首先我下一个暴论:这首歌阿姆贡献的两段verse,就是他生平的巅峰之作!没有之一,所谓的他那些耳熟能详的歌,在我看来,都不如这首歌。。。。这首歌的背景不用多说,也正因为跟朋友royce 59的决裂,Bad meet evil组合的崩塌,我们才能看到纽约之王jayz和史上最叛逆歌手的合作,也才能看到这首技惊四座的歌曲。。jayz对歌词技术上的巧妙处理(也就是layback),eminem无与伦比的押韵技巧给我们提供了这首“Food for spirit”。他俩的历史地位不需要被质疑,至于油管上所说的阿姆压着jayz,那就仁者见仁,智者见智。。。在职业生涯中期饱受质疑的两位说唱大神觉得是时候回应质疑,所以带来了这首歌。。
Since I'm in a position to talk to these kids and they listen,
I ain't no politician but I'll kick it with em a minute,
Cause see they call me a menace and if the shoe fits I'll wear it
But if it don't, then ya'll swallow the truth grin and bear it。
With them a minute,Menace
Shoe fits I'll wear it,Truth grin and bear it.
接下来是一组头韵,rude ludicrous lucrative。我们不得不承认只有艾米纳姆能把表意和炫技结合在一起。。这三个词很好的揭示了艾米纳姆在美国中产和精英家庭父母眼中的第一印象,粗鲁荒唐无耻,却有着近乎变态的变现能力。
Who could inherit the title, put the youth in hysterics,
Using his music to steer it sharing his views in his merits,
But there is a huge interference they're sayin you shouldn't hear it,
Maybe it's hatred I spew, maybe it's food for the spirit
Maybe it's beautiful music I made for you to just cherish
In his merits,Hear it,Spirit,Cherish
这就是他是现代莎士比亚的原因。这种韵脚变换能力,绝对是Greatest of all time
第二段:See I'm a poet to some, a regular modern day Shakespeare
Jesus Christ the King of these Latter Day Saints here
直接伟大无需多言,A regular modern day Shakespeare,Latter day Saints here。
接下来:I'm a M。。 spiteful, delightful eyeful,
The new Ice Cube, s hate to like you,
就像第二个Ice Cube那样,混蛋们不得不爱你。。
这段更不用提,连续三个韵,Spiteful delightful eyeful,直冲我的灵魂。。
下一句更是引经据典,堪称神来之笔,此句出自icecube的歌曲,原句是nigg hate to like you,这里艾米纳姆巧妙的避开了那个n word,可谓天神下凡!
首先我下一个暴论:这首歌阿姆贡献的两段verse,就是他生平的巅峰之作!没有之一,所谓的他那些耳熟能详的歌,在我看来,都不如这首歌。。。。这首歌的背景不用多说,也正因为跟朋友royce 59的决裂,Bad meet evil组合的崩塌,我们才能看到纽约之王jayz和史上最叛逆歌手的合作,也才能看到这首技惊四座的歌曲。。jayz对歌词技术上的巧妙处理(也就是layback),eminem无与伦比的押韵技巧给我们提供了这首“Food for spirit”。他俩的历史地位不需要被质疑,至于油管上所说的阿姆压着jayz,那就仁者见仁,智者见智。。。在职业生涯中期饱受质疑的两位说唱大神觉得是时候回应质疑,所以带来了这首歌。。
Since I'm in a position to talk to these kids and they listen,
I ain't no politician but I'll kick it with em a minute,
Cause see they call me a menace and if the shoe fits I'll wear it
But if it don't, then ya'll swallow the truth grin and bear it。
With them a minute,Menace
Shoe fits I'll wear it,Truth grin and bear it.
接下来是一组头韵,rude ludicrous lucrative。我们不得不承认只有艾米纳姆能把表意和炫技结合在一起。。这三个词很好的揭示了艾米纳姆在美国中产和精英家庭父母眼中的第一印象,粗鲁荒唐无耻,却有着近乎变态的变现能力。
Who could inherit the title, put the youth in hysterics,
Using his music to steer it sharing his views in his merits,
But there is a huge interference they're sayin you shouldn't hear it,
Maybe it's hatred I spew, maybe it's food for the spirit
Maybe it's beautiful music I made for you to just cherish
In his merits,Hear it,Spirit,Cherish
这就是他是现代莎士比亚的原因。这种韵脚变换能力,绝对是Greatest of all time
第二段:See I'm a poet to some, a regular modern day Shakespeare
Jesus Christ the King of these Latter Day Saints here
直接伟大无需多言,A regular modern day Shakespeare,Latter day Saints here。
接下来:I'm a M。。 spiteful, delightful eyeful,
The new Ice Cube, s hate to like you,
就像第二个Ice Cube那样,混蛋们不得不爱你。。
这段更不用提,连续三个韵,Spiteful delightful eyeful,直冲我的灵魂。。
下一句更是引经据典,堪称神来之笔,此句出自icecube的歌曲,原句是nigg hate to like you,这里艾米纳姆巧妙的避开了那个n word,可谓天神下凡!