klaxons吧 关注:19贴子:470

回复:[资源] Myths Of The Near Future. Landmarks of Lunacy DL+L


4 Horsemen Of 2012 :
Theres a halfman, half horse, who still runs through my thoughts as he rides on a flame in the sky
He comes through the centuries with me on his engines. The kids and the cats watch him fly.
Please catch that half horse as he murders my thoughts with the fragments of flames anyway
Halfman, halfhorse as he rides on a flame in the sky
Foooour hoooorse meeeen tweeeentyyy
Klaxons not centaurs! (ooow)
Wont you please catch that horse as he murders my thoughts. Im left with the fragments and flames
Wont you please catch that horse as he murders my thoughts. Im left with the fragments and flames
Foooour hoooorse meeeen tweeeentyyy
Klaxons not centaurs!
Theres a halfman a horse who still polutes my thoughts as he rides on a flame in the sky. He comes through the centuries with me on his engine. The kids and the cats watch him fly
Theres a halfman a horse who still polutes my thoughts as he rides on a flame in the sky. He comes through the centuries with me on his engine. The kids and the cats watch him fly
Foooour hoooorse meeeen tweeeentyyy
Klaxons not centaurs!

18楼2011-01-31 09:33
    The Pale Blue Dot
    Ask and Embla Emerge on a Terra Rusty Tone
    Pandora and the Eagle Disperse to Prepare the Elecampane
    A Home for Lubio Needs
    The Story it's Great to Agree
    The Voice of Ginnen's Travels
    Conceal's What She is to Conceive
    The Land has Spoken We're Told to Refer to the Never Model
    Revolve the Wondering Arch and the Infinite Being Clouds
    The Infinite Being Clouds
    The Pale Blue Dot
    Ablaze in Timeless Thought
    Horrifying Paralyzing
    Eternal Return
    Ask and Embla Emerge Although You Wouldn't Recognise
    Pandora and the Eagle Revert to the Blink of the Heavens Eyes
    A Home for Lubio Needs
    The Story it's Great to Agree
    The Voice of Ginnen's Travels
    Calypso is Bound to Conceive
    Nothing has Spoken We're Told to Refer to the Never Land
    Revolve the Wondering Arch and the Infinite Being Clouds
    Although the Infinite Being Clouds ( Eternal Return )
    The Infinite Being ( Eternal Return )
    We Need a Home for Lubio ( Eternal Return )
    To Agree with Ginnen's Voice
    Horrifying Paralyzing
    Eternal Return

    19楼2011-01-31 09:36
      Ivy Leaves
      Blue Ivy Leaves
      Smother Landmarks of Lunacy
      All Other Trees
      Have Been Reclaimed By The Sea
      Though Born to Cling and Lean
      The Ever Blue's Untimely
      The Secrets of the Leaves
      Cloud the Obscurity
      Cyan Leaves
      A Situation Built On Trust
      Will In Effect Endanger All of Us
      Don;t Want a Tiny Stitch in Time
      To Turn Around and Make the World Unwind
      Blue Ivy Leaves
      Disappearing Like a Day Dream
      The Gloom It Gleams
      All Consuming Vapors Leave
      A Situation Built On Trust
      Will In Effect Endanger All of Us
      Don't Want a Tiny Stitch in Time
      To Turn Around and Make the World Unwind
      A Situation Built On Trust
      Should in Effect Untangle All of Us
      We'll Make a Tiny Stitch in Time
      Into Another Faithful World Unwin

      21楼2011-01-31 09:38
        Lately Down by the Wildeflowers
        Complementarity Measures
        Echoes are Ready and Waiting
        Now the Flowers Prepare for their Cycle
        It's Flushing Time at the Estuary
        Squint and the Lines are all Smiling
        Arms Aloft on the Hilltop
        Render Brings About the Dusk
        The Winds are Cold and Speaking About
        The Wildeflowers
        Programmed : The Co-Ordinates
        Mirrored Down There in the Dip
        Refraction Triggers
        Now a Take of Wildeflowers
        Lately Shuffling Over the Hilllside
        The Forbs in the Trees are Stood Waving
        The Echoes are Ready and Waiting Now
        Arms Aloft on the Hilltop
        Render Brings About the Dusk
        The Winds are Old and Talking About
        The Wildeflowers
        Programmed : The Co-Ordinates
        Mirrored Way Down in the Dip
        Refraction Triggers
        Now a Taste of Wildeflowers
        Down Where the Trees are Still Standing
        Complementarity Measures
        Heathers are Grey and a Plenty
        Down by the Wildeflowers
        The Forbs in the Trees are Dividing
        And Keeping the Coincidence a Secret

        22楼2011-01-31 09:39
          Marble Fields
          Heigh Helen
          Something was Born in the Mirza's Dream
          And then Left in the Tomb of the Effigies
          Fast as the Rolling Seasons Bring
          The Copies we Made in the Gale Wind
          On a Great Pixel Throne Footage Shows
          Rolling the Gods on the Palace Beach
          There is Hardly an Afterlife Mirrored Here
          But There Flutters a Shadow of Sanctuary
          With the PSI Copy
          Now These Marble Fields
          Still Lay in Tact
          Brimming with Prime
          Still Forming
          Time Couldn't Bottle the Five Stone Rings
          Nor Leave You Marooned on the Sea Machines
          With the PSI Copy
          The Hydra White Head of Delusion
          Brought Forces of More Than a Million
          And Caused the Stone Angles to Glisten
          Now Various Species Have Told Me
          To Wield a Harvesting Sickle
          And Fear Not the After Responses
          We'll Swim with Tides of Lake Lerna
          Fast Charms are on Route to Forever
          While Dreaming of Young Capricorn
          Now These Marble Fields
          Still Lay in Tact
          Brimming with Prime
          Still Forming...
          And Time Couldn't Bottle Heigh Helen
          And Time Couldn't Bottle Heigh Helen

          23楼2011-01-31 09:39
            Surfing The Void今天晚上再说~打烊收工

            24楼2011-01-31 09:40

              26楼2011-01-31 21:27