95111【1】 与黑眼豆豆 Josh澄清传言“他一直试图劝说Fergie离开黑眼豆豆,因为will一直影响fergie做自己的决定;而will坚持等fergie出完个人专辑后,推出黑眼豆豆的新砖”;“Josh相信,fergie比现在在榜上的所有女艺人加起来都更有才华”。Josh在推特上表示他从来没有说过这些话。 【2】 日常 1月17号Fergie和老公观看老鹰乐队的演唱会。 Mario Lopez, Ringo Starr, Chelsea Handler和Tom Hanks也去了。 之前她还去了Slash的party。 【3】 化妆品 Fergie表示对化妆品非常感冒,她和21182152747老大新单Feeling Myself,邀请了麦粒Miley Cyrus, 辣子鸡Wiz Khalifa ,French Montana 四个人啊,麦粒就相当于飞机,至于两个说唱歌手嘛,,,,,,你懂的,,,, 新单很好听,,一直在单曲循环中,,,呵呵呵 【下载】http://pan.baidu.com/s/13l7CT@doctor_GX@白蒲英 @草莓berry141219[转帖]Black Eyed Peas-《6CD》合集[iT36222 Chainz Ft.Fergie – Netflix (Prod.Diplo).mp3_[威盘下载]http://t.cn/z8AhwG0 [视频]http://t.cn/z8ZjS1I @doctor_GX 过来顶顶! @Josette·柒葬 我要申精!86Fergie had another baby shower at 10th. The party was hosted by her family and also celebrated pregnant Bridgette Hardonk, Ferg’s cousin. In high heels and wearing a minidress, a happy Fergie posed alongside her fellow Black Eyed Peas bandmates, will.i.am and apl.de.ap. “#UncleLove will.i.am & Apl.de.Ap. Miss you Taboo.” – she wrote in a photo caption posted on Instagram. The color blue was the theme of the party, because just like Fergie, Bridgette is expecting a boy. This was the second baby shower for the expectant mother – the first was celebrated on July 28 in Beverly Hills,17http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTkyNjI3MjYw.html,33就爱看这些东西,了解一下各位吧友咯~ 找到趣味相投的就嫁(娶)了吧,哈哈18这个应该没有人发吧?前奏有点长,吧友要有点耐心!@doctor_GX 在这个吧里就认识你了,来顶我一下吧!http://t.cn/zQc1me5 密码xusu162012http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XNTcxMzY4NDYw/v.swf389131667