 如果专业人士推荐,尝试药物治疗。 虽然没有专门治疗色情成瘾的药物,但治疗师或精神科医生可能会建议使用药物来治疗其他心理健康问题。 如果您的色情成瘾源于抑郁、焦虑或强迫症,请与心理健康专家讨论适合您的治疗方案。
Method3Signs of a Porn Addiction
方法 3:色情成瘾的迹象
1You feel intense shame or guilt after watching porn. Many people who are addicted to porn go through the same cycle: they are intensely excited before and while watching porn, but immediately after, become intensely ashamed or guilty about it. This cycle can continue for years, and can even happen multiple times within the same day.[12]
1 看完色情片后,你会感到强烈的羞耻感或负罪感。 许多沉迷于色情的人都会经历同样的循环:他们在看色情片之前和看色情片的过程中都会非常兴奋,但看完之后又会立即为此感到非常羞耻或内疚。 这种循环可能持续数年,甚至在同一天内多次出现[12]。
2You spend a lot of time thinking about porn. When you’re not watching porn, you’re thinking about the next time you get to watch porn. Or, you plan your schedule around watching pornography. This shows that you may have an unhealthy obsession with it.[13]
2 你花了很多时间思考色情问题。 不看色情片的时候,你就在想下一次看色情片的时间。 或者,你会围绕着看色情片来安排自己的日程。 这表明你可能对色情有一种不健康的痴迷[13]。
3Your use of porn feels out of control. Maybe you’ve realized that you have a problem with porn in the past, but you weren’t able to cut back or stop. You feel like porn is taking over your life, and you’re powerless to stop it.[14]
3 您对色情的使用感觉失控。 也许你过去就意识到自己有色情问题,但却无法减少或停止。 你觉得色情片占据了你的生活,而你却无力阻止它[14]。
4You are neglecting responsibilities or relationships to watch porn. When friends ask you to hang out, do you blow them off to watch porn? Or, maybe you show up late to work because you were watching pornography. When porn starts to impact your real life, it shows that you rely on it too much.[15]
4 你为了看色情片而忽略了责任或人际关系。 当朋友约你出去玩时,你是否会为了看色情片而拒绝他们? 又或者,你上班迟到是因为你在看色情片。 当色情片开始影响你的现实生活时,就说明你太依赖它了[15]。
5Your porn use is impacting your life negatively. If you’re still in school, you might see your grades slipping. If you work a job, your boss might talk to you about your performance. The moment that you start to see real-life repercussions from your porn use, that’s when you know it’s become an addiction.[17]
5 您使用色情网站对您的生活造成了负面影响。 如果你还在上学,你可能会看到自己的成绩下滑。 如果你在工作,你的老板可能会和你谈论你的表现。 当你开始看到使用色情内容在现实生活中造成的影响时,你就知道自己已经上瘾了[17]。