1.adherence和 adhesion
adherence用于比喻的意思。例如:His adherence to the strict letter of the law.
2. adjacent ,adjoining,和 contiguous
这些词都有next to“紧挨”的意思。
adjacent “毗邻的,邻近的”,但它们可能并不相互直接接触。
adjoining 和 contiguous 指相互接触,通常之间有一个edge 或 boundary。
3.admission 和 admittance
它们都有“the act of entering”的意思。
The price of admission to the gallery is £5.
4. adopted 和 adoptive
an adopted son (daughter)养子(女); my adopted country 我所入籍的国家; adopted words 外来语。
adoptive “收养的”,我们说 adoptive parents, 但很少说adoptive child;
“采用的”,“假冒的” an adoptive courage 假充勇敢。
5.averse 和 adverse
adverse“不利的,反对的”,用于事,不用于人。adverse weather conditions; an adverse
averse “嫌恶的,反对的,不乐意的”,常和“to”一起使用,而且用否定形式。
6.advise 和advice
advise“劝告”(动词);advice “劝告”(名词)。
7.affect 和 effect
affect“影响” vt.,它的第二个意思是“假装”,Though she affected indifference, I knew she was really very upset.
effect n. “结果”,“效力”。vt. “产生”,“导致”,它比“to cause, to bring out” 更为正式。 His aim was to effect a radical change in the party structure.
8.all ready和 already
all ready 意思是“completely prepared”
already“已经”。He had already had his lunch.
9.altogether 和all together
altogether (in total) “总共”
all together 意思是“in a group”。如:We put the sheep all together in one field. 这两个词还可以分开。We put all the sheep together in one field.
10. allude和 elude
allude “暗指”,“暗示”,“(婉转)提到”。
elude (to avoid or escape) “闪避,躲避”。如:to elude sb.’s grasp 逃脱,没有被逮住;to elude the law 规避法律。The meaning eludes me.那个意义我摸不透。
11.illusion和 delusion
illusion “幻觉,错觉” be under no illusion about sth. 对某事不存幻想。
delusion“欺骗,迷惑” He suffers from the delusion that he’s attractive to women. 他糊里糊涂地认为自己对女人很有吸引力。
12.amended 和emend
amended (to alter or add to something) “订正,改正”,“修正(议案等)” 。an amended bill 修正案;amend one’s ways 改过自新。
emend (to correct errors in) “校订”。 emend the text of a book校勘某书; He emended the typescript before sending it to the printers. 在交付印刷之前他校正文稿。
13.amicable和 amiable
amicable “友好的,亲切的” 指行为或情景。The discussions were amicable, though businesslike. 讨论虽然是商业形式,但也是友好的。
amiable “可爱的,和蔼可亲的” 多用于修饰人。Many people are afraid of him, though I found him to be perfectly amiable. 虽然我发现他特别和蔼可亲,但还是有很多人害怕他。
14.assent 和ascent
assent可用作 “agreement”“同意”或“agree”“同意”。
ascent n. “上升,晋升”。the ascent of mountain 登山。