Son of John and Dimitra Sarantakos, Christopher Nicholas Sarantakos was raised in East Meadow, Long Island , New York, with two brothers, Costa and JD His father owned a restaurant and doughnut shop and was devoted to personal fitness before dying of cancer in 1998. [ 1 ] Angel was first introduced to magic at age 7, after his Aunt Stella taught him a card trick .His interest grew and by the time he graduated from East Meadow High School , he was not interested in attending university.He aimed at becoming a professional magician.
John and Dimitra Sarantakos的儿子, Christopher Nicholas Sarantakos (Criss原名)成长在美国纽约州的长岛东梅多。有两个兄弟,哥斯达和JD。他的父亲拥有一家餐馆和甜甜圈店,在1998年死于癌症前专心致力于健身。(所以说criss现在的形象很有可能归功与他热爱健身的老爸)。Angel第一次接触魔术是在七岁,在他阿姨斯特拉教授他扑克牌戏法后。他的兴趣大增,一段时间后他从东梅多高中毕业,并且没有兴趣继续大学的学业。他把目标放在成为职业魔术师上。