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Adam Lambert on His Grammy Nomination: 'I Earned My Success'
The "American Idol" Season 8 runner-up tells THR he hopes a Grammy nod will "help fade some of the stigma that comes from rising to fame on a competition show."
If there was any question as to whether American Idol is capable of spawning    credible, Grammy-worthy artists, Adam Lambert is out to prove the naysayers wrong. The Season 8 runner-up, who joins past Idol alum nominees Kelly Clarkson, Carrie Underwood, Fantasia, and Jennifer Hudson, among others, is nominated for best male pop vocal performance for "Whataya Want From Me," the first single off his 2009 debut, For Your Entertainment. The song was originally intended for Pink -- and, in fact was written by her along with Max Martin and Shellback -- but like all things Lambert, he made it his own.
So how did the outspoken and always outrageous glam rocker hear the news? "I was awoken by my manager in the morning while in Paris," he tells The Hollywood Reporter. "Much more effective than my usual cup of coffee to wake me up. I was so excited! After our call, I saw that a bunch of friends and family had texted and written emails."
Indeed, the Twitterverse was a flutter with congratulations wishes -- from fellow artists to fans to casual listeners -- even as Lambert was blissfully resting from the end of a long, successful world tour. And now that he's performed "Whataya Want From Me" ad nauseum for the better part of two years, one has to wonder whether he knew the song was special when it was first offered to him.
"I recorded 'Whataya Want From Me' on a day off from the Idols Live Arena tour and I was pretty wiped out due to the show schedule," Lambert reflects, "I knew the song would be a key track on my album and it was my first time working with the incredible Max Martin and Shellback, so I was a bit apprehensive. The vocal ad libs at the end were the most challenging as they are quite high and it had been a long day. When I heard the first mix, I felt really confident the song would have success thanks to the flawless production."
As far as the big music business picture is concerned, Lambert acknowledges that the Grammy nod further legitimizes an A&R tool that many in the industry had ostensibly written off, but he also emphasizes that the credibility is also his, not just the show's. "I believe American Idol is a dream platform for any artist," he explains. "It did not however, teach me how to sing or perform. I made music for years prior to the show but knew that most major labels wouldn't be interested in me as a mainstream pop artist unless I could develop a legitimate fan base and prove that I had talent. Idol gave me these opportunities. But I feel I earned my current success by preparing and executing a variety of strong performances every week on the show and being comfortable being different."
Indeed, as one of RCA's breakout acts of last year -- with more than one million units sold between his full-length, a remix album and an acoustic EP -- Lambert was able to parlay TV exposure into a real music career, no small feat in this time of talent show overload. "In addition to the writers and producers of the track, I hope that at this point, after all the hard work I've done over the past year, the nomination will give me credibility as a true vocalist in the industry," he says, "and perhaps help fade some of the stigma that comes from rising to fame on a competition show."

1楼2010-12-05 19:14回复
    如果(社会大众)对美偶是否真的能产生值得格莱美奖的艺术家尚有疑问的话,亚当兰伯特证明了那些怀疑论者是错误的。这位第八季的亚军,已经加入了格莱美被提名人Kelly Clarkson、Carrie Underwood, Fantasia, and Jennifer Hudson之列,凭借首专FYE中的whataya want from me一歌被提名为格莱美最佳流行男歌手奖。这首歌的原作者是pink和max martin、Shellback三人。
    这位坦率而又特立独行的华丽摇滚歌手是怎么得到这个(被提名)的消息的呢?“我是在早上,在巴黎被我经纪人(的电话)吵醒的。。”他对 Hollywood Reporter的记者说,“这比一般的醒床咖啡给力多啦!真的很兴奋!在接完我经纪人的电话以后,我看到好多亲戚朋友发短信啊写email啊给我”
    “我是在AI巡演的某天空挡录这歌的。”他说,“这是我第一次和max martin以及shellback合作,当时我有点担心,因为这歌后面部分挺有挑战性的。当过完了长长的一天,我听到第一个mix的时候,我就对这歌自信大增了,谢谢完美的制作。”

    2楼2010-12-05 19:15
      当爷说了,格莱美其实是为他在音乐界提供了一个其他机遇都显然无法提供的“合法”地位,他强调,这不仅是美偶的得到肯定,更是他个人得到的肯定。(意思就是格莱美有助于他去掉选秀歌手带来的某些歧视和误解。)“我相信美国偶像是个很好的平台,不过我并不是在这个比赛里才学会怎么表演和唱歌的,我已经在舞台上这样表演了很多年了(意思是我亚当兰伯特不是那些弄堂口卖烘山芋,part time酒吧唱唱歌,参加比赛一夜成名的角色,我在好莱坞那么多年一直是个职业歌手),但(比赛前)我就知道主流唱片公司不会签我的,除非我自己能发展出一堆粉丝来,证明我的才华。美偶给了我(发展粉丝)的机遇,不过我觉得我的成功,靠的还是我自己一周又一周充满自信、与众不同的精彩表现。”
      from tutuluna

      3楼2010-12-05 19:16