1one, two, three, four ,five, once i caught the fish alive, six, seven, eight,nine, ten, then i let it go agian. why did you let it go? becase it bit my finger so. which finger did it bite? the little finger on the right. -------The End.
0经核实吧主Lacey_kui 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 英文儿歌吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
01和其他版本的歌词一样,只是曲风偏神秘。1我的英文不好,想让宝贝好好学,之前看了一个表情的动画儿子很喜欢,HAPPY、ANGRY什么的都有,几个小人很好玩,儿子以前在叽里呱啦上看过,现在找不到了,请问有知道歌名的吗?谢谢 !9一楼百度1Driving Around in My Little Car - The Kiboomers0女:Skinnamarink e-dink e-dink Skinnamarink e-doo I love you. Skinnamarink e-dink e-dink Skinnamarink e-doo I love you. I love you in the morning and in the afternoon. I love you in the evening underneath the moon. Skinnamarink e-dink e-dink Skinnamarink e-doo I love you. 男:Skinnamarink e-dink e-dink Skinnamarink e-doo I love you,yes i do. Skinnamarink e-dink e-dink Skinnamarink e-doo I love you. I love you in the morning and in the afternoon. I love you in the evening underneath the moon. Oh, Skinnamarink e-dink e-dink Skinnamarink e-doo I love you. I love you. I love you. ---THE END.2今天听到这首儿歌好喜欢,但是百度搜了好久都没搜到我听到的这个版本的歌词,好伤心,然后自己听,自己把歌词写了出来....不知道准不准,还有个别听不出来,有人可以帮忙完善下吗?我要唱给我儿子听。 I'll sing you one oh green grow the rushes oh, what is the one oh? one is one and all alone and evermore shall it be so. I'll sing you two oh green grow the rushes oh, what are the two oh? Two,two little green frogs jumping over the big round log. one is one and all alone and evermore shall it be so. I'll sin0babybye0求大神们帮帮忙!最好是抒情版的,感激不尽!16想听乖乖的英文儿歌,知道哪里有得下载吗?0《小星星》源自英国传统儿歌《Twinkle Twinkle Little Star》。保留了原曲浪漫和幻想的主题,以及六个四分音符加一个二分音符为一段的简明旋律。 该曲的原版取材于 JaneTaylor的布画儿童图册《Twinkle Twinkle Little Star》。原书的故事为一个天上的小星星带领凝望星空的女孩遨游太空的美丽故事。该曲就是在此基础上改编而来的。因旋律简单明快,英文歌词童真雅致,朗朗上口,而成为世界范围内广为流传的英国儿歌。传入中国后,作词者重写歌词,成为4http://flash61.com/flash/2/ 我看到最好看的英文儿歌都在这里了5我很喜欢一首英文儿歌,但忘记名字是什么了,只记得有一句歌词是:me,a name i call myself 有谁知道,请告诉我.0英文歌随意,经典的最好0希望该吧能红火,1给孩子下载几首儿歌都没有,能否更新一下?5在那儿可以下载英文儿歌3跪求一首歌曲,英文歌曲是童歌S开头的和 shopping是同音但是就是找不到啊2虽然本吧只有4位会员,虽然我只是实习吧主,但是我会努力 ,建立好本吧,希望大家支持!!!0if you happy and you know it show your voise! if you happy and you know it show your voise! if you happy and you know it then you really want to show it if you happy and you know it show your voise!4www.dddao.com