1. 对死亡的现实的刻意距离
a purposeful distance from the reality of death
2. 不情愿面对死亡的事实或死亡的意义
be unwilling to face either the fact or the meaning of death
3. 截然相反
on the contrary
4. 通过艺术想象的努力
by an effort of the artistic imagination
5. 普通公众不愿意去面对
the general public are reluctant to face…
6. 关于死亡的画面
scenes about death
7. 宗教庆祝仪式
the religious celebration
8. 在小说中被生动地描述
be described vividly in the novels
9. 出于对情感折磨的恐惧
out of fear of the emotional sufferings
10. 他们用言辞的回避来遮盖死亡。
They surround death with word avoidance.
11. 失去了它庄严的本质
lose its quality of dignity
12. 理解死因有困难。
There is difficulty in understanding the causes of death.
13. 对于死亡是怎么造成的有很充分的解释
have a ready enough explanation of how death comes
14. 不能接受死亡的事实以及它带来的感情折磨
show little ability to accept the fact of death itself and the emotional pain it brings
15. 让我感到失望的是
to my disappointment
1. 食物短缺
food shortage
2. 给。。。让步;妥协于。。。
give way to…
3. 国外的供应商控制发货
Overseas suppliers hold back deliveries.
4. 有普遍的不安及担忧
widespread uneasiness and worries
5. 食物价格持续上涨
food prices keep on rising
6. 渐渐地减少食物供应
gradually cut down support for food
7. 食物滞销积压
be overstocked with food
8. 未能从这个趋势中获益
be not able to benefit from this trend
9. 将要被挤压
be about to be squeezed
1. 人们获取重要信息来源的唯一途径
the only access to important sources of information
2. 在过去几十年中数码媒体的快速发展
the fast development of digital media over the past several decades
3. 继续抓住公众的兴趣
continue to hold the public interest
4. 电子出版
the electronic publications
5. 除了与出版业合作外
in addition to the cooperation of the publishing industry
6. 比。。。更专业的多
much more specialized than…
7. 有限的资源
limited resources
8. 只有通过长期的试验与失败才能帮助找到更有效的方式。
Only the process of trial and error will help find out the most effective method.
1. 打电话叫权威到达事故现场
call the authorities to the scene of an accident
2. 要求受牵连的司机交换保险及身份信息
require the drivers involved to exchange insurance and identification information
3. 获取证人信息并保留相关陈述
obtain witness information and preserve statements about the event
4. 很有可能在你将来的索赔中帮助你
very likely assist you in the future with your claim
5. 破坏保险公司否认你索赔的能力
damage the ability of the insurance companies to deny your claim
6. 把握一切机会否认责任
deny responsibility at every opportunity
7. 被用于编造故事
be used to make up a story
8. 在游戏中领先一步
be a step ahead in the game