0Your presence will do us great honor and weare looking forward to seeing you. On behalf of China Lutong Machinery WorksCo,.Ltd., we sincerely invite you and your company representatives to visit ourbooth at Automechanika Istanbul 2023 from 8th to 11th of June 2023. Ourinformation about this event is as follows, China-Lutong is one of the professionalChinese companies in the distribution and manufacturing of parts, componentsand equipment for diesel fuel injection systems. Based on the principle ofhonesty, credibility and mutual benefit, our company always adheres to promotemutual advantage thr
0Durante a exposição EXPOMECANICA & AUTOPARTS 2023, traremos nossos produtos mais avançados, como rotor principal, êmbolo, bico injetor de combustível, injetor common rail, conjuntode válvulas, válvula de orifício, válvula solenóide etc. , CAT,TOYOTA1KD,2KD,Hulix, MITSUBISHI 4D56 L200, SCANIA, VOLVO, CUMMINS,MAN, DAF, FORD,IVECO, ISUZU, NISSAN, DONGFENG FAW, FOTON, JAC e assim por diante. A feira é a melhor plataforma para asempresas explorarem o mercado sul-americano. Bem-vindo ao nosso estande nº 100para uma reunião cara a cara e negociações de cooperação! Expomacia Perú
0喷油器分为开式和闭式两种。开式喷油器结构简单,但雾化,很少被采用。闭式喷油器广泛应用在各种柴油机上。柴油机在进气行程中吸入的是纯空气。在压缩行程接近终了时, 柴油经喷油泵将油压提高到100MPa以上,通过喷油器喷入气缸,在很短时间内与压缩后的高温空气混合,形成可燃混合气。由于柴油机压缩比高(一般为16-22),所以压缩终了时气缸内空气压力可达3.5-4.5MPa,同时温度750-1000K(而汽油机在此时的混合气压力会为0.6-1.2MPa,温度
000China-lutong MachineryWorks Co., Ltd is one of the Chinese major manufacturers and suppliers in fuelinjection systems. We have been producing fuel injection parts for dieselengines since 1992, Our productsinclude fuel pumps parts head rotor, plunger, cam plate , fuel injectors,nozzles and components for most all makes of diesel applications and wide rangeof automotive applications. China Lutong Diesel Parts sincerely looksforward to your visit. Let's enjoy the big event with more than 15,000 industrypeers, and build more innovative relationships and witness the development ofthe Automotive0We Hope Your Current Visit Will Help UsTo Further Deepen Mutual Trust, Exchanges, And Cooperation Between Our TwoCompanies On behalf of China-Lutong Machinery Worksco.,LTD We hereby sincerely invite you and your company representatives tovisit our booth at The 9thEdition of Expomecanica & Autopartes - Peru 2023 from 26th Mayto 28th May 2023. Our information about this event is as follows: China-Lutong is one of the most important Chinesecompanies in the distribution and manufacturing of parts, components, andequipment for diesel fuel injection systems. Based on the principle of honesty,cre0Mercibeaucoup pour votre soutien à long terme et votre confiance en China-Lutong.Linda China-lutong vous invite sincèrement à discuter de la coopération et àdévelopper ensemble ! MIMSAutomobility Moscow 2023 is de grootste en meest succesvolle auto-onderdelenbeursin Rusland. De stand duurt 4 dagen en wordt gehouden van 21 tot 24 augustus inhet Exhibition Centre in Moskou, Rusland. China-lutongMachinery Works Co., Ltd is gespecialiseerd in de ontwikkeling, productie enverkoop van reserveonderdelen voor dieselbrandstofinjectiesystemen. Ons doel isom eersteklas producten te vervaardigen en00811000000000000000000000000020000如果仍然显示故障代码P1214,那么重新执行步骤1;如果有其他故障代码显示,那么参考故障代码表;如果没有故障代码显示,那么本次故障诊断结束。 小松SAA6D125E-3发动机采用电控共轨燃油喷射(CIU)系统。 各种传感器检测发动机工况FE2 GK(发动机转速、加速踏板位置、冷却液温度等),ECU对喷油量、喷油正时和燃油喷射压力进行全面控制,使发动机在工况下工作。需要品质小松配件的,ECU具有自诊断功能00000