安迪·穆斯切蒂声称目前制片厂跟他都有好的意愿,他们互相想拍这部电影。目前正在讨论想法、故事以及基调。在《新蝙蝠侠2》推迟上映之后,他们正在制定计划保证这两部电影不会在同一时间上映,以免造成不必要的冲突。 "Releasing two Batman films simultaneously would be counterproductive. What DC is doing is creating a strategy to ensure these two films don’t conflict with each other," he added. "Regarding my involvement in the project, there are good intentions for now. They want to do the movie with me, and I want to do it as well. I’m eager to work on the film. We are talking about the story and the tone." As noted when we first shared these remarks, comments like "there are good intentions for now" seem to suggest that Muschietti is growing frustrated or downright unsure whether he's still attached to helm The Brave and the Bold.
"I've had conversations with James Gunn about the story concept," he revealed, "but we haven’t talked since before Superman began filming." 《超人》于去年2月开拍,因此,《英勇无畏》这部本应成为DCU旗舰作品之一的电影已经沉寂多时。有猜测尽管古恩坚称这部电影没有被推迟或取消,但其和马特·里夫斯都暗示过罗伯特·帕丁森饰演的“蝙蝠侠”将成为DCU“黑暗骑士”,穆斯切蒂被边缘化的可能性越来越大。