1034个省级行政区的简称和行政中心分别是: 北京市 京 北京 上海市 沪 上海 天津市 津 天津 重庆市 渝 重庆 黑龙江省 黑 哈尔滨 吉林省 吉 长春 辽宁省 辽 沈阳 内蒙古 蒙 呼和浩特 河北省 冀 石家庄 新疆 新 乌鲁木齐 甘肃省 甘 兰州 青海省 青 西宁 陕西省 陕 西安 宁夏 宁 银川 河南省 豫 郑州 山东省 鲁 济南 山西省 晋 太原 安徽省 皖 合肥 湖北省 鄂 武汉 湖南省 湘 长沙 江苏省 苏 南京 四川省 川 成都 贵州省 黔 贵阳
0啊啊啊啊 暑假有什么作业啊 我现在一字未动啊
5 《新课程标准》和《考纲》议论文阅读的考查要求是: 理清文章思路,理解主要内容;阅读简单的议论文,能区分观点与材料(道理、事实、数据、图表等),发现观点与材料之间的联系,并能通过自己的思考做出判断。 议论文阅读考查内容主要有: ①对论点的辨析、判断、提取、归纳; ②对论据类型(事实论据、道理论据)的认识、分析; ③对论证方法(举例论证、道理论证、对比论证、比喻论证)的辨识、理 解; ④对论
5爱 点一盏灯 把温暖传给每个人 这土地有你 才能够叫我们 我们心都善良(心都善良) 不忍心谁受伤 伸出手 不求回报的快乐 打开心门(打开心门) 给予真爱和心疼 关於爱 才会拥有得更完整 相信有股坚强 它来自心深处 是爸爸妈妈给我们最好的礼物 We are the world(We are the world) We are the children(We are the children) 你是我的兄弟和姊妹 是爱的世界 生命像花和蝴蝶 相互依偎才会美 珍惜身边你所爱的 Just You and Me 把手敞开 让需要爱的都
1我就是八五班的,是郑州的 ** 学校! 是H Y 八五!
11.如图,直角梯形ABCD中,AD//BC, ∠ B=90度,AD=1,BC=6,AB=7,在AB上是否存在点P,使以P,A,D和P,B,C为顶点的两个三角形相似,若存在,请求出PA的值,若不存在,请说明理由。 2.在直角坐标系中,以点P(1,1)为圆心,以2为半径作圆P,交X轴于A,B两点,抛物线y=-(x-1)2+3过点A,B,且顶点C在圆P上,如图:在抛物线上是否存在点D,使线段OC与线段PD互相平分?如若存在,求出点D的坐标。若不存在,说明理由。 3:如图
0已知P(m,a)在抛物线y=ax*x上,且点P在第一象限 (1)求m的值 (2)直线y=kx+4过点P,交x轴的正半轴于点A,交抛物线于另一点M,求三角形MOA的最大值
0存在性探究问题的一般思路是:先对结论作出肯定的假设,然后由肯定假设出发,结合已知条件或挖掘出隐含条件,辅以方程思想等,进行正确的计算、推理,再对得出的结果进行分析检验,判断是否与题设、公理、定理等吻合.若无矛盾,说明假设正确,由此得出符合条件的数学对象存在;否则,说明不存在. 作业:1.在平面直角坐标系中有两个点A(0,4),B(8,0), (1)在y轴上是否存在点M,使⊿ABM为等腰三角形,若存在,请写出满足条件的所有M点的坐标;若不
1chapter 1 1. steal sth. from sb. 2. rob sb. of sth. 3. be in prison\be behind bars 4. work as 5. look for clues 6. deny doing sth. 7. admit doing sth. 8. jump to conclusions 9. no longer\not…any longer 10. pretend to do sth. 11. make sb. go to jail 12. instead of 13. succeed in doing sth. 14. fail to do sth. 15. because of 16. manage to do sth. 17. in addition to 18. make up a story 19. as well as 20. write an article on detectives 21. protect the innocent 22. find out the guilty chapter 2 1. be short of 2. according to 3. at present 4. hardly ever 5. be unaware
2chapter 1 1. steal sth. from sb. 2. rob sb. of sth. 3. be in prison\be behind bars 4. work as 5. look for clues 6. deny doing sth. 7. admit doing sth. 8. jump to conclusions 9. no longer\not…any longer 10. pretend to do sth. 11. make sb. go to jail 12. instead of 13. succeed in doing sth. 14. fail to do sth. 15. because of 16. manage to do sth. 17. in addition to 18. make up a story 19. as well as 20. write an article on detectives 21. protect the innocent 22. find out the guilty
0如果有同学没收到"语文+英语"或想要我发的同学,请发一封邮件到我邮箱,我的邮箱是:haitun199@163.com 以下是英语句子(包括3月7日听写了的) 听写 1.My parents give me a generous amount of pocket money every month. 2.If I spend it all before the end of the month, they grumble a bit. 3.We’re a democratic family, so everyone has a say. 4.I know that the work is not perfect, but after all, she is very young. 5.In fact, my parents give me most of the things that I ask for. 6.The pocket money my parents give me is fair, but a bit less than I’d
01.My parents give me a generous amount of pocket money every month. 2.If I spend it all before the end of the month, they grumble a bit. 3.We’re a democratic family, so everyone has a say. 4.I know that the work is not perfect, but after all, she is very young. 5.In fact, my parents give me most of the things that I ask for. 6.The pocket money my parents give me is fair, but a bit less than I’d like.
0《隆中对》 1.字词: 躬,莫之许,谓为信然,屯,器,就见,屈致,枉驾,顾,遂, 诣,凡,屏人,倾颓,蒙尘,度德量力,信,猖蹶(猖獗),已, 已(来),并,遂,挟,国(3个),利,殆,资,因,殷,存恤, 胄,将,身,孰,箪食壶浆,诚,日, 2.句子的翻译: 1)每自比……莫之许也。 2)诸葛孔明……见之乎? 3)此人刻就见……顾之。 4)欲信大义……至于今日。 5)今操已拥兵……不可与之争峰。 6)益州险塞……高
121.Almost all the Chinese teenagers get used to depending on their parents for everything. 22. This toy car is worse on rough ground than on a smooth surface because it cannot climb over things. 23.As young adults, it is our duty to try our best to deal with each challenge in study with the help of our teachers. 24. Let’s face the challenges instead of worrying about our problems. 25. I used to go to sleep with my bedroom light on because I was afraid of the dark.
01. I hope to protect the innocent as well as find the guilty. 2.What happened to the bank? Someone stole much money from its safe. 3. Holmes(福尔摩斯)enjoyed working as a detective. And he said that a good detective never jumps to conclusions. 4. They both denied stealing the vase, but I noticed Jill wearing a black pearl necklace with the dame design as the earring. 5.He wanted to make Jill go to jail instead of himself, but he failed. He himself was behind bars now. 6. They will help you instead of laughing at you. 7. I remember seeing the boy last month, but I cannot think o
01. I hope to protect the innocent as well as find the guilty. 2.What happened to the bank? Someone stole much money from its safe. 3. Holmes(福尔摩斯)enjoyed working as a detective. And he said that a good detective never jumps to conclusions. 4. They both denied stealing the vase, but I noticed Jill wearing a black pearl necklace with the dame design as the earring. 5.He wanted to make Jill go to jail instead of himself, but he failed. He himself was behind bars now.
0Oxford English 1. protect the innocent 2. find out the guilty 3. write an article on detectives 4. work as 5. as well as 6. recent case 7. look for clues 8. spotlessly clean 9. deny doing sth. 10. jump to conclusions 11. no longer 12. admit doing sth. 13. pretend to do sth.. 14. make sb go to jail 15. instead of 16. be behind bars\be in prison 17. make up a story 18. bump into sb. 19. the death of the old man 20. be abroad 21. seem to have no enemies 22. on the day of his death 23. on the evening of 30 March 24. leave\keep the window open 25. because of 26. say goodn
1科学作业的答案仍有错误 (李青青同学还没发全) 七年级上 第一章 选择题第10题答案更改为D 七年级上 第二补充章检测题 选择题第8题答案更改为C 选择题第9题答案更改为A 七年级上 第三章检测题 选择题第3题答案更改为D 选择题第8题不要 七年级上 第四章单元 选择题第7题答案更改为B 七年级下 第一章检测题 选择题第1题答案更改为A 选择题第15题答案更改为A 七年级下 第四章不断运动的地球检测题 选择题第23
6又有新的FTP了,欢迎大家去看看 地址:ftp://users.11mbit.vc/ 用户名:haitun1 密码:28u1f7wo5q 这次的科学作业在上面
2七年级上 第三章地球和宇宙 选择题第7题答案更改为D 选择题第9题答案更改为A 填空简答题23题第2小问答案更改为10年1999年和2005年 七年级上 第四章检测题 选择题第7题答案更改为D 七年级下 第二章单元 选择题第31题答案更改为D 选择题第34题答案更改为D 七年级下 第四章不断运动的地球检测题 填空题第2题答案更改为经度 选择题第3题答案更改为D 选择题第4题答案更改为B 选择题第11题答案更改为A 选择题第9题答案更改为C 选择
1数学作业呢? 怎么没有!!!!!!!!!!
1May 21th 1.You should test water before you give your baby a bath. 2.In villages and on farms, electrical machines milk the cows and chop(剁碎) their food. They also cool the milk. 3.We divide the books in the library into(分成) fiction books(小说类) and non-fiction books(散文类). 4.Fiction books contain stories about people and things. They are not real. 5.Non-fiction books are about real people and things. For example, history books and science books are non- fiction books.
01.Can you tell me what electricity looks like and where it comes from? 2.Electricity flows through a wire. It’s like water, in a way. 3.My problems are that I am too thin, I am always short of money, I have a weak body and I am lonely. 4.The little boy has such a good habit that he always puts his toys away after playing with. 5.We make rules to encourage people to behave in the right way and stop people from doing dangerous or bad things.
1Life Life can be good, Life can be bad, Life is mostly cheerful But sometimes sad Life can be dream, Life can be great thoughts,
01. Please help me connect the wire to the computer. 2. The girl always asks me questions politely. 3. I stayed up late until I finished my
01.Electricity comes into our flat through thin wires which are connected to cables buried under the street. 2.Can you get me a packet of
21。We can change electricity into different forms of energy such as light energy. 2. This thick wire is connected to my computer. 3.Air
0Dear Hopeful You must not eat so much. If you do not want to feel tired, you must not stay up so late. You must work harder to get higher m
0April 29 1.He drove so fast that I really felt my life was in danger. 2.We must stop that factory from polluting the river as soon a
13. 其他类型的反意疑问句。 A. 祈使句的反意疑问句。 e.g. Open the window, will/would/ won’t/can/could/can’t you? Don’t be late, will yo
61. She is interested in English because she can get fun from reading,speaking,listen- ing and writing. 2. That must be someone else’s c
0我们刚刚学过文章中有保护环境(Protecting our environment)这一课, 此次我们年级组织的“东莞百万葵园”活动,刚好提供一个 从理论到实践的机会。
0《感受自然》《体味生活》征文竞赛 为配合年级组“东莞百万葵园”社会实践活动,我们语文备课组拟订举行一次以年级为单位的征文竞赛活动。 征文对
0《体验人与自然的和谐》摄影竞赛 为配合年级组“东莞百万葵园”社会实践活动,我们历史与社会备课组拟订举行一次以年级为单位的摄影竞赛活动。 征
0(初二科学组) 《走进自然,体验科学》 活动目的:科学源于自然,大自然是最好的教科书。走出课堂,走进大自然,体验自己在课堂上所学的知识,检验
0(初二数学组) 《番禺原野庄园,我想对你说……》 ——给番禺原野庄园的发展建议书 引言:作为一家运营企业,生存与发展的关键何在?当然是——与