1T T
1try to touch all in the sky try to love snow white u fade my hand grow snow away change my life they are love think so touch our soul touch our skin in the night i can say goodbye at a middle night i fly you can back then after trying say in the underahole cos you and I try to touch all in the sky try to love snow white u fade my hand grow snow away change my life they are love thinkso touch our soul touch our skin in the night i can say goodbye at a middle night i fly you can back then after trying say in the underahole cos you and I
0I can your danger soul think so you'll say hello breaking find you go break down you by below and you down think think so you freaking down say Hi to send you go break down by blow and you think to go you don't know I love you so breaking down you find you go I can down to soul and you the resent soul don't feake just danger soul breaking the find you go break down you by blow and you think to go you don't know I love you so break down you try to go I can down to soul you don't know you try to go you don't know I love you so I can song you try to go I can down to soul
0Break be my soul, stay be your soul, shall we know its my soul i control. It does knowing shall we really, It doesn't sorry my soul i control. Baby i love u so, Baby i miss u so much,baby. I can't find u, shall we? I can mama your soul, I can give the story know, I am sorry. Kissing now you and me. Break be my soul, stay be your soul, shall we know its my soul i control. It does knowing shall we really, It doesn't sorry my soul i control. Baby i love u so, Baby i miss u so much,baby. I can't find u, shall we? I can mama your soul,&nbs
1我喊你很多声了 哈哈哈
34转自豆瓣 彭坦 春晓:爱情来了 后记: 得知彭坦和春晓“好了”,我很惊讶,想了想,又在情理之中,两个在感情上都是纯净的人。 然而采访这一对恋人,却出现了一次小小的“事故”。非常戏剧化的,几乎是前所未遇。 下午两点,他俩一起来到摄影棚。春晓还是春晓,古灵精怪,一进来就直奔化妆间。彭坦看起来有些精神不振,一个人在角落里抽烟。 &
35个人对这把没啥感觉- =
0娜娜 我也要去!
1今天收到了你寄来的明信片 谢谢你 我亲爱的娜娜
0好久不见 我肚子又饿了
2可能遭遇了信任危机 变得有些烦恼 人品稍微爆发了一会儿 有一些失常 很久不曾这样了 感觉很糟糕呢 好像变得比以前更敏感了 多么不好啊 我会让自己陷入困境的 我的娜娜 如果世界能够消失的话 不计一切代价 我都想做到
4ー绀碧(こんぺき)の海(うみ)に 浮(う)かんだ君(きみ)にー 生(い)きてることから 目盖(まぶた)を闭(と)じる ゆっくりと吐(は)いた 命(いのち)は白(しろ)い 冻(い)てつく心(こころ)に 谁(だれ)も触(ふ)れない ー绀碧(こんぺき)の海(うみ)に 愿(ねが)った君(きみ)にー 弱(よわ)いままの君(きみ) 君(きみ)は君(きみ)でいい 响(ひび)くかな?君(きみ)へ 锖(さ)びてる声(こえ)が 言叶(ことば)に出来(でき)ない 今(いま)を触(ふ)れていたい 明日(
2一种油然而生的优越感~~ 哦嚎嚎~~
3哦嚎嚎 很花心的一男的非得把自己说成一中等新好男人 说自己对那女的做得已经很不错了 但是我觉得他能回那女的留言就说明了这男的相当没素质 特别是回成了为自己洗刷冤情的感觉 真是失策啊
3亲爱的卡夫,你倾倒了城池来博我这平顺一生的喜,你拱手了河山来讨我这琐碎岁月的欢,我将永远永远都不敢叫你失望。 让我拱手河山讨你欢 好猖狂啊
1我的朋友刚才打电话给我 她记得我的生日!! 娜娜娜娜!!!