0经核实吧主メ叶刃 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 欧陆分析吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
8欧陆分析苏州实验室专注于农药残留检测,所有检测方法通过德国DAkks ISO/IEC 17025 认可,我们使用最前沿的技术,按照欧洲标准建立质量管理体系。作为Dr. Specht 的卫星实验室,苏州农残检测实验室得到了欧洲客户的广泛认可。苏州实验室使用GC-MS和LC-MS/MS技术,同时辅助GC-FPD和GC-ECD确认,能同时检测500多项农药残留。针对不同的基质,实验室应用不同的解决方案:新鲜、脱水果蔬,谷物--QuEChERS净化茶叶--GPC/SPE净化复杂基质(辣椒,植物提取物)--GPC净
0多环芳烃类(PAH)是一系列芳香烃化合物及其衍生物。目前,已发现约200种,其中多数具有致癌性。苯并(a)芘 benzo(a)pyrene,B(a)P 是多环芳烃类化合物中的一种主要的食品污染物。 欧陆分析WEJ Contaminants是一家专门针对污染物进行检测的专业实验室,具有分析检测常见PAHs的能力, 可检测Benzo(a)anthracene Benzo(a)pyrene Benzo(b)fluoranthene Chrysene等16种常见多环芳烃。 如有需要,欢迎联系QQ 517317322 TEL 18015558709
4双氰胺,缩写DCD或DICY,主要用作三聚氰胺的生产原料及医药和染料中间体。动物实验显示双氰胺对身体的伤害类似三聚氰胺,但毒性低于三聚氰胺。虽然国际标准目前还未对食品中的双氰胺限量,但高剂量的双氰胺对人体是有毒的。欧盟目前规定的双氰胺每日可容忍摄入量(TDI)为1 mg/kg bw(1 毫克每公斤体重)。2013年1月,享誉全球的新西兰牛奶及奶制品被检测出含有低含量的有毒物质双氰胺,新西兰政府已经下令禁售含有双氰胺的奶类产品。 相比
4花生及花生制品是我国对欧盟出口最主要的食品种类之一,但同时也经常产生到达欧盟国家口岸的产品由于黄曲霉毒素高于欧盟的最高限量而被欧盟国家退回的损失。欧盟委员会早在2002年形成了特别针对我国对欧盟国家出口的花生及花生制品的决议案(EC Decision 2002/79/EC*),要求其成员国加强对来自我国的花生和花生制品加强取样和检测等控制措施,以保障欧盟公众的健康安全。该决议案在形成前,欧盟委员会食品和兽医办公室特派一个工作组对我国的
4增塑剂是各种胶水和塑料材料的添加剂,能够增加产品的使用性能。增塑剂以各种化学基为原料,大部分是邻苯二甲酸酯,尤以酞酸二丁酯应用最广。由于一些增塑剂存在潜在的健康危害,一旦进入食品中会对人体健康造成不利影响,因此,增塑剂的使用应符合欧盟委员会2007/19/EC 的规定。 增塑剂通常通过含有增塑剂的塑料管,包装和运输材料等不合格产品进入食品环节。储存在旋封盖罐中的脂性食品(如香蒜酱和油)中发现了过量的增塑剂,污染就
1Eurofins tests many matrices for the quantity and quality of vitamins. Eurofins' Competence Centre for vitamin analysis in Denmark is a
0Residual DNA or host cell DNA can inadvertently be left on products during manufacturing. It is critical that manufacturers ensure that no c
0Eurofins operates several pesticide testing laboratories within its global network in addition to the Group's Competence Centre, Eurofin
0Aflatoxins are natural substances produced by moulds and fungi which show toxic effects towards humans and animals even in low concentration
1The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) estimates that roughly 25 percent of the world's food production conta
0Food borne viruses are responsible for 20% of collective food poisonings in Europe today. As the number of contamination notifications increases each year, this issue has become a major concern of quality and security for our customers. The main types of viruses are: Norovirus GI/GII (90% of cases) : responsible for gastroenteritis Hepatitis A : causes fever, icterus, gastric problems… Other less frequent viruses: Sapovirus, Rotavirus, Reovirus, Hepatitis E… These non-enveloped RNA viruses are highly infectious, contagious and resistant to cold, cooking and acid pH but also pasteurization,
0Eurofins is one of the leading service providers for microbiological testing in Europe. The microbiological testing portfolio includes analy
0Since the first official authorization for cultivation of genetically modified plants in 1996, more than 59 countries have authorized genetically modified events for import and/or commercialization either for food or feed production or for field trials. 28 countries were planting GM crops in 2012, bringing the global hectarage up to 170.3 million hectares with an annual growth rate of 6% up to 10.3 million from 160 million hectares in 2011 (Figures ISAAA Briefs 42-2010 and 44-2012). Because of the constant development of approved and non-approved GM crop events, the risk of cross-contamination
0A new method for fraud detection In the resolution of January 2014*, members of the European Parliament drew up a list of products that are most at risk of food fraud. Honey is included in their list. The most common fraud in honey is adulteration, usually by addition of sugar. However other types of fraud exist, for example the false declaration of botanical or geographical origin. Perfect traceability is therefore crucial for honey and other products from the hive to ensure a fair and sustainable beekeeping sector. A unique and reliable method The Eurofins Laboratory in Nantes has developed
1Grains are one of the primary food sources for people and animals. Hardly any other industrial sector operates as globally as the grain industry. Worldwide trade and regional trade are both equally important in the daily grain industry. Global trade channels, accurate interpretation of national and international regulations, and ever-changing consumer demands continually present new challenges to grain producers. Our grain testing services Eurofins, the worldwide leader in analytical testing for food and feed products, offers an extensive range of testing services. You can choose the component
0The further expansion of commercially planted GMO regions increases the need for testing and analysis by companies who produce food, feed or seed. A carefully designed testing program will ensure that companies meet strict regulations in a timely and efficient manner while keeping their customers safe and reassured. Asynchronous approval situations, where a GMO is approved for commercialisation in one country in comparison to another country, have an impact on the market value and marketability of a product. Thus, it is important to know the GMO approval situation of the country of origin of t
0Eurofins is to our knowledge the only European provider to offer a complete spectrum of five different methods for the detection of irradiated food materials. Irradiating food with energy-rich radiation such as gamma-rays and electron beams is used for several different purposes, for example: prevention of germination and sprouting of potatoes, onions and garlic; killing/ sterilising insects which infest grains, dried fruit, vegetables or nuts; retardation of the ripening and ageing of fruit and vegetables; prolongation of the shelf-life of food; and prevention of food-borne diseases by reduci
0All food products that are offered on a market have to comply with the respective regulation. Private companies and public organisations have to implement Quality Assurance Systems including a continuous control of the hygiene conditions for food production and distribution. Eurofins carries out consulting audits for validation of the procedures with regard to the legislation as well as training of managers and staff. Our laboratories additionally offer a wide range of analyses in all fields linked to quality control of food. Our expert network provides a unique contact address for all your qu
0Fruits and vegetables must undergo testing to address safety issues and to ensure optimal taste. Not only do consumers demand it, but maximum pesticide residue limits in food are also strictly regulated by government regulations in many countries. Consumer awareness and concern about pesticides has increased during recent years and has led to strict analysis and control of all foods, particularly of fruits and vegetables. Produce should be controlled at a very early stage of the supply chain in order to provide consumers with products of the highest freshness. Ideally, the results of the analy
0Cooking oils and fats come in a huge variety of flavours, types and blends. Consumers and food service establishments demand options such as cold-pressed, refined, virgin, extra virgin and other varieties to meet different nutritional requirements, diets and cuisines. Food producers need to ensure that their oils and fats are thoroughly tested and analysed in order to fully disclose information about their contents, quality and purity to their customers. How Eurofins can help Eurofins offers fat and oil testing in multiple locations around the world. Our scientists, researchers and staff are e
0The following table illustrates a selection of substance classes that Eurofins tests: Parameter Method Polychlorinated dibenzo(p) dioxins and furans (PCDD/F) HRGC/HRMS Polybrominated dibenzo(p) dioxins and furans (PBDD/F) HRGC/HRMS Mixed-halogenated = polybrominated/-chlorinated dibenzo(p) dioxins and furans (PBCDD/F) HRGC/HRMS Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) HRGC/LRMS Organotin compounds HRGC/LRMS Brominated flame retardants (PBDE, PBB, HBCD, TBBPA) HRGC/LRMS Plasticisers, surfactants (phthalates, alkyl phenols, linear alkyl sulfonates (LAS)) HRGC/LRMS Chloroparaffins (C10-C17) HRGC/NC
0With the increased attention of consumers towards food and health, the popularity of fish, seafood and other products of marine origin such as algae is growing steadily. While the production of fish and seafood from wild catches has remained rather constant, the increasing fish demand is mainly covered by growth in aquaculture resulting in the fact that aquaculture is the fastest growing animal food-producing sector (FAO 2013). Limited availability of certain fish species may lead to substitution with other potentially less valuable fish species as published recently by Oceana. Eurofins compre
0Eurofins TAG™ (Genotyping And Traceability System) is a traceability system that allows the tracing of meat back to an individual animal, an infallible DNA tracking system to identify animals "from farm to fork". This system, originally developed during the BSE crisis of the late 1990's is a powerful tool for monitoring the origin of the animal and therefore provides consumers with a full guarantee of the quality of their meat. The Eurofins TAG™ genetic traceability system meets the requirements of all involved in the meat industry: farmers, abattoirs, processors, d
0Today's demanding market requires animal products to be authentic and genuine. Species determination plays a central role in the regulation of the genuineness and marketability of a product. During recent years, it has become increasingly important for the trade of products of animal origin that the species type be correctly declared and that this can also be verified. Sensitive procedures for verification of the species type are required-particularly for already mixed and processed products and where ethical and religious concerns (e.g. halal, kosher or vegetarian) play an increasing role
1What is SNIF-NMR® ? Stable isotope analyses are among the most powerful techniques to ensure food and beverage authenticity. Based on the principle that the bioelements, C, H, O, N, of organic matter exist in their naturally occurring isotopic form - 13C/12C, 2H/1H, 18O/16O, 15N/14N - the distribution of which is influenced by physical, chemical and biochemical factors, these methods offer a means of verifying botanical, synthetic and even geographical origin of a product. The SNIF-NMR® method, pioneered by Professor G.J. Martin of the University of Nantes and further developed b
0Food analysis using Isotopic Techniques – Proficiency Testing Scheme Proficiency Testing provides an objective means of assessing and documenting the reliability of the data produced by a laboratory, demonstrating competence to the customers and to the accreditation bodies. A specific scheme dedicated to the isotopic analysis of food was implemented by Eurofins Scientific in 1994, and has continued within the framework of a European research program (1996-1998) called "Food analysis using Isotopic Techniques" (FIT). Since 1999, this Proficiency Testing Scheme (now called FIT-PTS) w
1Food allergies have increased at an unprecedented rate during recent years. According to industry experts, food-related allergic reactions increased during the past years. Some of these reactions have a significant impact on quality of life or can lead to life-threatening anaphylactic shock within minutes. Food intolerances such as lactose intolerance, gluten intolerance and celiac disease are also on the rise, with the latter being the most common genetic disease in Europe. People with food allergies or intolerances must adhere to strict avoidance of their allergens or foods that cause reacti
0除了色香味俱全,越来越多的人开始关注起食物的营养成分和质量。随着人们饮食习惯的日益转变,主要食品的供给已趋向于工业化,同时消费者更加关注食品对其自身及家人身体健康的影响。 食品法规对于食品的规格、配方、可使用的添加剂、授权许可的加工过程以及允许的营养素含量误差都做出了相应的规定。 食品业者必须综合考虑各种因素,生产出同时满足消费者需要和法规要求的创新产品。实验室是这一过程中不可缺少的机体,监控原材料
0氯化石蜡是石蜡烃的氯化衍生物,具有低挥发性、阻燃、电绝缘性良好、价廉等优点,可用作阻燃剂和聚氯乙烯辅助增塑剂。广泛用于生产电缆料、地板料、软管、人造革、橡胶等制品。以及应用于涂料、润滑油等的添加剂。氯化石蜡初次应用于工业切削液,特别是汽车及其零部件的制造。除了用于切削油,氯化石蜡还用于大量的商业涂料、粘合剂、密封胶和嵌缝胶。 氯化石蜡是在平常例行检测时候,用ECD检测有机氯杀虫剂的时候检测到的。欧盟没
0果汁和果茶是食品工业中最重要,也是快速发展的产品之一。最新的加工工艺和新型的包装技术使这些产品能够满足更多的市场需求,而冷藏产品和非浓缩汁产品是这些新型技术的最大受益者。此外,某些水果类的产品富含高维他命和抗氧化能力,更使他们成为了日常健康饮品。 维持产品的市场高占有率,就必须确保产品的高质量。对于果汁及其它果类产品而言,欧陆坊能够提供全面的分析检测服务,从而确保您的产品符合消费者和法律法规的双重
0矮壮素是一种优良的植物生长调节剂,又名稻麦立。可用于小麦,水稻,棉花,烟草,玉米及西红柿等作物,抑制作物细胞伸长,但不抑制细胞分裂,能使植株变矮,杆茎变粗,叶色变绿,可使作物耐旱耐涝,防止作物徒长倒伏,抗盐碱,又能防止棉花落铃,可使马铃薯块茎增大。 助壮素是一种内吸性植物生长调节剂。溶于水,水溶液在低温条件下易析出结晶,当温度升高时结晶又会溶解,不降低使用效果。助壮素多用于棉花,对一些园艺作物,如
0橄榄油和橄榄果渣油在地中海沿岸国家有几千年的历史,在西方被誉为“液体黄金”,“植物油皇后”,“地中海甘露”, 原因就在于其极佳的天然保健功效,美容功效和理想的烹调用途。可供食用的高档橄榄油是用初熟或成熟的油橄榄鲜果通过物理冷压榨工艺提取的天然果油汁,(剩余物通过化学法提取橄榄果渣油)是世界上唯一以自然状态的形式供人类食用的木本植物油。 欧陆分析(eurofins)能够运用科学先进的手段,对橄榄油进行包括如下检
0肉类含蛋白质丰富,一般在10-20%之间。瘦肉比肥肉含蛋白质多。肉类食品含蛋白质是优质蛋白质,不仅含有的必需氮基酸全面、数量多,而且比例恰当,接近于人体的蛋白质,容易消化吸收。肉类中脂肪含量平均在10-30%左右,主要是各种脂肪酸和甘油三脂。 具有27年专业食品测试经验的欧陆分析(eurofins),能够对肉类做如下测试: 水分 钠 能量 蛋白质 脂肪 碳水化合物 饱和脂肪酸 单不饱和脂肪酸 多不饱和脂肪酸 反式脂肪酸 干物质 葡萄糖 果糖 蔗
2人参皂苷(Ginsenoside)是一种固醇类化合物,三萜皂苷。主要存在于人参属药材中。人参皂苷被视为是人参中的活性成分,因而成为研究的目标。因为人参皂苷影响了多重的代谢通路,所以其效能也是复杂的,而且各种人参皂苷的效能是难以分离出来的。 人参皂苷(ginsenoside,GS)是人参的主要有效成分,现已明确知道的GS单体约有40余种;在人参中的含量在4%左右。其中研究最多且与肿瘤细胞凋亡最为相关的为Rg3与Rh2。以上元素的组合配比更能促进对癌