JYJ finished a successful showcase in Shanghai on November 7th!
Here’s a recap with photos from the showcase, twitter updates and
airport stalker photos! (No TVXQ/JYJ post is complete without airport
Jaejoong would have a zebra stripe neck pillow. 오마이갓 (omg) sun! Junsu has some odd eyewear.
You might recall that Jaejoong had orange hair earlier this week and but
it turns out he was in the process of bleaching it and it’s actually a
pretty blond.
Yoochun’s hair already had a lot of fuss around it because it’s short again. Ugh, so cute.
Let’s just skip over Junsu’s hair and pretend it doesn’t exist. That bright a red? Really?
The members bond over thumb war.
Speak louder Junsu!
Two traffic lights meet!
One of the cutest photos of the night includes Micky Mouse signs for Yoochun!
that’s literally all I gathered from photos of the showcase…The color
of their hair and how close they are..What does this say about me?!
As you may or may not know, JYJ has been sucked into the Twitter
world and Junsu tweeted about the Shanghai concert with a picture
“Today, the Shanghai concert was fun~ I have to quickly shower and sleep..I’ll go wash”
以上文字部分= =我懒得弄图了.......